diff --git a/tests/data/slapd-limits.conf b/tests/data/slapd-limits.conf
index 9be0262b89dda8d2dc69d86bca20da6fd7120ae5..a21b39f6b8e84eef296ab35837f489566d709ac2 100644
--- a/tests/data/slapd-limits.conf
+++ b/tests/data/slapd-limits.conf
@@ -40,6 +40,11 @@ rootpw		secret
 #bdb#index		objectClass eq
 #bdb#index		uid eq
+#bdb#limits	dn.exact="cn=Unlimited User,ou=Paged Results Users,o=University of Michigan,c=US" size=4 size.pr=none
+#bdb#limits	dn.exact="cn=Page Size Limited User,ou=Paged Results Users,o=University of Michigan,c=US" size=4 size.pr=4
+#bdb#limits	dn.exact="cn=Paged Results Disabled User,ou=Paged Results Users,o=University of Michigan,c=US" size=4 size.prtotal=disabled
+#bdb#limits	dn.exact="cn=Paged Results Limited User,ou=Paged Results Users,o=University of Michigan,c=US" size=4 size.prtotal=10
 limits	dn.exact="cn=Unlimited User,ou=People,o=University of Michigan,c=US" size=none time=none
 limits	dn.exact="cn=Soft Limited User,ou=People,o=University of Michigan,c=US" size.soft=4 size.hard=none
 limits	dn.exact="cn=Hard Limited User,ou=People,o=University of Michigan,c=US" size.soft=4 size.hard=8
diff --git a/tests/data/test-limits.ldif b/tests/data/test-limits.ldif
index feacebbb5972b0cd25b7fe19d4920da0c1d1f3c3..330e2273edba45e735e896b04a0ac1da082476ab 100644
--- a/tests/data/test-limits.ldif
+++ b/tests/data/test-limits.ldif
@@ -105,3 +105,35 @@ sn: User
 uid: special
 userpassword:: c2VjcmV0
+dn: ou=Paged Results Users,o=University of Michigan,c=US
+objectclass: organizationalUnit
+ou: Paged Results Users
+dn: cn=Unlimited User,ou=Paged Results Users,o=University of Michigan,c=US
+objectclass: OpenLDAPperson
+cn: Unlimited User
+sn: User
+uid: unlimited
+userpassword:: c2VjcmV0
+dn: cn=Page Size Limited User,ou=Paged Results Users,o=University of Michigan,c=US
+objectclass: OpenLDAPperson
+cn: Page Size Limited User
+sn: User
+uid: pagesizelimited
+userpassword:: c2VjcmV0
+dn: cn=Paged Results Disabled User,ou=Paged Results Users,o=University of Michigan,c=US
+objectclass: OpenLDAPperson
+cn: Paged Results Disabled User
+sn: User
+uid: pagedresultsdisabled
+userpassword:: c2VjcmV0
+dn: cn=Paged Results Limited User,ou=Paged Results Users,o=University of Michigan,c=US
+objectclass: OpenLDAPperson
+cn: Paged Results Limited User
+sn: User
+uid: pagedresultslimited
+userpassword:: c2VjcmV0
diff --git a/tests/scripts/test025-limits b/tests/scripts/test025-limits
index abfdd2bac60f1b6de0eb90fbb95a8ea8dd4842a8..607cab5bd14b347f3c7d5765e3596ced71e9b55e 100755
--- a/tests/scripts/test025-limits
+++ b/tests/scripts/test025-limits
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ case $RC in
 		echo "...bumped into requested ($SIZELIMIT) size limit"
-		echo "...bumped into server-side size limit"
+		echo "...bumped into server-side hard size administrative limit"
 		echo "ldapsearch failed ($RC)!"
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ case $RC in
 		echo "...success; didn't bump into server-side unchecked limit (got $COUNT entries)"
-		echo "...bumped into server-side unchecked limit"
+		echo "...bumped into unchecked administrative limit"
 		echo "ldapsearch failed ($RC)!"
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ case $RC in
 		echo "...success; didn't bump into server-side unchecked limit (got $COUNT entries)"
-		echo "...bumped into server-side unchecked limit"
+		echo "...bumped into unchecked administrative limit"
 		echo "ldapsearch failed ($RC)!"
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ case $RC in
-echo "Testing higher than unchecked limit requested for unchecked limited group..."
+echo "Testing no limits requested for unchecked limited group..."
 $LDAPRSEARCH -S "" -b "$BASEDN" -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT1 -w secret \
 	-D 'cn=Unchecked Limited User 2,ou=People,o=University of Michigan,c=US' \
 	'(objectClass=*)' > $SEARCHOUT 2>&1
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ case $RC in
 		echo "...success; didn't bump into server-side unchecked limit (got $COUNT entries)"
-		echo "...bumped into server-side unchecked limit"
+		echo "...bumped into unchecked administrative limit"
 		echo "ldapsearch failed ($RC)!"
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ case $RC in
-echo "Testing higher than unchecked limit requested for unchecked limited regex..."
+echo "Testing no limits requested for limited regex..."
 $LDAPRSEARCH -S "" -b "$BASEDN" -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT1 -w secret \
 	-D 'cn=Foo User,ou=People,o=University of Michigan,c=US' \
 	'(objectClass=*)' > $SEARCHOUT 2>&1
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ case $RC in
-echo "Testing higher than unchecked limit requested for unchecked limited onelevel..."
+echo "Testing no limits requested for limited onelevel..."
 $LDAPRSEARCH -S "" -b "$BASEDN" -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT1 -w secret \
 	-D 'cn=Bar User,ou=People,o=University of Michigan,c=US' \
 	'(objectClass=*)' > $SEARCHOUT 2>&1
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ case $RC in
-echo "Testing higher than unchecked limit requested for unchecked limited children..."
+echo "Testing no limit requested for limited children..."
 $LDAPRSEARCH -S "" -b "$BASEDN" -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT1 -w secret \
 	-D 'cn=Unchecked Limited Users,ou=Groups,o=University of Michigan,c=US' \
 	'(objectClass=*)' > $SEARCHOUT 2>&1
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ case $RC in
-echo "Testing higher than unchecked limit requested for unchecked limited subtree..."
+echo "Testing no limit requested for limited subtree..."
 $LDAPRSEARCH -S "" -b "$BASEDN" -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT1 -w secret \
 	-D 'cn=Unchecked Limited User 3,ou=Admin,o=University of Michigan,c=US' \
 	'(objectClass=*)' > $SEARCHOUT 2>&1
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ case $RC in
-echo "Testing higher than unchecked limit requested for unchecked limited users..."
+echo "Testing no limit requested for limited users..."
 $LDAPRSEARCH -S "" -b "$BASEDN" -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT1 -w secret \
 	-D 'cn=Special User,o=University of Michigan,c=US' \
 	'(objectClass=*)' > $SEARCHOUT 2>&1
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ case $RC in
-echo "Testing higher than unchecked limit requested for unchecked limited anonymous..."
+echo "Testing no limit requested for limited anonymous..."
 	'(objectClass=*)' > $SEARCHOUT 2>&1
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ case $RC in
 		echo "...bumped into requested ($SIZELIMIT) size limit"
-		echo "...bumped into server-side size limit"
+		echo "...bumped into hard size administrative limit"
 		echo "ldapsearch failed ($RC)!"
@@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ case $RC in
 		echo "...success; didn't bump into server-side unchecked limit (got $COUNT entries)"
-		echo "...bumped into server-side unchecked limit"
+		echo "...bumped into unchecked administrative limit"
 		echo "ldapsearch failed ($RC)!"
@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ case $RC in
 		echo "...success; didn't bump into server-side unchecked limit (got $COUNT entries)"
-		echo "...bumped into server-side unchecked limit"
+		echo "...bumped into unchecked administrative limit"
 		echo "ldapsearch failed ($RC)!"
@@ -717,10 +717,162 @@ case $RC in
-#echo ""
-#echo "Testing specific search limits with pagedResults control"
-#echo ""
+echo ""
+echo "Testing specific search limits with pagedResults control"
+echo ""
+echo "Testing no limit requested for unlimited page size ID..."
+$LDAPRSEARCH -S "" -b "$BASEDN" -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT1 -w secret \
+	-D 'cn=Unlimited User,ou=Paged Results Users,o=University of Michigan,c=US' \
+	-E '!pr='$PAGESIZE '(objectClass=*)' </dev/null > $SEARCHOUT 2>&1
+COUNT=`cat $SEARCHOUT | grep '^# numEntries:' | sed 's;[^0-9]\+\([0-9]\+\)$;\1;'`
+case $RC in
+	0)
+		echo "...success; didn't bump into server-side size limit (got $COUNT entries)"
+	;;
+	4)
+		echo "...bumped into server-side size limit ($COUNT)"
+	;;
+	*)
+		echo "ldapsearch failed ($RC)!"
+		test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS
+		exit $RC
+	;;
+echo "Testing no limit requested for limited page size ID..."
+$LDAPRSEARCH -S "" -b "$BASEDN" -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT1 -w secret \
+	-D 'cn=Page Size Limited User,ou=Paged Results Users,o=University of Michigan,c=US' \
+	-E '!pr='$PAGESIZE '(objectClass=*)' </dev/null > $SEARCHOUT 2>&1
+COUNT=`cat $SEARCHOUT | grep '^# numEntries:' | sed 's;[^0-9]\+\([0-9]\+\)$;\1;'`
+case $RC in
+	0)
+		echo "...success; didn't bump into server-side page size limit (got $COUNT entries)"
+	;;
+	4)
+		echo "...bumped into page size limit ($COUNT)"
+	;;
+	11)
+		echo "...bumped into page size administrative limit"
+	;;
+	*)
+		echo "ldapsearch failed ($RC)!"
+		test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS
+		exit $RC
+	;;
+echo "Testing no limit requested for pagedResults disabled ID..."
+$LDAPRSEARCH -S "" -b "$BASEDN" -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT1 -w secret \
+	-D 'cn=Paged Results Disabled User,ou=Paged Results Users,o=University of Michigan,c=US' \
+	-E '!pr='$PAGESIZE '(objectClass=*)' </dev/null > $SEARCHOUT 2>&1
+COUNT=`cat $SEARCHOUT | grep '^# numEntries:' | sed 's;[^0-9]\+\([0-9]\+\)$;\1;'`
+case $RC in
+	0)
+		echo "...success; didn't bump into server-side unchecked limit (got $COUNT entries)"
+	;;
+	4)
+		echo "...bumped into server-side size limit ($COUNT)"
+	;;
+	11)
+		echo "...bumped into pagedResults disabled administrative limit"
+	;;
+	*)
+		echo "ldapsearch failed ($RC)!"
+		test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS
+		exit $RC
+	;;
+echo "Testing no limit requested for pagedResults total count limited ID..."
+$LDAPRSEARCH -S "" -b "$BASEDN" -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT1 -w secret \
+	-D 'cn=Paged Results Limited User,ou=Paged Results Users,o=University of Michigan,c=US' \
+	-E '!pr='$PAGESIZE '(objectClass=*)' </dev/null > $SEARCHOUT 2>&1
+COUNT=`cat $SEARCHOUT | grep '^# numEntries:' | sed 's;[^0-9]\+\([0-9]\+\)$;\1;'`
+case $RC in
+	0)
+		echo "...success; didn't bump into server-side unchecked limit (got $COUNT entries)"
+	;;
+	4)
+		echo "...bumped into server-side size limit ($COUNT)"
+	;;
+	11)
+		echo "...bumped into pagedResults total count administrative limit"
+	;;
+	*)
+		echo "ldapsearch failed ($RC)!"
+		test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS
+		exit $RC
+	;;
+echo "Testing higher than hard but lower then total count limit requested for pagedResults total count limited ID..."
+$LDAPRSEARCH -S "" -b "$BASEDN" -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT1 -w secret \
+	-D 'cn=Paged Results Limited User,ou=Paged Results Users,o=University of Michigan,c=US' \
+	-z $SIZELIMIT -E '!pr='$PAGESIZE '(objectClass=*)' </dev/null > $SEARCHOUT 2>&1
+COUNT=`cat $SEARCHOUT | grep '^# numEntries:' | sed 's;[^0-9]\+\([0-9]\+\)$;\1;'`
+case $RC in
+	0)
+		echo "...success; didn't bump into either requested ($SIZELIMIT) or server-side unchecked limit (got $COUNT entries)"
+	;;
+	4)
+		if test "x$COUNT" != "x" ; then
+			if test $SIZELIMIT = $COUNT ; then
+				echo "...bumped into requested ($SIZELIMIT) size limit"
+			else
+				echo "...bumped into server-side size limit ($COUNT)"
+			fi
+		else
+			echo "...bumped into either requested ($SIZELIMIT) or server-side size limit"
+		fi
+	;;
+	11)
+		echo "...bumped into either hard size or pagedResults total count administrative limit"
+	;;
+	*)
+		echo "ldapsearch failed ($RC)!"
+		test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS
+		exit $RC
+	;;
+echo "Testing higher than total count limit requested for pagedResults total count limited ID..."
+$LDAPRSEARCH -S "" -b "$BASEDN" -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT1 -w secret \
+	-D 'cn=Paged Results Limited User,ou=Paged Results Users,o=University of Michigan,c=US' \
+	-z $SIZELIMIT -E '!pr='$PAGESIZE '(objectClass=*)' </dev/null > $SEARCHOUT 2>&1
+COUNT=`cat $SEARCHOUT | grep '^# numEntries:' | sed 's;[^0-9]\+\([0-9]\+\)$;\1;'`
+case $RC in
+	0)
+		echo "...success; didn't bump into either requested ($SIZELIMIT) or server-side unchecked limit (got $COUNT entries)"
+	;;
+	4)
+		if test "x$COUNT" != "x" ; then
+			if test $SIZELIMIT = $COUNT ; then
+				echo "...bumped into requested ($SIZELIMIT) size limit"
+			else
+				echo "...bumped into server-side size limit ($COUNT)"
+			fi
+		else
+			echo "...bumped into either requested ($SIZELIMIT) or server-side size limit"
+		fi
+	;;
+	11)
+		echo "...bumped into pagedResults total count administrative limit"
+	;;
+	*)
+		echo "ldapsearch failed ($RC)!"
+		test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS
+		exit $RC
+	;;
 test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS