/* schema_check.c - routines to enforce schema definitions */ /* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>. * * Copyright 1998-2011 The OpenLDAP Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP * Public License. * * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at * <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>. */ #include "portable.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <ac/ctype.h> #include <ac/string.h> #include <ac/socket.h> #include "slap.h" static char * oc_check_required( Entry *e, ObjectClass *oc, struct berval *ocname ); static int entry_naming_check( Entry *e, int manage, int add_naming, const char** text, char *textbuf, size_t textlen ); /* * entry_schema_check - check that entry e conforms to the schema required * by its object class(es). * * returns 0 if so, non-zero otherwise. */ int entry_schema_check( Operation *op, Entry *e, Attribute *oldattrs, int manage, int add, Attribute **socp, const char** text, char *textbuf, size_t textlen ) { Attribute *a, *asc = NULL, *aoc = NULL; ObjectClass *sc, *oc, **socs = NULL; AttributeType *at; ContentRule *cr; int rc, i; AttributeDescription *ad_structuralObjectClass = slap_schema.si_ad_structuralObjectClass; AttributeDescription *ad_objectClass = slap_schema.si_ad_objectClass; int extensible = 0; int subentry = is_entry_subentry( e ); int collectiveSubentry = 0; if ( SLAP_NO_SCHEMA_CHECK( op->o_bd )) { return LDAP_SUCCESS; } if ( get_no_schema_check( op ) ) { return LDAP_SUCCESS; } if( subentry ) { collectiveSubentry = is_entry_collectiveAttributeSubentry( e ); } *text = textbuf; /* misc attribute checks */ for ( a = e->e_attrs; a != NULL; a = a->a_next ) { const char *type = a->a_desc->ad_cname.bv_val; /* there should be at least one value */ assert( a->a_vals != NULL ); assert( a->a_vals[0].bv_val != NULL ); if( a->a_desc->ad_type->sat_check ) { rc = (a->a_desc->ad_type->sat_check)( op->o_bd, e, a, text, textbuf, textlen ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { return rc; } } if( a->a_desc == ad_structuralObjectClass ) asc = a; else if ( a->a_desc == ad_objectClass ) aoc = a; if( !collectiveSubentry && is_at_collective( a->a_desc->ad_type ) ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "'%s' can only appear in collectiveAttributeSubentry", type ); return LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION; } /* if single value type, check for multiple values */ if( is_at_single_value( a->a_desc->ad_type ) && a->a_vals[1].bv_val != NULL ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "attribute '%s' cannot have multiple values", type ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Entry (%s), %s\n", e->e_dn, textbuf, 0 ); return LDAP_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION; } } /* check the object class attribute */ if ( aoc == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "No objectClass for entry (%s)\n", e->e_dn, 0, 0 ); *text = "no objectClass attribute"; return LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION; } assert( aoc->a_vals != NULL ); assert( aoc->a_vals[0].bv_val != NULL ); /* check the structural object class attribute */ if ( asc == NULL && !add ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "No structuralObjectClass for entry (%s)\n", e->e_dn, 0, 0 ); *text = "no structuralObjectClass operational attribute"; return LDAP_OTHER; } rc = structural_class( aoc->a_vals, &oc, &socs, text, textbuf, textlen, op->o_tmpmemctx ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { return rc; } if ( asc == NULL && add ) { attr_merge_one( e, ad_structuralObjectClass, &oc->soc_cname, NULL ); asc = attr_find( e->e_attrs, ad_structuralObjectClass ); sc = oc; goto got_soc; } assert( asc->a_vals != NULL ); assert( asc->a_vals[0].bv_val != NULL ); assert( asc->a_vals[1].bv_val == NULL ); sc = oc_bvfind( &asc->a_vals[0] ); if( sc == NULL ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "unrecognized structuralObjectClass '%s'", asc->a_vals[0].bv_val ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "entry_check_schema(%s): %s\n", e->e_dn, textbuf, 0 ); rc = LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION; goto done; } if( sc->soc_kind != LDAP_SCHEMA_STRUCTURAL ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "structuralObjectClass '%s' is not STRUCTURAL", asc->a_vals[0].bv_val ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "entry_check_schema(%s): %s\n", e->e_dn, textbuf, 0 ); rc = LDAP_OTHER; goto done; } got_soc: if( !manage && sc->soc_obsolete ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "structuralObjectClass '%s' is OBSOLETE", asc->a_vals[0].bv_val ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "entry_check_schema(%s): %s\n", e->e_dn, textbuf, 0 ); rc = LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION; goto done; } *text = textbuf; if ( oc == NULL ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "unrecognized objectClass '%s'", aoc->a_vals[0].bv_val ); rc = LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION; goto done; } else if ( sc != oc ) { if ( !manage && sc != slap_schema.si_oc_glue ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "structural object class modification " "from '%s' to '%s' not allowed", asc->a_vals[0].bv_val, oc->soc_cname.bv_val ); rc = LDAP_NO_OBJECT_CLASS_MODS; goto done; } assert( asc->a_vals != NULL ); assert( !BER_BVISNULL( &asc->a_vals[0] ) ); assert( BER_BVISNULL( &asc->a_vals[1] ) ); assert( asc->a_nvals == asc->a_vals ); /* draft-zeilenga-ldap-relax: automatically modify * structuralObjectClass if changed with relax */ sc = oc; ber_bvreplace( &asc->a_vals[ 0 ], &sc->soc_cname ); if ( socp ) { *socp = asc; } } /* naming check */ if ( !is_entry_glue ( e ) ) { rc = entry_naming_check( e, manage, add, text, textbuf, textlen ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { goto done; } } else { /* Glue Entry */ } /* find the content rule for the structural class */ cr = cr_find( sc->soc_oid ); /* the cr must be same as the structural class */ assert( !cr || !strcmp( cr->scr_oid, sc->soc_oid ) ); /* check that the entry has required attrs of the content rule */ if( cr ) { if( !manage && cr->scr_obsolete ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "content rule '%s' is obsolete", ldap_contentrule2name( &cr->scr_crule )); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Entry (%s): %s\n", e->e_dn, textbuf, 0 ); rc = LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION; goto done; } if( cr->scr_required ) for( i=0; cr->scr_required[i]; i++ ) { at = cr->scr_required[i]; for ( a = e->e_attrs; a != NULL; a = a->a_next ) { if( a->a_desc->ad_type == at ) { break; } } /* not there => schema violation */ if ( a == NULL ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "content rule '%s' requires attribute '%s'", ldap_contentrule2name( &cr->scr_crule ), at->sat_cname.bv_val ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Entry (%s): %s\n", e->e_dn, textbuf, 0 ); rc = LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION; goto done; } } if( cr->scr_precluded ) for( i=0; cr->scr_precluded[i]; i++ ) { at = cr->scr_precluded[i]; for ( a = e->e_attrs; a != NULL; a = a->a_next ) { if( a->a_desc->ad_type == at ) { break; } } /* there => schema violation */ if ( a != NULL ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "content rule '%s' precluded attribute '%s'", ldap_contentrule2name( &cr->scr_crule ), at->sat_cname.bv_val ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Entry (%s): %s\n", e->e_dn, textbuf, 0 ); rc = LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION; goto done; } } } /* check that the entry has required attrs for each oc */ for ( i = 0; socs[i]; i++ ) { oc = socs[i]; if ( !manage && oc->soc_obsolete ) { /* disallow obsolete classes */ snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "objectClass '%s' is OBSOLETE", aoc->a_vals[i].bv_val ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "entry_check_schema(%s): %s\n", e->e_dn, textbuf, 0 ); rc = LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION; goto done; } if ( oc->soc_check ) { rc = (oc->soc_check)( op->o_bd, e, oc, text, textbuf, textlen ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { goto done; } } if ( oc->soc_kind == LDAP_SCHEMA_ABSTRACT ) { /* object class is abstract */ if ( oc != slap_schema.si_oc_top && !is_object_subclass( oc, sc )) { int j; ObjectClass *xc = NULL; for( j=0; socs[j]; j++ ) { if( i != j ) { xc = socs[j]; /* since we previous check against the * structural object of this entry, the * abstract class must be a (direct or indirect) * superclass of one of the auxiliary classes of * the entry. */ if ( xc->soc_kind == LDAP_SCHEMA_AUXILIARY && is_object_subclass( oc, xc ) ) { xc = NULL; break; } } } if( xc != NULL ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "instantiation of " "abstract objectClass '%s' not allowed", aoc->a_vals[i].bv_val ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "entry_check_schema(%s): %s\n", e->e_dn, textbuf, 0 ); rc = LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION; goto done; } } } else if ( oc->soc_kind != LDAP_SCHEMA_STRUCTURAL || oc == sc ) { char *s; if( oc->soc_kind == LDAP_SCHEMA_AUXILIARY ) { int k; if( cr ) { int j; k = -1; if( cr->scr_auxiliaries ) { for( j = 0; cr->scr_auxiliaries[j]; j++ ) { if( cr->scr_auxiliaries[j] == oc ) { k = 0; break; } } } if ( k ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "class '%s' not allowed by content rule '%s'", oc->soc_cname.bv_val, ldap_contentrule2name( &cr->scr_crule ) ); } } else if ( global_disallows & SLAP_DISALLOW_AUX_WO_CR ) { k = -1; snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "class '%s' not allowed by any content rule", oc->soc_cname.bv_val ); } else { k = 0; } if( k == -1 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Entry (%s): %s\n", e->e_dn, textbuf, 0 ); rc = LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION; goto done; } } s = oc_check_required( e, oc, &aoc->a_vals[i] ); if (s != NULL) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "object class '%s' requires attribute '%s'", aoc->a_vals[i].bv_val, s ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Entry (%s): %s\n", e->e_dn, textbuf, 0 ); rc = LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION; goto done; } if( oc == slap_schema.si_oc_extensibleObject ) { extensible=1; } } } if( extensible ) { *text = NULL; rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; goto done; } /* check that each attr in the entry is allowed by some oc */ for ( a = e->e_attrs; a != NULL; a = a->a_next ) { rc = LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION; if( cr && cr->scr_required ) { for( i=0; cr->scr_required[i]; i++ ) { if( cr->scr_required[i] == a->a_desc->ad_type ) { rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; break; } } } if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS && cr && cr->scr_allowed ) { for( i=0; cr->scr_allowed[i]; i++ ) { if( cr->scr_allowed[i] == a->a_desc->ad_type ) { rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; break; } } } if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { rc = oc_check_allowed( a->a_desc->ad_type, socs, sc ); } if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { char *type = a->a_desc->ad_cname.bv_val; snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "attribute '%s' not allowed", type ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Entry (%s), %s\n", e->e_dn, textbuf, 0 ); goto done; } } *text = NULL; done: slap_sl_free( socs, op->o_tmpmemctx ); return rc; } static char * oc_check_required( Entry *e, ObjectClass *oc, struct berval *ocname ) { AttributeType *at; int i; Attribute *a; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "oc_check_required entry (%s), objectClass \"%s\"\n", e->e_dn, ocname->bv_val, 0 ); /* check for empty oc_required */ if(oc->soc_required == NULL) { return NULL; } /* for each required attribute */ for ( i = 0; oc->soc_required[i] != NULL; i++ ) { at = oc->soc_required[i]; /* see if it's in the entry */ for ( a = e->e_attrs; a != NULL; a = a->a_next ) { if( a->a_desc->ad_type == at ) { break; } } /* not there => schema violation */ if ( a == NULL ) { return at->sat_cname.bv_val; } } return( NULL ); } int oc_check_allowed( AttributeType *at, ObjectClass **socs, ObjectClass *sc ) { int i, j; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "oc_check_allowed type \"%s\"\n", at->sat_cname.bv_val, 0, 0 ); /* always allow objectClass attribute */ if ( strcasecmp( at->sat_cname.bv_val, "objectClass" ) == 0 ) { return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * All operational attributions are allowed by schema rules. */ if( is_at_operational(at) ) { return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* check to see if its allowed by the structuralObjectClass */ if( sc ) { /* does it require the type? */ for ( j = 0; sc->soc_required != NULL && sc->soc_required[j] != NULL; j++ ) { if( at == sc->soc_required[j] ) { return LDAP_SUCCESS; } } /* does it allow the type? */ for ( j = 0; sc->soc_allowed != NULL && sc->soc_allowed[j] != NULL; j++ ) { if( at == sc->soc_allowed[j] ) { return LDAP_SUCCESS; } } } /* check that the type appears as req or opt in at least one oc */ for ( i = 0; socs[i]; i++ ) { /* if we know about the oc */ ObjectClass *oc = socs[i]; /* extensibleObject allows all */ if ( oc == slap_schema.si_oc_extensibleObject ) { return LDAP_SUCCESS; } if ( oc != NULL && oc->soc_kind != LDAP_SCHEMA_ABSTRACT && ( sc == NULL || oc->soc_kind == LDAP_SCHEMA_AUXILIARY )) { /* does it require the type? */ for ( j = 0; oc->soc_required != NULL && oc->soc_required[j] != NULL; j++ ) { if( at == oc->soc_required[j] ) { return LDAP_SUCCESS; } } /* does it allow the type? */ for ( j = 0; oc->soc_allowed != NULL && oc->soc_allowed[j] != NULL; j++ ) { if( at == oc->soc_allowed[j] ) { return LDAP_SUCCESS; } } } } /* not allowed by any oc */ return LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION; } /* * Determine the structural object class from a set of OIDs */ int structural_class( BerVarray ocs, ObjectClass **scp, ObjectClass ***socsp, const char **text, char *textbuf, size_t textlen, void *ctx ) { int i, nocs; ObjectClass *oc, **socs; ObjectClass *sc = NULL; int scn = -1; *text = "structural_class: internal error"; /* count them */ for( i=0; ocs[i].bv_val; i++ ) ; nocs = i; socs = slap_sl_malloc( (nocs+1) * sizeof(ObjectClass *), ctx ); for( i=0; ocs[i].bv_val; i++ ) { socs[i] = oc_bvfind( &ocs[i] ); if( socs[i] == NULL ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "unrecognized objectClass '%s'", ocs[i].bv_val ); *text = textbuf; goto fail; } } socs[i] = NULL; for( i=0; ocs[i].bv_val; i++ ) { oc = socs[i]; if( oc->soc_kind == LDAP_SCHEMA_STRUCTURAL ) { if( sc == NULL || is_object_subclass( sc, oc ) ) { sc = oc; scn = i; } else if ( !is_object_subclass( oc, sc ) ) { int j; ObjectClass *xc = NULL; /* find common superior */ for( j=i+1; ocs[j].bv_val; j++ ) { xc = socs[j]; if( xc == NULL ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "unrecognized objectClass '%s'", ocs[j].bv_val ); *text = textbuf; goto fail; } if( xc->soc_kind != LDAP_SCHEMA_STRUCTURAL ) { xc = NULL; continue; } if( is_object_subclass( sc, xc ) && is_object_subclass( oc, xc ) ) { /* found common subclass */ break; } xc = NULL; } if( xc == NULL ) { /* no common subclass */ snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "invalid structural object class chain (%s/%s)", ocs[scn].bv_val, ocs[i].bv_val ); *text = textbuf; goto fail; } } } } if( scp ) { *scp = sc; } if( sc == NULL ) { *text = "no structural object class provided"; goto fail; } if( scn < 0 ) { *text = "invalid structural object class"; goto fail; } if ( socsp ) { *socsp = socs; } else { slap_sl_free( socs, ctx ); } *text = NULL; return LDAP_SUCCESS; fail: slap_sl_free( socs, ctx ); return LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION; } /* * Return structural object class from list of modifications */ int mods_structural_class( Modifications *mods, struct berval *sc, const char **text, char *textbuf, size_t textlen, void *ctx ) { Modifications *ocmod = NULL; ObjectClass *ssc; int rc; for( ; mods != NULL; mods = mods->sml_next ) { if( mods->sml_desc == slap_schema.si_ad_objectClass ) { if( ocmod != NULL ) { *text = "entry has multiple objectClass attributes"; return LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION; } ocmod = mods; } } if( ocmod == NULL ) { *text = "entry has no objectClass attribute"; return LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION; } if( ocmod->sml_values == NULL || ocmod->sml_values[0].bv_val == NULL ) { *text = "objectClass attribute has no values"; return LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION; } rc = structural_class( ocmod->sml_values, &ssc, NULL, text, textbuf, textlen, ctx ); if ( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS ) *sc = ssc->soc_cname; return rc; } static int entry_naming_check( Entry *e, int manage, int add_naming, const char** text, char *textbuf, size_t textlen ) { /* naming check */ LDAPRDN rdn = NULL; const char *p = NULL; ber_len_t cnt; int rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; if ( BER_BVISEMPTY( &e->e_name )) { return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Get attribute type(s) and attribute value(s) of our RDN */ if ( ldap_bv2rdn( &e->e_name, &rdn, (char **)&p, LDAP_DN_FORMAT_LDAP ) ) { *text = "unrecognized attribute type(s) in RDN"; return LDAP_INVALID_DN_SYNTAX; } /* Check that each AVA of the RDN is present in the entry */ /* FIXME: Should also check that each AVA lists a distinct type */ for ( cnt = 0; rdn[cnt]; cnt++ ) { LDAPAVA *ava = rdn[cnt]; AttributeDescription *desc = NULL; Attribute *attr; const char *errtext; int add = 0; if( ava->la_flags & LDAP_AVA_BINARY ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "value of naming attribute '%s' in unsupported BER form", ava->la_attr.bv_val ); rc = LDAP_NAMING_VIOLATION; } rc = slap_bv2ad( &ava->la_attr, &desc, &errtext ); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "%s (in RDN)", errtext ); break; } if( desc->ad_type->sat_usage ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "naming attribute '%s' is operational", ava->la_attr.bv_val ); rc = LDAP_NAMING_VIOLATION; break; } if( desc->ad_type->sat_collective ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "naming attribute '%s' is collective", ava->la_attr.bv_val ); rc = LDAP_NAMING_VIOLATION; break; } if( !manage && desc->ad_type->sat_obsolete ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "naming attribute '%s' is obsolete", ava->la_attr.bv_val ); rc = LDAP_NAMING_VIOLATION; break; } if( !desc->ad_type->sat_equality ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "naming attribute '%s' has no equality matching rule", ava->la_attr.bv_val ); rc = LDAP_NAMING_VIOLATION; break; } if( !desc->ad_type->sat_equality->smr_match ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "naming attribute '%s' has unsupported equality matching rule", ava->la_attr.bv_val ); rc = LDAP_NAMING_VIOLATION; break; } /* find the naming attribute */ attr = attr_find( e->e_attrs, desc ); if ( attr == NULL ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "naming attribute '%s' is not present in entry", ava->la_attr.bv_val ); if ( add_naming ) { add = 1; } else { rc = LDAP_NAMING_VIOLATION; } } else { rc = attr_valfind( attr, SLAP_MR_VALUE_OF_ASSERTION_SYNTAX| SLAP_MR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NORMALIZED_MATCH, &ava->la_value, NULL, NULL ); if ( rc != 0 ) { switch( rc ) { case LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING: snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "inappropriate matching for naming attribute '%s'", ava->la_attr.bv_val ); break; case LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX: snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "value of naming attribute '%s' is invalid", ava->la_attr.bv_val ); break; case LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE: if ( add_naming ) { if ( is_at_single_value( desc->ad_type ) ) { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "value of single-valued naming attribute '%s' conflicts with value present in entry", ava->la_attr.bv_val ); } else { add = 1; rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; } } else { snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "value of naming attribute '%s' is not present in entry", ava->la_attr.bv_val ); } break; default: snprintf( textbuf, textlen, "naming attribute '%s' is inappropriate", ava->la_attr.bv_val ); } if ( !add ) { rc = LDAP_NAMING_VIOLATION; } } } if ( add ) { attr_merge_normalize_one( e, desc, &ava->la_value, NULL ); } else if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { break; } } ldap_rdnfree( rdn ); return rc; }