/* cr.c - content rule routines */ /* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>. * * Copyright 1998-2014 The OpenLDAP Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP * Public License. * * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at * <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>. */ #include "portable.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <ac/ctype.h> #include <ac/string.h> #include <ac/socket.h> #include "slap.h" struct cindexrec { struct berval cir_name; ContentRule *cir_cr; }; static Avlnode *cr_index = NULL; static LDAP_STAILQ_HEAD(CRList, ContentRule) cr_list = LDAP_STAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(cr_list); static int cr_index_cmp( const void *v_cir1, const void *v_cir2 ) { const struct cindexrec *cir1 = v_cir1; const struct cindexrec *cir2 = v_cir2; int i = cir1->cir_name.bv_len - cir2->cir_name.bv_len; if (i) return i; return strcasecmp( cir1->cir_name.bv_val, cir2->cir_name.bv_val ); } static int cr_index_name_cmp( const void *v_name, const void *v_cir ) { const struct berval *name = v_name; const struct cindexrec *cir = v_cir; int i = name->bv_len - cir->cir_name.bv_len; if (i) return i; return strncasecmp( name->bv_val, cir->cir_name.bv_val, name->bv_len ); } ContentRule * cr_find( const char *crname ) { struct berval bv; bv.bv_val = (char *)crname; bv.bv_len = strlen( crname ); return( cr_bvfind( &bv ) ); } ContentRule * cr_bvfind( struct berval *crname ) { struct cindexrec *cir; cir = avl_find( cr_index, crname, cr_index_name_cmp ); if ( cir != NULL ) { return( cir->cir_cr ); } return( NULL ); } static int cr_destroy_one( ContentRule *c ) { assert( c != NULL ); if (c->scr_auxiliaries) ldap_memfree(c->scr_auxiliaries); if (c->scr_required) ldap_memfree(c->scr_required); if (c->scr_allowed) ldap_memfree(c->scr_allowed); if (c->scr_precluded) ldap_memfree(c->scr_precluded); ldap_contentrule_free((LDAPContentRule *)c); return 0; } void cr_destroy( void ) { ContentRule *c; avl_free(cr_index, ldap_memfree); while( !LDAP_STAILQ_EMPTY(&cr_list) ) { c = LDAP_STAILQ_FIRST(&cr_list); LDAP_STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&cr_list, scr_next); cr_destroy_one( c ); } } static int cr_insert( ContentRule *scr, const char **err ) { struct cindexrec *cir; char **names; assert( scr != NULL ); if ( scr->scr_oid ) { cir = (struct cindexrec *) ch_calloc( 1, sizeof(struct cindexrec) ); cir->cir_name.bv_val = scr->scr_oid; cir->cir_name.bv_len = strlen( scr->scr_oid ); cir->cir_cr = scr; if ( avl_insert( &cr_index, (caddr_t) cir, cr_index_cmp, avl_dup_error ) ) { *err = scr->scr_oid; ldap_memfree(cir); return SLAP_SCHERR_CR_DUP; } /* FIX: temporal consistency check */ assert( cr_bvfind(&cir->cir_name) != NULL ); } if ( (names = scr->scr_names) ) { while ( *names ) { cir = (struct cindexrec *) ch_calloc( 1, sizeof(struct cindexrec) ); cir->cir_name.bv_val = *names; cir->cir_name.bv_len = strlen( *names ); cir->cir_cr = scr; if ( avl_insert( &cr_index, (caddr_t) cir, cr_index_cmp, avl_dup_error ) ) { *err = *names; ldap_memfree(cir); return SLAP_SCHERR_CR_DUP; } /* FIX: temporal consistency check */ assert( cr_bvfind(&cir->cir_name) != NULL ); names++; } } LDAP_STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&cr_list, scr, scr_next); return 0; } static int cr_add_auxiliaries( ContentRule *scr, int *op, const char **err ) { int naux; if( scr->scr_oc_oids_aux == NULL ) return 0; for( naux=0; scr->scr_oc_oids_aux[naux]; naux++ ) { /* count them */ ; } scr->scr_auxiliaries = ch_calloc( naux+1, sizeof(ObjectClass *)); for( naux=0; scr->scr_oc_oids_aux[naux]; naux++ ) { ObjectClass *soc = scr->scr_auxiliaries[naux] = oc_find(scr->scr_oc_oids_aux[naux]); if ( !soc ) { *err = scr->scr_oc_oids_aux[naux]; return SLAP_SCHERR_CLASS_NOT_FOUND; } if( soc->soc_flags & SLAP_OC_OPERATIONAL && soc != slap_schema.si_oc_extensibleObject ) { (*op)++; } if( soc->soc_kind != LDAP_SCHEMA_AUXILIARY ) { *err = scr->scr_oc_oids_aux[naux]; return SLAP_SCHERR_CR_BAD_AUX; } } scr->scr_auxiliaries[naux] = NULL; return 0; } static int cr_create_required( ContentRule *scr, int *op, const char **err ) { char **attrs = scr->scr_at_oids_must; char **attrs1; AttributeType *sat; if ( attrs ) { attrs1 = attrs; while ( *attrs1 ) { sat = at_find(*attrs1); if ( !sat ) { *err = *attrs1; return SLAP_SCHERR_ATTR_NOT_FOUND; } if( is_at_operational( sat )) (*op)++; if ( at_find_in_list(sat, scr->scr_required) < 0) { if ( at_append_to_list(sat, &scr->scr_required) ) { *err = *attrs1; return SLAP_SCHERR_OUTOFMEM; } } else { *err = *attrs1; return SLAP_SCHERR_CR_BAD_AT; } attrs1++; } } return 0; } static int cr_create_allowed( ContentRule *scr, int *op, const char **err ) { char **attrs = scr->scr_at_oids_may; char **attrs1; AttributeType *sat; if ( attrs ) { attrs1 = attrs; while ( *attrs1 ) { sat = at_find(*attrs1); if ( !sat ) { *err = *attrs1; return SLAP_SCHERR_ATTR_NOT_FOUND; } if( is_at_operational( sat )) (*op)++; if ( at_find_in_list(sat, scr->scr_required) < 0 && at_find_in_list(sat, scr->scr_allowed) < 0 ) { if ( at_append_to_list(sat, &scr->scr_allowed) ) { *err = *attrs1; return SLAP_SCHERR_OUTOFMEM; } } else { *err = *attrs1; return SLAP_SCHERR_CR_BAD_AT; } attrs1++; } } return 0; } static int cr_create_precluded( ContentRule *scr, int *op, const char **err ) { char **attrs = scr->scr_at_oids_not; char **attrs1; AttributeType *sat; if ( attrs ) { attrs1 = attrs; while ( *attrs1 ) { sat = at_find(*attrs1); if ( !sat ) { *err = *attrs1; return SLAP_SCHERR_ATTR_NOT_FOUND; } if( is_at_operational( sat )) (*op)++; /* FIXME: should also make sure attribute type is not a required attribute of the structural class or any auxiliary class */ if ( at_find_in_list(sat, scr->scr_required) < 0 && at_find_in_list(sat, scr->scr_allowed) < 0 && at_find_in_list(sat, scr->scr_precluded) < 0 ) { if ( at_append_to_list(sat, &scr->scr_precluded) ) { *err = *attrs1; return SLAP_SCHERR_OUTOFMEM; } } else { *err = *attrs1; return SLAP_SCHERR_CR_BAD_AT; } attrs1++; } } return 0; } int cr_add( LDAPContentRule *cr, int user, ContentRule **rscr, const char **err ) { ContentRule *scr; int code; int op = 0; char *oidm = NULL; if ( cr->cr_names != NULL ) { int i; for( i=0; cr->cr_names[i]; i++ ) { if( !slap_valid_descr( cr->cr_names[i] ) ) { return SLAP_SCHERR_BAD_DESCR; } } } if ( !OID_LEADCHAR( cr->cr_oid[0] )) { /* Expand OID macros */ char *oid = oidm_find( cr->cr_oid ); if ( !oid ) { *err = cr->cr_oid; return SLAP_SCHERR_OIDM; } if ( oid != cr->cr_oid ) { oidm = cr->cr_oid; cr->cr_oid = oid; } } scr = (ContentRule *) ch_calloc( 1, sizeof(ContentRule) ); AC_MEMCPY( &scr->scr_crule, cr, sizeof(LDAPContentRule) ); scr->scr_oidmacro = oidm; scr->scr_sclass = oc_find(cr->cr_oid); if ( !scr->scr_sclass ) { *err = cr->cr_oid; code = SLAP_SCHERR_CLASS_NOT_FOUND; goto fail; } /* check object class usage */ if( scr->scr_sclass->soc_kind != LDAP_SCHEMA_STRUCTURAL ) { *err = cr->cr_oid; code = SLAP_SCHERR_CR_BAD_STRUCT; goto fail; } if( scr->scr_sclass->soc_flags & SLAP_OC_OPERATIONAL ) op++; code = cr_add_auxiliaries( scr, &op, err ); if ( code != 0 ) goto fail; code = cr_create_required( scr, &op, err ); if ( code != 0 ) goto fail; code = cr_create_allowed( scr, &op, err ); if ( code != 0 ) goto fail; code = cr_create_precluded( scr, &op, err ); if ( code != 0 ) goto fail; if( user && op ) { code = SLAP_SCHERR_CR_BAD_AUX; goto fail; } code = cr_insert(scr,err); if ( code == 0 && rscr ) *rscr = scr; return code; fail: ch_free( scr ); return code; } void cr_unparse( BerVarray *res, ContentRule *start, ContentRule *end, int sys ) { ContentRule *cr; int i, num; struct berval bv, *bva = NULL, idx; char ibuf[32]; if ( !start ) start = LDAP_STAILQ_FIRST( &cr_list ); /* count the result size */ i = 0; for ( cr=start; cr; cr=LDAP_STAILQ_NEXT(cr, scr_next)) { if ( sys && !(cr->scr_flags & SLAP_CR_HARDCODE)) continue; i++; if ( cr == end ) break; } if (!i) return; num = i; bva = ch_malloc( (num+1) * sizeof(struct berval) ); BER_BVZERO( bva ); idx.bv_val = ibuf; if ( sys ) { idx.bv_len = 0; ibuf[0] = '\0'; } i = 0; for ( cr=start; cr; cr=LDAP_STAILQ_NEXT(cr, scr_next)) { LDAPContentRule lcr, *lcrp; if ( sys && !(cr->scr_flags & SLAP_CR_HARDCODE)) continue; if ( cr->scr_oidmacro ) { lcr = cr->scr_crule; lcr.cr_oid = cr->scr_oidmacro; lcrp = &lcr; } else { lcrp = &cr->scr_crule; } if ( ldap_contentrule2bv( lcrp, &bv ) == NULL ) { ber_bvarray_free( bva ); } if ( !sys ) { idx.bv_len = sprintf(idx.bv_val, "{%d}", i); } bva[i].bv_len = idx.bv_len + bv.bv_len; bva[i].bv_val = ch_malloc( bva[i].bv_len + 1 ); strcpy( bva[i].bv_val, ibuf ); strcpy( bva[i].bv_val + idx.bv_len, bv.bv_val ); i++; bva[i].bv_val = NULL; ldap_memfree( bv.bv_val ); if ( cr == end ) break; } *res = bva; } int cr_schema_info( Entry *e ) { AttributeDescription *ad_ditContentRules = slap_schema.si_ad_ditContentRules; ContentRule *cr; struct berval val; struct berval nval; LDAP_STAILQ_FOREACH(cr, &cr_list, scr_next) { if ( ldap_contentrule2bv( &cr->scr_crule, &val ) == NULL ) { return -1; } #if 0 if( cr->scr_flags & SLAP_CR_HIDE ) continue; #endif #if 0 Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "Merging cr [%ld] %s\n", (long) val.bv_len, val.bv_val, 0 ); #endif nval.bv_val = cr->scr_oid; nval.bv_len = strlen(cr->scr_oid); if( attr_merge_one( e, ad_ditContentRules, &val, &nval ) ) { return -1; } ldap_memfree( val.bv_val ); } return 0; }