/* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>. * * Copyright 1998-2005 The OpenLDAP Foundation. * Portions Copyright 1998-2003 Kurt D. Zeilenga. * Portions Copyright 2003 IBM Corporation. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP * Public License. * * A copy of this license is available in file LICENSE in the * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at * <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>. */ /* ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: * This work was initially developed by Kurt Zeilenga for inclusion * in OpenLDAP Software. Additional signficant contributors include * Jong Hyuk Choi * Pierangelo Masarati */ #include "portable.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <ac/stdlib.h> #include <ac/ctype.h> #include <ac/string.h> #include <ac/socket.h> #include <ac/unistd.h> #include <lber.h> #include <ldif.h> #include <lutil.h> #include "slapcommon.h" static char csnbuf[ LDAP_LUTIL_CSNSTR_BUFSIZE ]; static const struct berval slap_syncrepl_bvc = BER_BVC("syncreplxxx"); static const struct berval slap_syncrepl_cn_bvc = BER_BVC("cn=syncreplxxx"); static struct berval slap_syncrepl_bv = BER_BVNULL; static struct berval slap_syncrepl_cn_bv = BER_BVNULL; struct subentryinfo { struct berval cn; struct berval ndn; struct berval rdn; struct berval cookie; LDAP_SLIST_ENTRY( subentryinfo ) sei_next; }; int slapadd( int argc, char **argv ) { char *buf = NULL; int lineno; int lmax; int rc = EXIT_SUCCESS; const char *text; char textbuf[SLAP_TEXT_BUFLEN] = { '\0' }; size_t textlen = sizeof textbuf; const char *progname = "slapadd"; struct berval csn; struct berval maxcsn = BER_BVNULL; struct berval ldifcsn = BER_BVNULL; int match; int provider_subentry = 0; struct subentryinfo *sei; LDAP_SLIST_HEAD( consumer_subentry_slist, subentryinfo ) consumer_subentry; Attribute *attr; Entry *ctxcsn_e; ID ctxcsn_id; struct berval ctxcsn_ndn = BER_BVNULL; int ret; struct berval bvtext; int i; struct berval mc; struct sync_cookie sc; slap_tool_init( progname, SLAPADD, argc, argv ); LDAP_SLIST_INIT( &consumer_subentry ); if( !be->be_entry_open || !be->be_entry_close || !be->be_entry_put ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: database doesn't support necessary operations.\n", progname ); if ( dryrun ) { fprintf( stderr, "\t(dry) continuing...\n" ); } else { exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } lmax = 0; lineno = 0; if( !dryrun && be->be_entry_open( be, 1 ) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: could not open database.\n", progname ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } while( ldif_read_record( ldiffp, &lineno, &buf, &lmax ) ) { Entry *e = str2entry( buf ); /* * Initialize text buffer */ bvtext.bv_len = textlen; bvtext.bv_val = textbuf; bvtext.bv_val[0] = '\0'; if( e == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: could not parse entry (line=%d)\n", progname, lineno ); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; if( continuemode ) continue; break; } /* make sure the DN is not empty */ if( !e->e_nname.bv_len ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: empty dn=\"%s\" (line=%d)\n", progname, e->e_dn, lineno ); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; entry_free( e ); if( continuemode ) continue; break; } /* check backend */ if( select_backend( &e->e_nname, is_entry_referral(e), nosubordinates ) != be ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: " "database (%s) not configured to hold \"%s\"\n", progname, lineno, be ? be->be_suffix[0].bv_val : "<none>", e->e_dn ); fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: " "database (%s) not configured to hold \"%s\"\n", progname, lineno, be ? be->be_nsuffix[0].bv_val : "<none>", e->e_ndn ); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; entry_free( e ); if( continuemode ) continue; break; } if( global_schemacheck ) { Attribute *sc = attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_structuralObjectClass ); Attribute *oc = attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_objectClass ); if( oc == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: dn=\"%s\" (line=%d): %s\n", progname, e->e_dn, lineno, "no objectClass attribute"); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; entry_free( e ); if( continuemode ) continue; break; } if( sc == NULL ) { struct berval vals[2]; rc = structural_class( oc->a_vals, vals, NULL, &text, textbuf, textlen ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: dn=\"%s\" (line=%d): (%d) %s\n", progname, e->e_dn, lineno, rc, text ); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; entry_free( e ); if( continuemode ) continue; break; } vals[1].bv_len = 0; vals[1].bv_val = NULL; attr_merge( e, slap_schema.si_ad_structuralObjectClass, vals, NULL /* FIXME */ ); } /* check schema */ rc = entry_schema_check( be, e, NULL, &text, textbuf, textlen ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: dn=\"%s\" (line=%d): (%d) %s\n", progname, e->e_dn, lineno, rc, text ); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; entry_free( e ); if( continuemode ) continue; break; } } if ( SLAP_LASTMOD(be) ) { struct tm *ltm; time_t now = slap_get_time(); char uuidbuf[ LDAP_LUTIL_UUIDSTR_BUFSIZE ]; struct berval vals[ 2 ]; struct berval name, timestamp; struct berval nvals[ 2 ]; struct berval nname; char timebuf[ LDAP_LUTIL_GENTIME_BUFSIZE ]; vals[1].bv_len = 0; vals[1].bv_val = NULL; nvals[1].bv_len = 0; nvals[1].bv_val = NULL; ltm = gmtime(&now); lutil_gentime( timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), ltm ); csn.bv_len = lutil_csnstr( csnbuf, sizeof( csnbuf ), 0, 0 ); csn.bv_val = csnbuf; timestamp.bv_val = timebuf; timestamp.bv_len = strlen(timebuf); if ( BER_BVISEMPTY( &be->be_rootndn ) ) { BER_BVSTR( &name, SLAPD_ANONYMOUS ); nname = name; } else { name = be->be_rootdn; nname = be->be_rootndn; } if( attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_entryUUID ) == NULL ) { vals[0].bv_len = lutil_uuidstr( uuidbuf, sizeof( uuidbuf ) ); vals[0].bv_val = uuidbuf; attr_merge_normalize_one( e, slap_schema.si_ad_entryUUID, vals, NULL ); } if( attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_creatorsName ) == NULL ) { vals[0] = name; nvals[0] = nname; attr_merge( e, slap_schema.si_ad_creatorsName, vals, nvals ); } if( attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_modifiersName ) == NULL ) { vals[0] = name; nvals[0] = nname; attr_merge( e, slap_schema.si_ad_modifiersName, vals, nvals ); } if( attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_createTimestamp ) == NULL ) { vals[0] = timestamp; attr_merge( e, slap_schema.si_ad_createTimestamp, vals, NULL ); } if( attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_modifyTimestamp ) == NULL ) { vals[0] = timestamp; attr_merge( e, slap_schema.si_ad_modifyTimestamp, vals, NULL ); } if( attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_entryCSN ) == NULL ) { vals[0] = csn; attr_merge( e, slap_schema.si_ad_entryCSN, vals, NULL ); } if ( !is_entry_syncProviderSubentry( e ) && !is_entry_syncConsumerSubentry( e ) && update_ctxcsn != SLAP_TOOL_CTXCSN_KEEP ) { attr = attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_entryCSN ); if ( maxcsn.bv_len != 0 ) { value_match( &match, slap_schema.si_ad_entryCSN, slap_schema.si_ad_entryCSN->ad_type->sat_ordering, SLAP_MR_VALUE_OF_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX, &maxcsn, &attr->a_nvals[0], &text ); } else { match = -1; } if ( match < 0 ) { if ( maxcsn.bv_val ) ch_free( maxcsn.bv_val ); ber_dupbv( &maxcsn, &attr->a_nvals[0] ); } } } if ( dryrun ) { if ( verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "(dry) added: \"%s\"\n", e->e_dn ); } goto done; } if ( update_ctxcsn == SLAP_TOOL_CTXCSN_KEEP && ( replica_promotion || replica_demotion )) { if ( is_entry_syncProviderSubentry( e )) { if ( !LDAP_SLIST_EMPTY( &consumer_subentry )) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: consumer and provider subentries " "are both present\n", progname ); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; entry_free( e ); sei = LDAP_SLIST_FIRST( &consumer_subentry ); while ( sei ) { ch_free( sei->cn.bv_val ); ch_free( sei->ndn.bv_val ); ch_free( sei->rdn.bv_val ); ch_free( sei->cookie.bv_val ); LDAP_SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD( &consumer_subentry, sei_next ); ch_free( sei ); sei = LDAP_SLIST_FIRST( &consumer_subentry ); } break; } if ( provider_subentry ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: multiple provider subentries are " "present : add -w flag to refresh\n", progname ); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; entry_free( e ); break; } attr = attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_contextCSN ); if ( attr == NULL ) { entry_free( e ); continue; } provider_subentry = 1; ber_dupbv( &maxcsn, &attr->a_nvals[0] ); } else if ( is_entry_syncConsumerSubentry( e )) { if ( provider_subentry ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: consumer and provider subentries " "are both present\n", progname ); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; entry_free( e ); break; } attr = attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_cn ); if ( attr == NULL ) { entry_free( e ); continue; } if ( !LDAP_SLIST_EMPTY( &consumer_subentry )) { LDAP_SLIST_FOREACH( sei, &consumer_subentry, sei_next ) { value_match( &match, slap_schema.si_ad_cn, slap_schema.si_ad_cn->ad_type->sat_equality, SLAP_MR_VALUE_OF_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX, &sei->cn, &attr->a_nvals[0], &text ); } if ( !match ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: multiple consumer subentries " "have the same id : add -w flag to refresh\n", progname ); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; entry_free( e ); sei = LDAP_SLIST_FIRST( &consumer_subentry ); while ( sei ) { ch_free( sei->cn.bv_val ); ch_free( sei->ndn.bv_val ); ch_free( sei->rdn.bv_val ); ch_free( sei->cookie.bv_val ); LDAP_SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD( &consumer_subentry, sei_next ); ch_free( sei ); sei = LDAP_SLIST_FIRST( &consumer_subentry ); } break; } } sei = ch_calloc( 1, sizeof( struct subentryinfo )); ber_dupbv( &sei->cn, &attr->a_nvals[0] ); ber_dupbv( &sei->ndn, &e->e_nname ); dnExtractRdn( &sei->ndn, &sei->rdn, NULL ); attr = attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_syncreplCookie ); if ( attr == NULL ) { ch_free( sei->cn.bv_val ); ch_free( sei->ndn.bv_val ); ch_free( sei->rdn.bv_val ); ch_free( sei->cookie.bv_val ); ch_free( sei ); entry_free( e ); continue; } ber_dupbv( &sei->cookie, &attr->a_nvals[0] ); LDAP_SLIST_INSERT_HEAD( &consumer_subentry, sei, sei_next ); } } if (( !is_entry_syncProviderSubentry( e ) && !is_entry_syncConsumerSubentry( e )) || ( !replica_promotion && !replica_demotion )) { /* dryrun moved earlier */ assert( !dryrun ); if (!dryrun) { ID id = be->be_entry_put( be, e, &bvtext ); if( id == NOID ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: could not add entry dn=\"%s\" " "(line=%d): %s\n", progname, e->e_dn, lineno, bvtext.bv_val ); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; entry_free( e ); if( continuemode ) continue; break; } if ( verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "added: \"%s\" (%08lx)\n", e->e_dn, (long) id ); } } else { if ( verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "(dry) added: \"%s\"\n", e->e_dn ); } } } done:; entry_free( e ); } bvtext.bv_len = textlen; bvtext.bv_val = textbuf; bvtext.bv_val[0] = '\0'; if ( !LDAP_SLIST_EMPTY( &consumer_subentry )) { maxcsn.bv_len = 0; maxcsn.bv_val = NULL; LDAP_SLIST_FOREACH( sei, &consumer_subentry, sei_next ) { sc.octet_str = &sei->cookie; slap_parse_sync_cookie( &sc ); if ( maxcsn.bv_len != 0 ) { value_match( &match, slap_schema.si_ad_syncreplCookie, slap_schema.si_ad_syncreplCookie->ad_type->sat_ordering, SLAP_MR_VALUE_OF_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX, &maxcsn, &sc.ctxcsn[0], &text ); } else { match = -1; } if ( match < 0 ) { if ( maxcsn.bv_val ) ch_free( maxcsn.bv_val ); ber_dupbv( &maxcsn, &sc.ctxcsn[0] ); } sc.octet_str = NULL; slap_sync_cookie_free( &sc, 0 ); } } slap_compose_sync_cookie( NULL, &mc, &maxcsn, -1, -1 ); if ( SLAP_LASTMOD(be) && replica_promotion ) { if ( provider_subentry || update_ctxcsn == SLAP_TOOL_CTXCSN_BATCH || !LDAP_SLIST_EMPTY( &consumer_subentry )) { build_new_dn( &ctxcsn_ndn, &be->be_nsuffix[0], (struct berval *)&slap_ldapsync_cn_bv, NULL ); ctxcsn_id = be->be_dn2id_get( be, &ctxcsn_ndn ); if ( ctxcsn_id == NOID ) { ctxcsn_e = slap_create_context_csn_entry( be, &maxcsn ); /* dryrun moved earlier */ assert( !dryrun ); if ( !dryrun ) { ctxcsn_id = be->be_entry_put( be, ctxcsn_e, &bvtext ); if( ctxcsn_id == NOID ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: could not add ctxcsn subentry\n", progname); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "added: \"%s\" (%08lx)\n", ctxcsn_e->e_dn, (long) ctxcsn_id ); } } else { if ( verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "(dry) added: \"%s\"\n", ctxcsn_e->e_dn ); } } entry_free( ctxcsn_e ); } else { ret = be->be_id2entry_get( be, ctxcsn_id, &ctxcsn_e ); if ( ret == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { attr = attr_find( ctxcsn_e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_contextCSN ); AC_MEMCPY( attr->a_vals[0].bv_val, maxcsn.bv_val, maxcsn.bv_len ); attr->a_vals[0].bv_val[maxcsn.bv_len] = '\0'; attr->a_vals[0].bv_len = maxcsn.bv_len; /* dryrun moved earlier */ assert( !dryrun ); if ( !dryrun ) { ctxcsn_id = be->be_entry_modify( be, ctxcsn_e, &bvtext ); if( ctxcsn_id == NOID ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: could not modify ctxcsn " "subentry\n", progname); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "modified: \"%s\" (%08lx)\n", ctxcsn_e->e_dn, (long) ctxcsn_id ); } } else { if ( verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "(dry) modified: \"%s\"\n", ctxcsn_e->e_dn ); } } } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s: could not modify ctxcsn subentry\n", progname); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; } } } } else if ( SLAP_LASTMOD(be) && replica_demotion && ( update_ctxcsn == SLAP_TOOL_CTXCSN_BATCH || provider_subentry )) { ber_dupbv( &slap_syncrepl_bv, (struct berval *) &slap_syncrepl_bvc ); ber_dupbv( &slap_syncrepl_cn_bv, (struct berval *) &slap_syncrepl_cn_bvc ); if ( replica_id_list == NULL ) { replica_id_list = ch_calloc( 2, sizeof( int )); replica_id_list[0] = 0; replica_id_list[1] = -1; } for ( i = 0; replica_id_list[i] > -1 ; i++ ) { slap_syncrepl_bv.bv_len = snprintf( slap_syncrepl_bv.bv_val, slap_syncrepl_bvc.bv_len+1, "syncrepl%d", replica_id_list[i] ); slap_syncrepl_cn_bv.bv_len = snprintf( slap_syncrepl_cn_bv.bv_val, slap_syncrepl_cn_bvc.bv_len+1, "cn=syncrepl%d", replica_id_list[i] ); build_new_dn( &ctxcsn_ndn, &be->be_nsuffix[0], (struct berval *)&slap_syncrepl_cn_bv, NULL ); ctxcsn_id = be->be_dn2id_get( be, &ctxcsn_ndn ); if ( ctxcsn_id == NOID ) { ctxcsn_e = slap_create_syncrepl_entry( be, &mc, &slap_syncrepl_cn_bv, &slap_syncrepl_bv ); /* dryrun moved earlier */ assert( !dryrun ); if ( !dryrun ) { ctxcsn_id = be->be_entry_put( be, ctxcsn_e, &bvtext ); if( ctxcsn_id == NOID ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: could not add ctxcsn subentry\n", progname); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "added: \"%s\" (%08lx)\n", ctxcsn_e->e_dn, (long) ctxcsn_id ); } } else { if ( verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "(dry) added: \"%s\"\n", ctxcsn_e->e_dn ); } } entry_free( ctxcsn_e ); } else { ret = be->be_id2entry_get( be, ctxcsn_id, &ctxcsn_e ); if ( ret == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { attr = attr_find( ctxcsn_e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_syncreplCookie ); AC_MEMCPY( attr->a_vals[0].bv_val, mc.bv_val, mc.bv_len ); attr->a_vals[0].bv_val[maxcsn.bv_len] = '\0'; attr->a_vals[0].bv_len = maxcsn.bv_len; /* dryrun moved earlier */ assert( !dryrun ); if ( !dryrun ) { ctxcsn_id = be->be_entry_modify( be, ctxcsn_e, &bvtext ); if( ctxcsn_id == NOID ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: could not modify ctxcsn " "subentry\n", progname); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "modified: \"%s\" (%08lx)\n", ctxcsn_e->e_dn, (long) ctxcsn_id ); } } else { if ( verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "(dry) modified: \"%s\"\n", ctxcsn_e->e_dn ); } } } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s: could not modify ctxcsn subentry\n", progname); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; } } } if ( slap_syncrepl_bv.bv_val ) { ch_free( slap_syncrepl_bv.bv_val ); } if ( slap_syncrepl_cn_bv.bv_val ) { ch_free( slap_syncrepl_cn_bv.bv_val ); } } else if ( SLAP_LASTMOD(be) && replica_demotion && !LDAP_SLIST_EMPTY( &consumer_subentry )) { LDAP_SLIST_FOREACH( sei, &consumer_subentry, sei_next ) { ctxcsn_id = be->be_dn2id_get( be, &sei->ndn ); if ( ctxcsn_id == NOID ) { ctxcsn_e = slap_create_syncrepl_entry( be, &sei->cookie, &sei->rdn, &sei->cn ); /* dryrun moved earlier */ assert( !dryrun ); if ( !dryrun ) { ctxcsn_id = be->be_entry_put( be, ctxcsn_e, &bvtext ); if( ctxcsn_id == NOID ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: could not add ctxcsn subentry\n", progname); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "added: \"%s\" (%08lx)\n", ctxcsn_e->e_dn, (long) ctxcsn_id ); } } else { if ( verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "(dry) added: \"%s\"\n", ctxcsn_e->e_dn ); } } entry_free( ctxcsn_e ); } else { ret = be->be_id2entry_get( be, ctxcsn_id, &ctxcsn_e ); if ( ret == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { attr = attr_find( ctxcsn_e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_syncreplCookie ); AC_MEMCPY( attr->a_vals[0].bv_val, sei->cookie.bv_val, sei->cookie.bv_len ); attr->a_vals[0].bv_val[sei->cookie.bv_len] = '\0'; attr->a_vals[0].bv_len = sei->cookie.bv_len; /* dryrun moved earlier */ assert( !dryrun ); if ( !dryrun ) { ctxcsn_id = be->be_entry_modify( be, ctxcsn_e, &bvtext ); if( ctxcsn_id == NOID ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: could not modify ctxcsn " "subentry\n", progname); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "modified: \"%s\" (%08lx)\n", ctxcsn_e->e_dn, (long) ctxcsn_id ); } } else { if ( verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "(dry) modified: \"%s\"\n", ctxcsn_e->e_dn ); } } } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s: could not modify ctxcsn subentry\n", progname); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; } } } if ( slap_syncrepl_bv.bv_val ) { ch_free( slap_syncrepl_bv.bv_val ); } if ( slap_syncrepl_cn_bv.bv_val ) { ch_free( slap_syncrepl_cn_bv.bv_val ); } } sei = LDAP_SLIST_FIRST( &consumer_subentry ); while ( sei ) { ch_free( sei->cn.bv_val ); ch_free( sei->ndn.bv_val ); ch_free( sei->rdn.bv_val ); ch_free( sei->cookie.bv_val ); LDAP_SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD( &consumer_subentry, sei_next ); ch_free( sei ); sei = LDAP_SLIST_FIRST( &consumer_subentry ); } ch_free( buf ); if ( !dryrun ) { if( be->be_entry_close( be ) ) { rc = EXIT_FAILURE; } if( be->be_sync ) { be->be_sync( be ); } } slap_tool_destroy(); return rc; }