/* config.c - configuration file handling routines */ /* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>. * * Copyright 1998-2004 The OpenLDAP Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP * Public License. * * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at * <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>. */ /* Portions Copyright (c) 1995 Regents of the University of Michigan. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted * provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given * to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The name of the University * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. This software * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. */ #include "portable.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <ac/string.h> #include <ac/ctype.h> #include <ac/signal.h> #include <ac/socket.h> #include <ac/errno.h> #include "ldap_pvt.h" #include "slap.h" #ifdef LDAP_SLAPI #include "slapi/slapi.h" #endif #include "lutil.h" #define ARGS_STEP 512 /* * defaults for various global variables */ struct slap_limits_set deflimit = { SLAPD_DEFAULT_TIMELIMIT, /* backward compatible limits */ 0, SLAPD_DEFAULT_SIZELIMIT, /* backward compatible limits */ 0, -1, /* no limit on unchecked size */ 0, /* page limit */ 0, /* hide number of entries left */ 0 /* number of total entries returned by pagedResults equal to hard limit */ }; AccessControl *global_acl = NULL; slap_access_t global_default_access = ACL_READ; slap_mask_t global_restrictops = 0; slap_mask_t global_allows = 0; slap_mask_t global_disallows = 0; slap_mask_t global_requires = 0; slap_ssf_set_t global_ssf_set; char *replogfile; int global_gentlehup = 0; int global_idletimeout = 0; char *global_host = NULL; char *global_realm = NULL; char *ldap_srvtab = ""; char **default_passwd_hash = NULL; int cargc = 0, cargv_size = 0; char **cargv; struct berval default_search_base = BER_BVNULL; struct berval default_search_nbase = BER_BVNULL; unsigned num_subordinates = 0; struct berval global_schemadn = BER_BVNULL; struct berval global_schemandn = BER_BVNULL; ber_len_t sockbuf_max_incoming = SLAP_SB_MAX_INCOMING_DEFAULT; ber_len_t sockbuf_max_incoming_auth= SLAP_SB_MAX_INCOMING_AUTH; int slap_conn_max_pending = SLAP_CONN_MAX_PENDING_DEFAULT; int slap_conn_max_pending_auth = SLAP_CONN_MAX_PENDING_AUTH; char *slapd_pid_file = NULL; char *slapd_args_file = NULL; char *strtok_quote_ptr; int use_reverse_lookup = 0; #ifdef LDAP_SLAPI int slapi_plugins_used = 0; #endif static char *fp_getline(FILE *fp, int *lineno); static void fp_getline_init(int *lineno); static int fp_parse_line(int lineno, char *line); static char *strtok_quote(char *line, char *sep); static int load_ucdata(char *path); static int add_syncrepl LDAP_P(( Backend *, char **, int )); static int parse_syncrepl_line LDAP_P(( char **, int, syncinfo_t *)); int read_config( const char *fname, int depth ) { FILE *fp; char *line, *savefname, *saveline; int savelineno; int lineno, i; int rc; struct berval vals[2]; char *replicahost; LDAPURLDesc *ludp; static BackendInfo *bi = NULL; static BackendDB *be = NULL; char *next; vals[1].bv_val = NULL; if ( depth == 0 ) { cargv = ch_calloc( ARGS_STEP + 1, sizeof(*cargv) ); cargv_size = ARGS_STEP + 1; } if ( (fp = fopen( fname, "r" )) == NULL ) { ldap_syslog = 1; #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, ENTRY, "read_config: " "could not open config file \"%s\": %s (%d)\n", fname, strerror(errno), errno ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "could not open config file \"%s\": %s (%d)\n", fname, strerror(errno), errno ); #endif return 1; } #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, ENTRY, "read_config: reading config file %s\n", fname, 0, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_CONFIG, "reading config file %s\n", fname, 0, 0 ); #endif fp_getline_init( &lineno ); while ( (line = fp_getline( fp, &lineno )) != NULL ) { /* skip comments and blank lines */ if ( line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '\0' ) { continue; } /* fp_parse_line is destructive, we save a copy */ saveline = ch_strdup( line ); if ( fp_parse_line( lineno, line ) != 0 ) { return( 1 ); } if ( cargc < 1 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: bad config line (ignored)\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: bad config line (ignored)\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif continue; } if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "backend" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s : line %d: missing type in \"backend\" line.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing type in \"backend <type>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } if( be != NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: backend line must appear before any " "database definition.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: backend line must appear before any database definition\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } bi = backend_info( cargv[1] ); if( bi == NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "read_config: backend %s initialization failed.\n", cargv[1], 0, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "backend %s initialization failed.\n", cargv[1], 0, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "database" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing type in \"database <type>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing type in \"database <type>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } bi = NULL; be = backend_db_init( cargv[1] ); if( be == NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "database %s initialization failed.\n", cargv[1], 0, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "database %s initialization failed.\n", cargv[1], 0, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } /* set thread concurrency */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "concurrency" ) == 0 ) { int c; if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing level in \"concurrency <level>\" " " line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing level in \"concurrency <level>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } c = strtol( cargv[1], &next, 10 ); if ( next == NULL || next[0] != '\0' ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: unable to parse level \"%s\" in \"concurrency <level>\" " " line\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: unable to parse level \"%s\" in \"concurrency <level>\" line\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1] ); #endif return( 1 ); } if( c < 1 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: invalid level (%d) in " "\"concurrency <level>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, c ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: invalid level (%d) in \"concurrency <level>\" line\n", fname, lineno, c ); #endif return( 1 ); } ldap_pvt_thread_set_concurrency( c ); /* set sockbuf max */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "sockbuf_max_incoming" ) == 0 ) { long max; if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing max in \"sockbuf_max_incoming " "<bytes>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing max in \"sockbuf_max_incoming <bytes>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } max = atol( cargv[1] ); if( max < 0 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: invalid max value (%ld) in " "\"sockbuf_max_incoming <bytes>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, max ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: invalid max value (%ld) in " "\"sockbuf_max_incoming <bytes>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, max ); #endif return( 1 ); } sockbuf_max_incoming = max; /* set sockbuf max authenticated */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "sockbuf_max_incoming_auth" ) == 0 ) { long max; if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing max in \"sockbuf_max_incoming_auth " "<bytes>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing max in \"sockbuf_max_incoming_auth <bytes>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } max = atol( cargv[1] ); if( max < 0 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: invalid max value (%ld) in " "\"sockbuf_max_incoming_auth <bytes>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, max ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: invalid max value (%ld) in " "\"sockbuf_max_incoming_auth <bytes>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, max ); #endif return( 1 ); } sockbuf_max_incoming_auth = max; /* set conn pending max */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "conn_max_pending" ) == 0 ) { long max; if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing max in \"conn_max_pending " "<requests>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing max in \"conn_max_pending <requests>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } max = atol( cargv[1] ); if( max < 0 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: invalid max value (%ld) in " "\"conn_max_pending <requests>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, max ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: invalid max value (%ld) in " "\"conn_max_pending <requests>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, max ); #endif return( 1 ); } slap_conn_max_pending = max; /* set conn pending max authenticated */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "conn_max_pending_auth" ) == 0 ) { long max; if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing max in \"conn_max_pending_auth " "<requests>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing max in \"conn_max_pending_auth <requests>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } max = atol( cargv[1] ); if( max < 0 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: invalid max value (%ld) in " "\"conn_max_pending_auth <requests>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, max ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: invalid max value (%ld) in " "\"conn_max_pending_auth <requests>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, max ); #endif return( 1 ); } slap_conn_max_pending_auth = max; /* default search base */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "defaultSearchBase" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing dn in \"defaultSearchBase <dn\" " "line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "missing dn in \"defaultSearchBase <dn>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } else if ( cargc > 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: extra cruft after <dn> in " "\"defaultSearchBase %s\" line (ignored)\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "extra cruft after <dn> in \"defaultSearchBase %s\", " "line (ignored)\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1] ); #endif } if ( bi != NULL || be != NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: defaultSearchBase line must appear " "prior to any backend or database definitions\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "defaultSearchBaase line must appear prior to " "any backend or database definition\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } if ( default_search_nbase.bv_len ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: " "default search base \"%s\" already defined " "(discarding old)\n", fname, lineno, default_search_base.bv_val ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "default search base \"%s\" already defined " "(discarding old)\n", fname, lineno, default_search_base.bv_val ); #endif free( default_search_base.bv_val ); free( default_search_nbase.bv_val ); } if ( load_ucdata( NULL ) < 0 ) return 1; { struct berval dn; dn.bv_val = cargv[1]; dn.bv_len = strlen( dn.bv_val ); rc = dnPrettyNormal( NULL, &dn, &default_search_base, &default_search_nbase, NULL ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: defaultSearchBase DN is invalid.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: defaultSearchBase DN is invalid\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } } /* set maximum threads in thread pool */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "threads" ) == 0 ) { int c; if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing count in \"threads <count>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing count in \"threads <count>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } c = strtol( cargv[1], &next, 10 ); if (next == NULL || next[0] != '\0' ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: unable to parse count \"%s\" in \"threads <count>\" line\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: unable to parse count \"%s\" in \"threads <count>\" line\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1] ); #endif return( 1 ); } if( c < 0 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: invalid level (%d) in \"threads <count>\"" "line\n", fname, lineno, c ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: invalid level (%d) in \"threads <count>\" line\n", fname, lineno, c ); #endif return( 1 ); } ldap_pvt_thread_pool_maxthreads( &connection_pool, c ); /* save for later use */ connection_pool_max = c; /* get pid file name */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "pidfile" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d missing file name in \"pidfile <file>\" " "line.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing file name in \"pidfile <file>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } slapd_pid_file = ch_strdup( cargv[1] ); /* get args file name */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "argsfile" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: %d: missing file name in " "\"argsfile <file>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing file name in \"argsfile <file>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } slapd_args_file = ch_strdup( cargv[1] ); } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "replica-pidfile" ) == 0 ) { /* ignore */ ; } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "replica-argsfile" ) == 0 ) { /* ignore */ ; /* default password hash */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "password-hash" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing hash in " "\"password-hash <hash>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing hash in \"password-hash <hash>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } if ( default_passwd_hash != NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: already set default password_hash!\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: already set default password_hash!\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } for(i = 1; i < cargc; i++) { if ( lutil_passwd_scheme( cargv[i] ) == 0 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: password scheme \"%s\" not available\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: password scheme \"%s\" not available\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] ); #endif } else { ldap_charray_add( &default_passwd_hash, cargv[i] ); } } if( !default_passwd_hash ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: no valid hashes found\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: no valid hashes found\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); return 1; #endif } } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "password-crypt-salt-format" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing format in " "\"password-crypt-salt-format <format>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing format in " "\"password-crypt-salt-format <format>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } lutil_salt_format( cargv[1] ); #ifdef SLAP_AUTH_REWRITE /* use authid rewrite instead of sasl regexp */ } else if ( strncasecmp( cargv[0], "auth-rewrite", STRLENOF("auth-rewrite") ) == 0 ) { int rc = slap_sasl_rewrite_config( fname, lineno, cargc, cargv ); if ( rc ) { return rc; } #endif /* SLAP_AUTH_REWRITE */ /* Auth + SASL config options */ } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[0], "auth", STRLENOF("auth") ) || !strncasecmp( cargv[0], "sasl", STRLENOF("sasl") )) { if ( slap_sasl_config( cargc, cargv, line, fname, lineno ) ) return 1; } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "schemadn" ) == 0 ) { struct berval dn; if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing dn in " "\"schemadn <dn>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing dn in \"schemadn <dn>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1 ; } ber_str2bv( cargv[1], 0, 0, &dn ); if ( be ) { rc = dnPrettyNormal( NULL, &dn, &be->be_schemadn, &be->be_schemandn, NULL ); } else { rc = dnPrettyNormal( NULL, &dn, &global_schemadn, &global_schemandn, NULL ); } if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: schemadn DN is invalid.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: schemadn DN is invalid\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } /* set UCDATA path */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "ucdata-path" ) == 0 ) { int err; if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing path in " "\"ucdata-path <path>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing path in \"ucdata-path <path>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } err = load_ucdata( cargv[1] ); if ( err <= 0 ) { if ( err == 0 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: ucdata already loaded, ucdata-path " "must be set earlier in the file and/or be " "specified only once!\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: ucdata already loaded, ucdata-path must be set earlier in the file and/or be specified only once!\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif } return( 1 ); } /* set size limit */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "sizelimit" ) == 0 ) { int rc = 0, i; struct slap_limits_set *lim; if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing limit in \"sizelimit <limit>\" " "line.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing limit in \"sizelimit <limit>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } if ( be == NULL ) { lim = &deflimit; } else { lim = &be->be_def_limit; } for ( i = 1; i < cargc; i++ ) { if ( strncasecmp( cargv[i], "size", 4 ) == 0 ) { rc = limits_parse_one( cargv[i], lim ); if ( rc ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: unable " "to parse value \"%s\" in \"sizelimit " "<limit>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: unable " "to parse value \"%s\" " "in \"sizelimit " "<limit>\" line\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] ); #endif return( 1 ); } } else { if ( strcasecmp( cargv[i], "unlimited" ) == 0 ) { lim->lms_s_soft = -1; } else { lim->lms_s_soft = strtol( cargv[i] , &next, 0 ); if ( next == cargv[i] ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: unable to parse limit \"%s\" in \"sizelimit <limit>\" " "line.\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: unable to parse limit \"%s\" in \"sizelimit <limit>\" line\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] ); #endif return( 1 ); } else if ( next[0] != '\0' ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: trailing chars \"%s\" in \"sizelimit <limit>\" " "line ignored.\n", fname, lineno, next ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: trailing chars \"%s\" in \"sizelimit <limit>\" line ignored\n", fname, lineno, next ); #endif } } lim->lms_s_hard = 0; } } /* set time limit */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "timelimit" ) == 0 ) { int rc = 0, i; struct slap_limits_set *lim; if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d missing limit in \"timelimit <limit>\" " "line.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing limit in \"timelimit <limit>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } if ( be == NULL ) { lim = &deflimit; } else { lim = &be->be_def_limit; } for ( i = 1; i < cargc; i++ ) { if ( strncasecmp( cargv[i], "time", 4 ) == 0 ) { rc = limits_parse_one( cargv[i], lim ); if ( rc ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: unable to parse value \"%s\" " "in \"timelimit <limit>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: unable " "to parse value \"%s\" " "in \"timelimit " "<limit>\" line\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] ); #endif return( 1 ); } } else { if ( strcasecmp( cargv[i], "unlimited" ) == 0 ) { lim->lms_t_soft = -1; } else { lim->lms_t_soft = strtol( cargv[i] , &next, 0 ); if ( next == cargv[i] ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: unable to parse limit \"%s\" in \"timelimit <limit>\" " "line.\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: unable to parse limit \"%s\" in \"timelimit <limit>\" line\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] ); #endif return( 1 ); } else if ( next[0] != '\0' ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: trailing chars \"%s\" in \"timelimit <limit>\" " "line ignored.\n", fname, lineno, next ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: trailing chars \"%s\" in \"timelimit <limit>\" line ignored\n", fname, lineno, next ); #endif } } lim->lms_t_hard = 0; } } /* set regex-based limits */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "limits" ) == 0 ) { if ( be == NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, WARNING, "%s: line %d \"limits\" allowed only in database " "environment.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d \"limits\" allowed only in database environment.\n%s", fname, lineno, "" ); #endif return( 1 ); } if ( limits_parse( be, fname, lineno, cargc, cargv ) ) { return( 1 ); } /* mark this as a subordinate database */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "subordinate" ) == 0 ) { if ( be == NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: " "subordinate keyword must appear inside a database " "definition.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: subordinate keyword " "must appear inside a database definition.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } else { SLAP_DBFLAGS(be) |= SLAP_DBFLAG_GLUE_SUBORDINATE; num_subordinates++; } /* add an overlay to this backend */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "overlay" ) == 0 ) { if ( be == NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: " "overlay keyword must appear inside a database " "definition.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: overlay keyword " "must appear inside a database definition.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } else { if ( cargv[1][0] == '-' && overlay_config( be, &cargv[1][1] ) ) { /* log error */ #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: " "(optional) overlay \"%s\" configuration " "failed (ignored)\n", fname, lineno, &cargv[1][1] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "(optional) overlay \"%s\" configuration " "failed (ignored)\n", fname, lineno, &cargv[1][1] ); #endif } else if ( overlay_config( be, cargv[1] ) ) { return 1; } } /* set database suffix */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "suffix" ) == 0 ) { Backend *tmp_be; struct berval dn, pdn, ndn; if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing dn in \"suffix <dn>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "missing dn in \"suffix <dn>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } else if ( cargc > 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: extra cruft after <dn> in \"suffix %s\"" " line (ignored).\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: extra cruft " "after <dn> in \"suffix %s\" line (ignored)\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1] ); #endif } if ( be == NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: suffix line must appear inside a database " "definition.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: suffix line " "must appear inside a database definition\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); #if defined(SLAPD_MONITOR_DN) /* "cn=Monitor" is reserved for monitoring slap */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[1], SLAPD_MONITOR_DN ) == 0 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: \"" "%s\" is reserved for monitoring slapd\n", fname, lineno, SLAPD_MONITOR_DN ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: \"" "%s\" is reserved for monitoring slapd\n", fname, lineno, SLAPD_MONITOR_DN ); #endif return( 1 ); #endif /* SLAPD_MONITOR_DN */ } if ( load_ucdata( NULL ) < 0 ) return 1; dn.bv_val = cargv[1]; dn.bv_len = strlen( cargv[1] ); rc = dnPrettyNormal( NULL, &dn, &pdn, &ndn, NULL ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: suffix DN is invalid.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: suffix DN is invalid\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } tmp_be = select_backend( &ndn, 0, 0 ); if ( tmp_be == be ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: suffix already served by this backend " "(ignored)\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: suffix " "already served by this backend (ignored)\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif free( pdn.bv_val ); free( ndn.bv_val ); } else if ( tmp_be != NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: suffix already served by a preceding " "backend \"%s\"\n", fname, lineno, tmp_be->be_suffix[0].bv_val ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: suffix " "already served by a preceeding backend \"%s\"\n", fname, lineno, tmp_be->be_suffix[0].bv_val ); #endif free( pdn.bv_val ); free( ndn.bv_val ); return( 1 ); } else if( pdn.bv_len == 0 && default_search_nbase.bv_len ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: suffix DN empty and default search " "base provided \"%s\" (assuming okay).\n", fname, lineno, default_search_base.bv_val ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "suffix DN empty and default " "search base provided \"%s\" (assuming okay)\n", fname, lineno, default_search_base.bv_val ); #endif } ber_bvarray_add( &be->be_suffix, &pdn ); ber_bvarray_add( &be->be_nsuffix, &ndn ); /* set max deref depth */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "maxDerefDepth" ) == 0 ) { int i; if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing depth in \"maxDerefDepth <depth>\"" " line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing depth in \"maxDerefDepth <depth>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } if ( be == NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: depth line must appear inside a database " "definition.\n", fname, lineno ,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: depth line must appear inside a database definition.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } i = strtol( cargv[1], &next, 10 ); if ( next == NULL || next[0] != '\0' ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: unable to parse depth \"%s\" in \"maxDerefDepth <depth>\" " "line.\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: unable to parse depth \"%s\" in \"maxDerefDepth <depth>\" " "line.\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1] ); #endif return 1; } if (i < 0) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: depth must be positive.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: depth must be positive.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } be->be_max_deref_depth = i; /* set magic "root" dn for this database */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "rootdn" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: missing dn in \"rootdn <dn>\" line.\n", fname, lineno ,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing dn in \"rootdn <dn>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } if ( be == NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: rootdn line must appear inside a database " "definition.\n", fname, lineno ,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: rootdn line must appear inside a database definition.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } else { struct berval dn; if ( load_ucdata( NULL ) < 0 ) return 1; dn.bv_val = cargv[1]; dn.bv_len = strlen( cargv[1] ); rc = dnPrettyNormal( NULL, &dn, &be->be_rootdn, &be->be_rootndn, NULL ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: rootdn DN is invalid.\n", fname, lineno ,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: rootdn DN is invalid\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } } /* set super-secret magic database password */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "rootpw" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing passwd in \"rootpw <passwd>\"" " line\n", fname, lineno ,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "missing passwd in \"rootpw <passwd>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } if ( be == NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: " "rootpw line must appear inside a database " "definition.\n", fname, lineno ,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "rootpw line must appear inside a database " "definition.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } else { Backend *tmp_be = select_backend( &be->be_rootndn, 0, 0 ); if( tmp_be != be ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: " "rootpw can only be set when rootdn is under suffix\n", fname, lineno, "" ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "rootpw can only be set when rootdn is under suffix\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } be->be_rootpw.bv_val = ch_strdup( cargv[1] ); be->be_rootpw.bv_len = strlen( be->be_rootpw.bv_val ); } /* make this database read-only */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "readonly" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing on|off in \"readonly <on|off>\" " "line.\n", fname, lineno ,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing on|off in \"readonly <on|off>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } if ( be == NULL ) { if ( strcasecmp( cargv[1], "on" ) == 0 ) { global_restrictops |= SLAP_RESTRICT_OP_WRITES; } else { global_restrictops &= ~SLAP_RESTRICT_OP_WRITES; } } else { if ( strcasecmp( cargv[1], "on" ) == 0 ) { be->be_restrictops |= SLAP_RESTRICT_OP_WRITES; } else { be->be_restrictops &= ~SLAP_RESTRICT_OP_WRITES; } } /* restricts specific operations */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "restrict" ) == 0 ) { slap_mask_t restrict = 0; struct restrictable_exops_t { char *name; int flag; } restrictable_exops[] = { { LDAP_EXOP_START_TLS, SLAP_RESTRICT_EXOP_START_TLS }, { LDAP_EXOP_MODIFY_PASSWD, SLAP_RESTRICT_EXOP_MODIFY_PASSWD }, { LDAP_EXOP_X_WHO_AM_I, SLAP_RESTRICT_EXOP_WHOAMI }, { LDAP_EXOP_X_CANCEL, SLAP_RESTRICT_EXOP_CANCEL }, { NULL, 0 } }; int i; if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing <op_list> in \"restrict <op_list>\" " "line.\n", fname, lineno ,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing <op_list> in \"restrict <op_list>\" " "line.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } for ( i = 1; i < cargc; i++ ) { if ( strcasecmp( cargv[ i ], "read" ) == 0 ) { restrict |= SLAP_RESTRICT_OP_READS; } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[ i ], "write" ) == 0 ) { restrict |= SLAP_RESTRICT_OP_WRITES; } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[ i ], "add" ) == 0 ) { restrict |= SLAP_RESTRICT_OP_ADD; } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[ i ], "bind" ) == 0 ) { restrict |= SLAP_RESTRICT_OP_BIND; } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[ i ], "compare" ) == 0 ) { restrict |= SLAP_RESTRICT_OP_COMPARE; } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[ i ], "delete" ) == 0 ) { restrict |= SLAP_RESTRICT_OP_DELETE; } else if ( strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], "extended", STRLENOF( "extended" ) ) == 0 ) { char *e = cargv[ i ] + STRLENOF( "extended" ); if ( e[0] == '=' ) { int j; e++; for ( j = 0; restrictable_exops[ j ].name; j++ ) { if ( strcmp( e, restrictable_exops[ j ].name ) == 0 ) { restrict |= restrictable_exops[ j ].flag; break; } } if ( restrictable_exops[ j ].name == NULL ) { goto restrict_unknown; } restrict &= ~SLAP_RESTRICT_OP_EXTENDED; } else if ( e[0] == '\0' ) { restrict &= ~SLAP_RESTRICT_EXOP_MASK; restrict |= SLAP_RESTRICT_OP_EXTENDED; } else { goto restrict_unknown; } } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[ i ], "modify" ) == 0 ) { restrict |= SLAP_RESTRICT_OP_MODIFY; } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[ i ], "rename" ) == 0 || strcasecmp( cargv[ i ], "modrdn" ) == 0 ) { restrict |= SLAP_RESTRICT_OP_RENAME; } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[ i ], "search" ) == 0 ) { restrict |= SLAP_RESTRICT_OP_SEARCH; } else { restrict_unknown:; #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: " "unknown operation %s in \"allow <features>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "unknown operation %s in \"allow <features>\" line\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] ); #endif return 1; } } if ( be == NULL ) { global_restrictops |= restrict; } else { be->be_restrictops |= restrict; } /* allow these features */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "allows" ) == 0 || strcasecmp( cargv[0], "allow" ) == 0 ) { slap_mask_t allows; if ( be != NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: allow line must appear prior to " "database definitions.\n", fname, lineno ,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: allow line must appear prior to database definitions\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif } if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing feature(s) in \"allow <features>\"" " line\n", fname, lineno ,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing feature(s) in \"allow <features>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } allows = 0; for( i=1; i < cargc; i++ ) { if( strcasecmp( cargv[i], "bind_v2" ) == 0 ) { allows |= SLAP_ALLOW_BIND_V2; } else if( strcasecmp( cargv[i], "bind_anon_cred" ) == 0 ) { allows |= SLAP_ALLOW_BIND_ANON_CRED; } else if( strcasecmp( cargv[i], "bind_anon_dn" ) == 0 ) { allows |= SLAP_ALLOW_BIND_ANON_DN; } else if( strcasecmp( cargv[i], "update_anon" ) == 0 ) { allows |= SLAP_ALLOW_UPDATE_ANON; } else if( strcasecmp( cargv[i], "none" ) != 0 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: " "unknown feature %s in \"allow <features>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "unknown feature %s in \"allow <features>\" line\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] ); #endif return( 1 ); } } global_allows = allows; /* disallow these features */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "disallows" ) == 0 || strcasecmp( cargv[0], "disallow" ) == 0 ) { slap_mask_t disallows; if ( be != NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: disallow line must appear prior to " "database definitions.\n", fname, lineno ,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: disallow line must appear prior to database definitions\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif } if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing feature(s) in \"disallow <features>\"" " line.\n", fname, lineno ,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing feature(s) in \"disallow <features>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } disallows = 0; for( i=1; i < cargc; i++ ) { if( strcasecmp( cargv[i], "bind_anon" ) == 0 ) { disallows |= SLAP_DISALLOW_BIND_ANON; } else if( strcasecmp( cargv[i], "bind_simple" ) == 0 ) { disallows |= SLAP_DISALLOW_BIND_SIMPLE; } else if( strcasecmp( cargv[i], "bind_krbv4" ) == 0 ) { disallows |= SLAP_DISALLOW_BIND_KRBV4; } else if( strcasecmp( cargv[i], "tls_2_anon" ) == 0 ) { disallows |= SLAP_DISALLOW_TLS_2_ANON; } else if( strcasecmp( cargv[i], "tls_authc" ) == 0 ) { disallows |= SLAP_DISALLOW_TLS_AUTHC; } else if( strcasecmp( cargv[i], "none" ) != 0 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: unknown feature %s in " "\"disallow <features>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: unknown feature %s in \"disallow <features>\" line\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] ); #endif return( 1 ); } } global_disallows = disallows; /* require these features */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "requires" ) == 0 || strcasecmp( cargv[0], "require" ) == 0 ) { slap_mask_t requires; if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing feature(s) in " "\"require <features>\" line.\n", fname, lineno ,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing feature(s) in \"require <features>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } requires = 0; for( i=1; i < cargc; i++ ) { if( strcasecmp( cargv[i], "bind" ) == 0 ) { requires |= SLAP_REQUIRE_BIND; } else if( strcasecmp( cargv[i], "LDAPv3" ) == 0 ) { requires |= SLAP_REQUIRE_LDAP_V3; } else if( strcasecmp( cargv[i], "authc" ) == 0 ) { requires |= SLAP_REQUIRE_AUTHC; } else if( strcasecmp( cargv[i], "SASL" ) == 0 ) { requires |= SLAP_REQUIRE_SASL; } else if( strcasecmp( cargv[i], "strong" ) == 0 ) { requires |= SLAP_REQUIRE_STRONG; } else if( strcasecmp( cargv[i], "none" ) != 0 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: unknown feature %s in " "\"require <features>\" line.\n", fname, lineno , cargv[i] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: unknown feature %s in \"require <features>\" line\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] ); #endif return( 1 ); } } if ( be == NULL ) { global_requires = requires; } else { be->be_requires = requires; } /* required security factors */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "security" ) == 0 ) { slap_ssf_set_t *set; if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing factor(s) in \"security <factors>\"" " line.\n", fname, lineno ,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing factor(s) in \"security <factors>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } if ( be == NULL ) { set = &global_ssf_set; } else { set = &be->be_ssf_set; } for( i=1; i < cargc; i++ ) { slap_ssf_t *tgt; char *src; if ( strncasecmp( cargv[i], "ssf=", STRLENOF("ssf=") ) == 0 ) { tgt = &set->sss_ssf; src = &cargv[i][STRLENOF("ssf=")]; } else if ( strncasecmp( cargv[i], "transport=", STRLENOF("transport=") ) == 0 ) { tgt = &set->sss_transport; src = &cargv[i][STRLENOF("transport=")]; } else if ( strncasecmp( cargv[i], "tls=", STRLENOF("tls=") ) == 0 ) { tgt = &set->sss_tls; src = &cargv[i][STRLENOF("tls=")]; } else if ( strncasecmp( cargv[i], "sasl=", STRLENOF("sasl=") ) == 0 ) { tgt = &set->sss_sasl; src = &cargv[i][STRLENOF("sasl=")]; } else if ( strncasecmp( cargv[i], "update_ssf=", STRLENOF("update_ssf=") ) == 0 ) { tgt = &set->sss_update_ssf; src = &cargv[i][STRLENOF("update_ssf=")]; } else if ( strncasecmp( cargv[i], "update_transport=", STRLENOF("update_transport=") ) == 0 ) { tgt = &set->sss_update_transport; src = &cargv[i][STRLENOF("update_transport=")]; } else if ( strncasecmp( cargv[i], "update_tls=", STRLENOF("update_tls=") ) == 0 ) { tgt = &set->sss_update_tls; src = &cargv[i][STRLENOF("update_tls=")]; } else if ( strncasecmp( cargv[i], "update_sasl=", STRLENOF("update_sasl=") ) == 0 ) { tgt = &set->sss_update_sasl; src = &cargv[i][STRLENOF("update_sasl=")]; } else if ( strncasecmp( cargv[i], "simple_bind=", STRLENOF("simple_bind=") ) == 0 ) { tgt = &set->sss_simple_bind; src = &cargv[i][STRLENOF("simple_bind=")]; } else { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: unknown factor %s in " "\"security <factors>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: unknown factor %s in \"security <factors>\" line\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] ); #endif return( 1 ); } *tgt = strtol( src, &next, 10 ); if ( next == NULL || next[0] != '\0' ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: unable to parse factor \"%s\" in " "\"security <factors>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: unable to parse factor \"%s\" in \"security <factors>\" line\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] ); #endif return( 1 ); } } /* where to send clients when we don't hold it */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "referral" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing URL in \"referral <URL>\"" " line.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing URL in \"referral <URL>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } if( validate_global_referral( cargv[1] ) ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: invalid URL (%s) in \"referral\" line.\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "invalid URL (%s) in \"referral\" line.\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1] ); #endif return 1; } vals[0].bv_val = cargv[1]; vals[0].bv_len = strlen( vals[0].bv_val ); if( value_add( &default_referral, vals ) ) return LDAP_OTHER; #ifdef NEW_LOGGING } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "logfile" ) == 0 ) { FILE *logfile; if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: Error in logfile directive, " "\"logfile <filename>\"\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: Error in logfile directive, \"logfile filename\"\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } logfile = fopen( cargv[1], "w" ); if ( logfile != NULL ) lutil_debug_file( logfile ); #endif /* start of a new database definition */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "debug" ) == 0 ) { int level; if ( cargc < 3 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: Error in debug directive, " "\"debug <subsys> <level>\"\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: Error in debug directive, \"debug subsys level\"\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } level = strtol( cargv[2], &next, 10 ); if ( next == NULL || next[0] != '\0' ){ #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: unable to parse level \"%s\" in debug directive, " "\"debug <subsys> <level>\"\n", fname, lineno , cargv[2] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: unable to parse level \"%s\" in debug directive, " "\"debug <subsys> <level>\"\n", fname, lineno , cargv[2] ); #endif return( 1 ); } if ( level <= 0 ) level = lutil_mnem2level( cargv[2] ); lutil_set_debug_level( cargv[1], level ); /* specify an Object Identifier macro */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "objectidentifier" ) == 0 ) { rc = parse_oidm( fname, lineno, cargc, cargv ); if( rc ) return rc; /* specify an objectclass */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "objectclass" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: illegal objectclass format.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: illegal objectclass format.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } else if ( *cargv[1] == '(' /*')'*/) { char * p; p = strchr(saveline,'(' /*')'*/); rc = parse_oc( fname, lineno, p, cargv ); if( rc ) return rc; } else { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: old objectclass format not supported\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: old objectclass format not supported.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif } } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "ditcontentrule" ) == 0 ) { char * p; p = strchr(saveline,'(' /*')'*/); rc = parse_cr( fname, lineno, p, cargv ); if( rc ) return rc; /* specify an attribute type */ } else if (( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "attributetype" ) == 0 ) || ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "attribute" ) == 0 )) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: " "illegal attribute type format.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "illegal attribute type format.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } else if ( *cargv[1] == '(' /*')'*/) { char * p; p = strchr(saveline,'(' /*')'*/); rc = parse_at( fname, lineno, p, cargv ); if( rc ) return rc; } else { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: old attribute type format not supported.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: old attribute type format not supported.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif } /* define attribute option(s) */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "attributeoptions" ) == 0 ) { ad_define_option( NULL, NULL, 0 ); for ( i = 1; i < cargc; i++ ) if ( ad_define_option( cargv[i], fname, lineno ) != 0 ) return 1; /* turn on/off schema checking */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "schemacheck" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing on|off in \"schemacheck <on|off>\"" " line.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing on|off in \"schemacheck <on|off>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } if ( strcasecmp( cargv[1], "off" ) == 0 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: schema checking disabled! your mileage may " "vary!\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: schema checking disabled! your mileage may vary!\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif global_schemacheck = 0; } else { global_schemacheck = 1; } /* specify access control info */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "access" ) == 0 ) { parse_acl( be, fname, lineno, cargc, cargv ); /* debug level to log things to syslog */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "loglevel" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing level(s) in \"loglevel <level> [...]\"" " line.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing level(s) in \"loglevel <level> [...]\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } ldap_syslog = 0; for( i=1; i < cargc; i++ ) { int level = strtol( cargv[i], &next, 10 ); if ( next == NULL || next[0] != '\0' ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: unable to parse level \"%s\" in \"loglevel <level> [...]\"" " line.\n", fname, lineno , cargv[i] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: unable to parse level \"%s\" in \"loglevel <level> [...]\"" " line.\n", fname, lineno , cargv[i] ); #endif return( 1 ); } ldap_syslog |= level; } /* list of sync replication information in this backend (slave only) */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "syncrepl" ) == 0 ) { if ( be == NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: syncrepl line must appear inside " "a database definition.\n", fname, lineno, 0); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: syncrepl line must appear inside " "a database definition.\n", fname, lineno, 0); #endif return 1; } else if ( SLAP_SHADOW( be )) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: syncrepl: database already shadowed.\n", fname, lineno, 0); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: syncrepl: database already shadowed.\n", fname, lineno, 0); #endif return 1; } else if ( add_syncrepl( be, cargv, cargc )) { return 1; } SLAP_DBFLAGS(be) |= ( SLAP_DBFLAG_SHADOW | SLAP_DBFLAG_SYNC_SHADOW ); /* list of replicas of the data in this backend (master only) */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "replica" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing host or uri in \"replica " " <host[:port]\" line\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing host or uri in \"replica <host[:port]>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } if ( be == NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: replica line must appear inside " "a database definition.\n", fname, lineno, 0); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: replica line must appear inside a database definition\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } else { int nr = -1; for ( i = 1; i < cargc; i++ ) { if ( strncasecmp( cargv[i], "host=", 5 ) == 0 ) { nr = add_replica_info( be, cargv[i] + 5 ); break; } else if (strncasecmp( cargv[i], "uri=", 4 ) == 0 ) { if ( ldap_url_parse( cargv[ i ] + 4, &ludp ) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: replica line contains invalid " "uri definition.\n", fname, lineno, 0); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: replica line contains invalid " "uri definition.\n", fname, lineno, 0); #endif return 1; } if (ludp->lud_host == NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: replica line contains invalid " "uri definition - missing hostname.\n", fname, lineno, 0); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: replica line contains invalid " "uri definition - missing hostname.\n", fname, lineno, 0); #endif return 1; } replicahost = ch_malloc( strlen( cargv[ i ] ) ); if ( replicahost == NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, ERR, "out of memory in read_config\n", 0, 0,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "out of memory in read_config\n", 0, 0, 0 ); #endif ldap_free_urldesc( ludp ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } sprintf(replicahost, "%s:%d", ludp->lud_host, ludp->lud_port); nr = add_replica_info( be, replicahost ); ldap_free_urldesc( ludp ); ch_free(replicahost); break; } } if ( i == cargc ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: missing host or uri in \"replica\" line\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing host or uri in \"replica\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } else if ( nr == -1 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: unable to add" " replica \"%s\"\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] + 5 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: unable to add replica \"%s\"\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] + 5 ); #endif return 1; } else { for ( i = 1; i < cargc; i++ ) { if ( strncasecmp( cargv[i], "suffix=", 7 ) == 0 ) { switch ( add_replica_suffix( be, nr, cargv[i] + 7 ) ) { case 1: #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: suffix \"%s\" in \"replica\"" " line is not valid for backend(ignored)\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] + 7 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: suffix \"%s\" in \"replica\" line is not valid for backend (ignored)\n", fname, lineno, cargv[i] + 7 ); #endif break; case 2: #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: unable to normalize suffix" " in \"replica\" line (ignored)\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: unable to normalize suffix in \"replica\" line (ignored)\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif break; } } else if ( strncasecmp( cargv[i], "attr", 4 ) == 0 ) { int exclude = 0; char *arg = cargv[i] + 4; if ( arg[0] == '!' ) { arg++; exclude = 1; } if ( arg[0] != '=' ) { continue; } if ( add_replica_attrs( be, nr, arg + 1, exclude ) ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: attribute \"%s\" in " "\"replica\" line is unknown\n", fname, lineno, arg + 1 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: attribute \"%s\" in \"replica\" line is unknown\n", fname, lineno, arg + 1 ); #endif return( 1 ); } } } } } } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "replicationInterval" ) == 0 ) { /* ignore */ /* dn of slave entity allowed to write to replica */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "updatedn" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing dn in \"updatedn <dn>\"" " line.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing dn in \"updatedn <dn>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } if ( be == NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: updatedn line must appear inside " "a database definition\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: updatedn line must appear inside a database definition\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } else if ( SLAP_SHADOW(be) ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: updatedn: database already shadowed.\n", fname, lineno, 0); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: updatedn: database already shadowed.\n", fname, lineno, 0); #endif return 1; } else { struct berval dn; if ( load_ucdata( NULL ) < 0 ) return 1; dn.bv_val = cargv[1]; dn.bv_len = strlen( cargv[1] ); rc = dnNormalize( 0, NULL, NULL, &dn, &be->be_update_ndn, NULL ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: updatedn DN is invalid.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: updatedn DN is invalid\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } } SLAP_DBFLAGS(be) |= ( SLAP_DBFLAG_SHADOW | SLAP_DBFLAG_SLURP_SHADOW ); } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "updateref" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: " "missing url in \"updateref <ldapurl>\" line.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "missing url in \"updateref <ldapurl>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } if ( be == NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: updateref" " line must appear inside a database definition\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: updateref" " line must appear inside a database definition\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } else if ( !SLAP_SHADOW(be) ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: " "updateref line must come after syncrepl or updatedn.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "updateref line must after syncrepl or updatedn.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } if( validate_global_referral( cargv[1] ) ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: " "invalid URL (%s) in \"updateref\" line.\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "invalid URL (%s) in \"updateref\" line.\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1] ); #endif return 1; } vals[0].bv_val = cargv[1]; vals[0].bv_len = strlen( vals[0].bv_val ); if( value_add( &be->be_update_refs, vals ) ) { return LDAP_OTHER; } /* replication log file to which changes are appended */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "replogfile" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing filename in \"replogfile <filename>\"" " line.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing filename in \"replogfile <filename>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } if ( be ) { be->be_replogfile = ch_strdup( cargv[1] ); } else { replogfile = ch_strdup( cargv[1] ); } /* file from which to read additional rootdse attrs */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "rootDSE" ) == 0) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: " "missing filename in \"rootDSE <filename>\" line.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "missing filename in \"rootDSE <filename>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } if( read_root_dse_file( cargv[1] ) ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: " "could not read \"rootDSE <filename>\" line.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "could not read \"rootDSE <filename>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } /* maintain lastmodified{by,time} attributes */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "lastmod" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing on|off in \"lastmod <on|off>\"" " line.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing on|off in \"lastmod <on|off>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } if ( be == NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: lastmod" " line must appear inside a database definition\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: lastmod" " line must appear inside a database definition\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return 1; } else if ( SLAP_NOLASTMODCMD(be) ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: lastmod" " not available for %s database\n", fname, lineno , be->bd_info->bi_type ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: lastmod" " not available for %s databases\n", fname, lineno, be->bd_info->bi_type ); #endif return 1; } if ( strcasecmp( cargv[1], "on" ) == 0 ) { SLAP_DBFLAGS(be) &= ~SLAP_DBFLAG_NOLASTMOD; } else { SLAP_DBFLAGS(be) |= SLAP_DBFLAG_NOLASTMOD; } #ifdef SIGHUP /* turn on/off gentle SIGHUP handling */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "gentlehup" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing on|off in \"gentlehup <on|off>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); return( 1 ); } if ( strcasecmp( cargv[1], "off" ) == 0 ) { global_gentlehup = 0; } else { global_gentlehup = 1; } #endif /* set idle timeout value */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "idletimeout" ) == 0 ) { int i; if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing timeout value in " "\"idletimeout <seconds>\" line.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing timeout value in \"idletimeout <seconds>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } i = atoi( cargv[1] ); if( i < 0 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: timeout value (%d) invalid " "\"idletimeout <seconds>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, i ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: timeout value (%d) invalid \"idletimeout <seconds>\" line\n", fname, lineno, i ); #endif return( 1 ); } global_idletimeout = i; /* include another config file */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "include" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing filename in \"include " "<filename>\" line.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing filename in \"include <filename>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } savefname = ch_strdup( cargv[1] ); savelineno = lineno; if ( read_config( savefname, depth+1 ) != 0 ) { return( 1 ); } free( savefname ); lineno = savelineno - 1; /* location of kerberos srvtab file */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "srvtab" ) == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: missing filename in \"srvtab " "<filename>\" line.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing filename in \"srvtab <filename>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } ldap_srvtab = ch_strdup( cargv[1] ); #ifdef SLAPD_MODULES } else if (strcasecmp( cargv[0], "moduleload") == 0 ) { if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: missing filename in \"moduleload " "<filename>\" line.\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing filename in \"moduleload <filename>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (module_load(cargv[1], cargc - 2, (cargc > 2) ? cargv + 2 : NULL)) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: failed to load or initialize module %s\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: failed to load or initialize module %s\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1]); #endif exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } else if (strcasecmp( cargv[0], "modulepath") == 0 ) { if ( cargc != 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: missing path in \"modulepath <path>\"" " line\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing path in \"modulepath <path>\" line\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (module_path( cargv[1] )) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "%s: line %d: failed to set module search path to %s.\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: failed to set module search path to %s\n", fname, lineno, cargv[1]); #endif exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } #endif /*SLAPD_MODULES*/ #ifdef HAVE_TLS } else if ( !strcasecmp( cargv[0], "TLSRandFile" ) ) { rc = ldap_pvt_tls_set_option( NULL, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_RANDOM_FILE, cargv[1] ); if ( rc ) return rc; } else if ( !strcasecmp( cargv[0], "TLSCipherSuite" ) ) { rc = ldap_pvt_tls_set_option( NULL, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_CIPHER_SUITE, cargv[1] ); if ( rc ) return rc; } else if ( !strcasecmp( cargv[0], "TLSCertificateFile" ) ) { rc = ldap_pvt_tls_set_option( NULL, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_CERTFILE, cargv[1] ); if ( rc ) return rc; } else if ( !strcasecmp( cargv[0], "TLSCertificateKeyFile" ) ) { rc = ldap_pvt_tls_set_option( NULL, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_KEYFILE, cargv[1] ); if ( rc ) return rc; } else if ( !strcasecmp( cargv[0], "TLSCACertificatePath" ) ) { rc = ldap_pvt_tls_set_option( NULL, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_CACERTDIR, cargv[1] ); if ( rc ) return rc; } else if ( !strcasecmp( cargv[0], "TLSCACertificateFile" ) ) { rc = ldap_pvt_tls_set_option( NULL, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, cargv[1] ); if ( rc ) return rc; } else if ( !strcasecmp( cargv[0], "TLSVerifyClient" ) ) { if ( isdigit( (unsigned char) cargv[1][0] ) ) { i = atoi(cargv[1]); rc = ldap_pvt_tls_set_option( NULL, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, &i ); } else { rc = ldap_int_tls_config( NULL, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, cargv[1] ); } if ( rc ) return rc; #endif } else if ( !strcasecmp( cargv[0], "reverse-lookup" ) ) { #ifdef SLAPD_RLOOKUPS if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: reverse-lookup: missing \"on\" or \"off\"\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: reverse-lookup: missing \"on\" or \"off\"\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } if ( !strcasecmp( cargv[1], "on" ) ) { use_reverse_lookup = 1; } else if ( !strcasecmp( cargv[1], "off" ) ) { use_reverse_lookup = 0; } else { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: reverse-lookup: " "must be \"on\" (default) or \"off\"\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: reverse-lookup: must be \"on\" (default) or \"off\"\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } #else /* !SLAPD_RLOOKUPS */ #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: reverse lookups " "are not configured (ignored).\n", fname, lineno , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: reverse lookups are not configured (ignored).\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif #endif /* !SLAPD_RLOOKUPS */ /* Netscape plugins */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "plugin" ) == 0 ) { #if defined( LDAP_SLAPI ) #ifdef notdef /* allow global plugins, too */ /* * a "plugin" line must be inside a database * definition, since we implement pre-,post- * and extended operation plugins */ if ( be == NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: plugin line must appear " "insid a database definition.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: plugin " "line must appear inside a database " "definition\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } #endif /* notdef */ if ( slapi_int_read_config( be, fname, lineno, cargc, cargv ) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: SLAPI config read failed.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: SLAPI " "config read failed.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } slapi_plugins_used++; #else /* !defined( LDAP_SLAPI ) */ #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: SLAPI not supported.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: SLAPI " "not supported.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); #endif /* !defined( LDAP_SLAPI ) */ /* Netscape plugins */ } else if ( strcasecmp( cargv[0], "pluginlog" ) == 0 ) { #if defined( LDAP_SLAPI ) if ( cargc < 2 ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: missing file name " "in pluginlog <filename> line.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: missing file name " "in pluginlog <filename> line.\n", fname, lineno, 0 ); #endif return( 1 ); } if ( slapi_log_file != NULL ) { ch_free( slapi_log_file ); } slapi_log_file = ch_strdup( cargv[1] ); #endif /* !defined( LDAP_SLAPI ) */ /* pass anything else to the current backend info/db config routine */ } else { if ( bi != NULL ) { if ( bi->bi_config ) { rc = (*bi->bi_config)( bi, fname, lineno, cargc, cargv ); switch ( rc ) { case 0: break; case SLAP_CONF_UNKNOWN: #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: unknown directive \"%s\" inside " "backend info definition (ignored).\n", fname, lineno, cargv[0] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: unknown directive \"%s\" inside backend info definition (ignored)\n", fname, lineno, cargv[0] ); #endif break; default: return 1; } } } else if ( be != NULL ) { if ( be->be_config ) { rc = (*be->be_config)( be, fname, lineno, cargc, cargv ); switch ( rc ) { case 0: break; case SLAP_CONF_UNKNOWN: #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: unknown directive \"%s\" inside " "backend database definition (ignored).\n", fname, lineno, cargv[0] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: unknown directive \"%s\" inside backend database definition (ignored)\n", fname, lineno, cargv[0] ); #endif break; default: return 1; } } } else { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, INFO, "%s: line %d: unknown directive \"%s\" outside backend " "info and database definitions (ignored).\n", fname, lineno, cargv[0] ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: unknown directive \"%s\" outside backend info and database definitions (ignored)\n", fname, lineno, cargv[0] ); #endif } } free( saveline ); } fclose( fp ); if ( depth == 0 ) ch_free( cargv ); if ( !global_schemadn.bv_val ) { ber_str2bv( SLAPD_SCHEMA_DN, sizeof(SLAPD_SCHEMA_DN)-1, 1, &global_schemadn ); dnNormalize( 0, NULL, NULL, &global_schemadn, &global_schemandn, NULL ); } if ( load_ucdata( NULL ) < 0 ) return 1; return( 0 ); } static int fp_parse_line( int lineno, char *line ) { char * token; char * logline; char logbuf[sizeof("pseudorootpw ***")]; cargc = 0; token = strtok_quote( line, " \t" ); logline = line; if ( token && ( strcasecmp( token, "rootpw" ) == 0 || strcasecmp( token, "replica" ) == 0 || /* contains "credentials" */ strcasecmp( token, "bindpw" ) == 0 || /* used in back-ldap */ strcasecmp( token, "pseudorootpw" ) == 0 || /* used in back-meta */ strcasecmp( token, "dbpasswd" ) == 0 ) ) /* used in back-sql */ { snprintf( logline = logbuf, sizeof logbuf, "%s ***", token ); } if ( strtok_quote_ptr ) { *strtok_quote_ptr = ' '; } #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, DETAIL1, "line %d (%s)\n", lineno, logline , 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_CONFIG, "line %d (%s)\n", lineno, logline, 0 ); #endif if ( strtok_quote_ptr ) { *strtok_quote_ptr = '\0'; } for ( ; token != NULL; token = strtok_quote( NULL, " \t" ) ) { if ( cargc == cargv_size - 1 ) { char **tmp; tmp = ch_realloc( cargv, (cargv_size + ARGS_STEP) * sizeof(*cargv) ); if ( tmp == NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, ERR, "line %d: out of memory\n", lineno, 0,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "line %d: out of memory\n", lineno, 0, 0 ); #endif return -1; } cargv = tmp; cargv_size += ARGS_STEP; } cargv[cargc++] = token; } cargv[cargc] = NULL; return 0; } static char * strtok_quote( char *line, char *sep ) { int inquote; char *tmp; static char *next; strtok_quote_ptr = NULL; if ( line != NULL ) { next = line; } while ( *next && strchr( sep, *next ) ) { next++; } if ( *next == '\0' ) { next = NULL; return( NULL ); } tmp = next; for ( inquote = 0; *next; ) { switch ( *next ) { case '"': if ( inquote ) { inquote = 0; } else { inquote = 1; } AC_MEMCPY( next, next + 1, strlen( next + 1 ) + 1 ); break; case '\\': if ( next[1] ) AC_MEMCPY( next, next + 1, strlen( next + 1 ) + 1 ); next++; /* dont parse the escaped character */ break; default: if ( ! inquote ) { if ( strchr( sep, *next ) != NULL ) { strtok_quote_ptr = next; *next++ = '\0'; return( tmp ); } } next++; break; } } return( tmp ); } static char buf[BUFSIZ]; static char *line; static size_t lmax, lcur; #define CATLINE( buf ) \ do { \ size_t len = strlen( buf ); \ while ( lcur + len + 1 > lmax ) { \ lmax += BUFSIZ; \ line = (char *) ch_realloc( line, lmax ); \ } \ strcpy( line + lcur, buf ); \ lcur += len; \ } while( 0 ) static char * fp_getline( FILE *fp, int *lineno ) { char *p; lcur = 0; CATLINE( buf ); (*lineno)++; /* hack attack - keeps us from having to keep a stack of bufs... */ if ( strncasecmp( line, "include", 7 ) == 0 ) { buf[0] = '\0'; return( line ); } while ( fgets( buf, sizeof(buf), fp ) != NULL ) { /* trim off \r\n or \n */ if ( (p = strchr( buf, '\n' )) != NULL ) { if( p > buf && p[-1] == '\r' ) --p; *p = '\0'; } /* trim off trailing \ and append the next line */ if ( line[ 0 ] != '\0' && (p = line + strlen( line ) - 1)[ 0 ] == '\\' && p[ -1 ] != '\\' ) { p[ 0 ] = '\0'; lcur--; } else { if ( ! isspace( (unsigned char) buf[0] ) ) { return( line ); } /* change leading whitespace to a space */ buf[0] = ' '; } CATLINE( buf ); (*lineno)++; } buf[0] = '\0'; return( line[0] ? line : NULL ); } static void fp_getline_init( int *lineno ) { *lineno = -1; buf[0] = '\0'; } /* Loads ucdata, returns 1 if loading, 0 if already loaded, -1 on error */ static int load_ucdata( char *path ) { #if 0 static int loaded = 0; int err; if ( loaded ) { return( 0 ); } err = ucdata_load( path ? path : SLAPD_DEFAULT_UCDATA, UCDATA_ALL ); if ( err ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, CRIT, "load_ucdata: Error %d loading ucdata.\n", err, 0,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "error loading ucdata (error %d)\n", err, 0, 0 ); #endif return( -1 ); } loaded = 1; return( 1 ); #else /* ucdata is now hardcoded */ return( 0 ); #endif } void config_destroy( ) { ucdata_unload( UCDATA_ALL ); free( global_schemandn.bv_val ); free( global_schemadn.bv_val ); free( line ); if ( slapd_args_file ) free ( slapd_args_file ); if ( slapd_pid_file ) free ( slapd_pid_file ); if ( default_passwd_hash ) ldap_charray_free( default_passwd_hash ); acl_destroy( global_acl, NULL ); } static int add_syncrepl( Backend *be, char **cargv, int cargc ) { syncinfo_t *si; syncinfo_t *si_entry; int rc = 0; int duplicated_replica_id = 0; si = (syncinfo_t *) ch_calloc( 1, sizeof( syncinfo_t ) ); if ( si == NULL ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, ERR, "out of memory in add_syncrepl\n", 0, 0,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "out of memory in add_syncrepl\n", 0, 0, 0 ); #endif return 1; } si->si_tls = SYNCINFO_TLS_OFF; if ( be->be_rootndn.bv_val ) { ber_dupbv( &si->si_updatedn, &be->be_rootndn ); } si->si_bindmethod = LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE; si->si_schemachecking = 0; ber_str2bv( "(objectclass=*)", STRLENOF("(objectclass=*)"), 0, &si->si_filterstr ); si->si_base.bv_val = NULL; si->si_scope = LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE; si->si_attrsonly = 0; si->si_attrs = (char **) ch_calloc( 1, sizeof( char * )); si->si_attrs[0] = NULL; si->si_type = LDAP_SYNC_REFRESH_ONLY; si->si_interval = 86400; si->si_retryinterval = 0; si->si_retrynum_init = 0; si->si_retrynum = 0; si->si_syncCookie.ctxcsn = NULL; si->si_syncCookie.octet_str = NULL; si->si_syncCookie.sid = -1; si->si_manageDSAit = 0; si->si_tlimit = 0; si->si_slimit = 0; si->si_syncUUID_ndn.bv_val = NULL; si->si_syncUUID_ndn.bv_len = 0; si->si_presentlist = NULL; LDAP_LIST_INIT( &si->si_nonpresentlist ); rc = parse_syncrepl_line( cargv, cargc, si ); LDAP_STAILQ_FOREACH( si_entry, &be->be_syncinfo, si_next ) { if ( si->si_rid == si_entry->si_rid ) { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, ERR, "add_syncrepl: duplicated replica id\n", 0, 0,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "add_syncrepl: duplicated replica id\n",0, 0, 0 ); #endif duplicated_replica_id = 1; break; } } if ( rc < 0 || duplicated_replica_id ) { syncinfo_t *si_entry; /* Something bad happened - back out */ #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG( CONFIG, ERR, "failed to add syncinfo\n", 0, 0,0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "failed to add syncinfo\n", 0, 0, 0 ); #endif /* If error, remove all syncinfo */ LDAP_STAILQ_FOREACH( si_entry, &be->be_syncinfo, si_next ) { if ( si_entry->si_updatedn.bv_val ) { ch_free( si->si_updatedn.bv_val ); } if ( si_entry->si_filterstr.bv_val ) { ch_free( si->si_filterstr.bv_val ); } if ( si_entry->si_attrs ) { int i = 0; while ( si_entry->si_attrs[i] != NULL ) { ch_free( si_entry->si_attrs[i] ); i++; } ch_free( si_entry->si_attrs ); } } while ( !LDAP_STAILQ_EMPTY( &be->be_syncinfo )) { si_entry = LDAP_STAILQ_FIRST( &be->be_syncinfo ); LDAP_STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD( &be->be_syncinfo, si_next ); ch_free( si_entry ); } LDAP_STAILQ_INIT( &be->be_syncinfo ); return 1; } else { #ifdef NEW_LOGGING LDAP_LOG ( CONFIG, RESULTS, "add_syncrepl: Config: ** successfully added syncrepl \"%s\"\n", si->si_provideruri == NULL ? "(null)" : si->si_provideruri, 0, 0 ); #else Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_CONFIG, "Config: ** successfully added syncrepl \"%s\"\n", si->si_provideruri == NULL ? "(null)" : si->si_provideruri, 0, 0 ); #endif if ( !si->si_schemachecking ) { SLAP_DBFLAGS(be) |= SLAP_DBFLAG_NO_SCHEMA_CHECK; } si->si_be = be; LDAP_STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL( &be->be_syncinfo, si, si_next ); return 0; } } #define IDSTR "rid" #define PROVIDERSTR "provider" #define SUFFIXSTR "suffix" #define UPDATEDNSTR "updatedn" #define BINDMETHSTR "bindmethod" #define SIMPLESTR "simple" #define SASLSTR "sasl" #define BINDDNSTR "binddn" #define CREDSTR "credentials" #define OLDAUTHCSTR "bindprincipal" #define AUTHCSTR "authcID" #define AUTHZSTR "authzID" #define SRVTABSTR "srvtab" #define SASLMECHSTR "saslmech" #define REALMSTR "realm" #define SECPROPSSTR "secprops" #define STARTTLSSTR "starttls" #define CRITICALSTR "critical" #define SCHEMASTR "schemachecking" #define FILTERSTR "filter" #define SEARCHBASESTR "searchbase" #define SCOPESTR "scope" #define ATTRSSTR "attrs" #define ATTRSONLYSTR "attrsonly" #define TYPESTR "type" #define INTERVALSTR "interval" #define LASTMODSTR "lastmod" #define LMREQSTR "req" #define LMGENSTR "gen" #define LMNOSTR "no" #define MANAGEDSAITSTR "manageDSAit" #define SLIMITSTR "sizelimit" #define TLIMITSTR "timelimit" #define RETRYSTR "retry" #define GOT_ID 0x0001 #define GOT_PROVIDER 0x0002 #define GOT_METHOD 0x0004 #define GOT_ALL 0x0007 static int parse_syncrepl_line( char **cargv, int cargc, syncinfo_t *si ) { int gots = 0; int i, j; char *hp, *val; int nr_attr = 0; for ( i = 1; i < cargc; i++ ) { if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], IDSTR, sizeof( IDSTR ) - 1 )) { int tmp; /* '\0' string terminator accounts for '=' */ val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( IDSTR ); tmp= atoi( val ); if ( tmp >= 1000 || tmp < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: parse_syncrepl_line: " "syncrepl id %d is out of range [0..999]\n", tmp ); return -1; } si->si_rid = tmp; gots |= GOT_ID; } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], PROVIDERSTR, sizeof( PROVIDERSTR ) - 1 )) { val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( PROVIDERSTR ); si->si_provideruri = ch_strdup( val ); si->si_provideruri_bv = (BerVarray) ch_calloc( 2, sizeof( struct berval )); ber_str2bv( si->si_provideruri, strlen( si->si_provideruri ), 0, &si->si_provideruri_bv[0] ); si->si_provideruri_bv[1].bv_len = 0; si->si_provideruri_bv[1].bv_val = NULL; gots |= GOT_PROVIDER; } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], STARTTLSSTR, sizeof(STARTTLSSTR) - 1 ) ) { val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( STARTTLSSTR ); if( !strcasecmp( val, CRITICALSTR ) ) { si->si_tls = SYNCINFO_TLS_CRITICAL; } else { si->si_tls = SYNCINFO_TLS_ON; } } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], UPDATEDNSTR, sizeof( UPDATEDNSTR ) - 1 ) ) { struct berval updatedn = {0, NULL}; val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( UPDATEDNSTR ); ber_str2bv( val, 0, 0, &updatedn ); ch_free( si->si_updatedn.bv_val ); dnNormalize( 0, NULL, NULL, &updatedn, &si->si_updatedn, NULL ); } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], BINDMETHSTR, sizeof( BINDMETHSTR ) - 1 ) ) { val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( BINDMETHSTR ); if ( !strcasecmp( val, SIMPLESTR )) { si->si_bindmethod = LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE; gots |= GOT_METHOD; } else if ( !strcasecmp( val, SASLSTR )) { #ifdef HAVE_CYRUS_SASL si->si_bindmethod = LDAP_AUTH_SASL; gots |= GOT_METHOD; #else /* HAVE_CYRUS_SASL */ fprintf( stderr, "Error: parse_syncrepl_line: " "not compiled with SASL support\n" ); return 1; #endif /* HAVE_CYRUS_SASL */ } else { si->si_bindmethod = -1; } } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], BINDDNSTR, sizeof( BINDDNSTR ) - 1 ) ) { val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( BINDDNSTR ); si->si_binddn = ch_strdup( val ); } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], CREDSTR, sizeof( CREDSTR ) - 1 ) ) { val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( CREDSTR ); si->si_passwd = ch_strdup( val ); } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], SASLMECHSTR, sizeof( SASLMECHSTR ) - 1 ) ) { val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( SASLMECHSTR ); si->si_saslmech = ch_strdup( val ); } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], SECPROPSSTR, sizeof( SECPROPSSTR ) - 1 ) ) { val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( SECPROPSSTR ); si->si_secprops = ch_strdup( val ); } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], REALMSTR, sizeof( REALMSTR ) - 1 ) ) { val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( REALMSTR ); si->si_realm = ch_strdup( val ); } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], AUTHCSTR, sizeof( AUTHCSTR ) - 1 ) ) { val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( AUTHCSTR ); si->si_authcId = ch_strdup( val ); } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], OLDAUTHCSTR, sizeof( OLDAUTHCSTR ) - 1 ) ) { /* Old authcID is provided for some backwards compatibility */ val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( OLDAUTHCSTR ); si->si_authcId = ch_strdup( val ); } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], AUTHZSTR, sizeof( AUTHZSTR ) - 1 ) ) { val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( AUTHZSTR ); si->si_authzId = ch_strdup( val ); } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], SCHEMASTR, sizeof( SCHEMASTR ) - 1 ) ) { val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( SCHEMASTR ); if ( !strncasecmp( val, "on", STRLENOF( "on" ) )) { si->si_schemachecking = 1; } else if ( !strncasecmp( val, "off", STRLENOF( "off" ) ) ) { si->si_schemachecking = 0; } else { si->si_schemachecking = 1; } } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], FILTERSTR, sizeof( FILTERSTR ) - 1 ) ) { val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( FILTERSTR ); ber_str2bv( val, 0, 1, &si->si_filterstr ); } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], SEARCHBASESTR, sizeof( SEARCHBASESTR ) - 1 ) ) { struct berval bv; val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( SEARCHBASESTR ); if ( si->si_base.bv_val ) { ch_free( si->si_base.bv_val ); } ber_str2bv( val, 0, 0, &bv ); if ( dnNormalize( 0, NULL, NULL, &bv, &si->si_base, NULL )) { fprintf( stderr, "Invalid base DN \"%s\"\n", val ); return 1; } } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], SCOPESTR, sizeof( SCOPESTR ) - 1 ) ) { val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( SCOPESTR ); if ( !strncasecmp( val, "base", STRLENOF( "base" ) )) { si->si_scope = LDAP_SCOPE_BASE; } else if ( !strncasecmp( val, "one", STRLENOF( "one" ) )) { si->si_scope = LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL; #ifdef LDAP_SCOPE_SUBORDINATE } else if ( !strcasecmp( val, "subordinate" ) || !strcasecmp( val, "children" )) { si->si_scope = LDAP_SCOPE_SUBORDINATE; #endif } else if ( !strncasecmp( val, "sub", STRLENOF( "sub" ) )) { si->si_scope = LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE; } else { fprintf( stderr, "Error: parse_syncrepl_line: " "unknown scope \"%s\"\n", val); return 1; } } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], ATTRSONLYSTR, sizeof( ATTRSONLYSTR ) - 1 ) ) { si->si_attrsonly = 1; } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], ATTRSSTR, sizeof( ATTRSSTR ) - 1 ) ) { val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( ATTRSSTR ); str2clist( &si->si_attrs, val, "," ); } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], TYPESTR, sizeof( TYPESTR ) - 1 ) ) { val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( TYPESTR ); if ( !strncasecmp( val, "refreshOnly", STRLENOF("refreshOnly") )) { si->si_type = LDAP_SYNC_REFRESH_ONLY; } else if ( !strncasecmp( val, "refreshAndPersist", STRLENOF("refreshAndPersist") )) { si->si_type = LDAP_SYNC_REFRESH_AND_PERSIST; si->si_interval = 60; } else { fprintf( stderr, "Error: parse_syncrepl_line: " "unknown sync type \"%s\"\n", val); return 1; } } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], INTERVALSTR, sizeof( INTERVALSTR ) - 1 ) ) { val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( INTERVALSTR ); if ( si->si_type == LDAP_SYNC_REFRESH_AND_PERSIST ) { si->si_interval = 0; } else { char *hstr; char *mstr; char *dstr; char *sstr; int dd, hh, mm, ss; dstr = val; hstr = strchr( dstr, ':' ); if ( hstr == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: parse_syncrepl_line: " "invalid interval \"%s\"\n", val ); return 1; } *hstr++ = '\0'; mstr = strchr( hstr, ':' ); if ( mstr == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: parse_syncrepl_line: " "invalid interval \"%s\"\n", val ); return 1; } *mstr++ = '\0'; sstr = strchr( mstr, ':' ); if ( sstr == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: parse_syncrepl_line: " "invalid interval \"%s\"\n", val ); return 1; } *sstr++ = '\0'; dd = atoi( dstr ); hh = atoi( hstr ); mm = atoi( mstr ); ss = atoi( sstr ); if (( hh > 24 ) || ( hh < 0 ) || ( mm > 60 ) || ( mm < 0 ) || ( ss > 60 ) || ( ss < 0 ) || ( dd < 0 )) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: parse_syncrepl_line: " "invalid interval \"%s\"\n", val ); return 1; } si->si_interval = (( dd * 24 + hh ) * 60 + mm ) * 60 + ss; } if ( si->si_interval < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: parse_syncrepl_line: " "invalid interval \"%ld\"\n", (long) si->si_interval); return 1; } } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], RETRYSTR, sizeof( RETRYSTR ) - 1 ) ) { char *str; char **retry_list; int j, k, n; val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( RETRYSTR ); retry_list = (char **) ch_calloc( 1, sizeof( char * )); retry_list[0] = NULL; str2clist( &retry_list, val, " ,\t" ); for ( k = 0; retry_list && retry_list[k]; k++ ) ; n = k / 2; if ( k % 2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: incomplete syncrepl retry list\n" ); for ( k = 0; retry_list && retry_list[k]; k++ ) { ch_free( retry_list[k] ); } ch_free( retry_list ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } si->si_retryinterval = (time_t *) ch_calloc( n + 1, sizeof( time_t )); si->si_retrynum = (int *) ch_calloc( n + 1, sizeof( int )); si->si_retrynum_init = (int *) ch_calloc( n + 1, sizeof( int )); for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { si->si_retryinterval[j] = atoi( retry_list[j*2] ); if ( *retry_list[j*2+1] == '+' ) { si->si_retrynum_init[j] = -1; si->si_retrynum[j] = -1; j++; break; } else { si->si_retrynum_init[j] = atoi( retry_list[j*2+1] ); si->si_retrynum[j] = atoi( retry_list[j*2+1] ); } } si->si_retrynum_init[j] = -2; si->si_retrynum[j] = -2; si->si_retryinterval[j] = 0; for ( k = 0; retry_list && retry_list[k]; k++ ) { ch_free( retry_list[k] ); } ch_free( retry_list ); } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], MANAGEDSAITSTR, sizeof( MANAGEDSAITSTR ) - 1 ) ) { val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( MANAGEDSAITSTR ); si->si_manageDSAit = atoi( val ); } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], SLIMITSTR, sizeof( SLIMITSTR ) - 1 ) ) { val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( SLIMITSTR ); si->si_slimit = atoi( val ); } else if ( !strncasecmp( cargv[ i ], TLIMITSTR, sizeof( TLIMITSTR ) - 1 ) ) { val = cargv[ i ] + sizeof( TLIMITSTR ); si->si_tlimit = atoi( val ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "Error: parse_syncrepl_line: " "unknown keyword \"%s\"\n", cargv[ i ] ); } } if ( gots != GOT_ALL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: Malformed \"syncrepl\" line in slapd config file" ); return -1; } return 0; } char ** str2clist( char ***out, char *in, const char *brkstr ) { char *str; char *s; char *lasts; int i, j; const char *text; char **new; /* find last element in list */ for (i = 0; *out && *out[i]; i++); /* protect the input string from strtok */ str = ch_strdup( in ); if ( *str == '\0' ) { free( str ); return( *out ); } /* Count words in string */ j=1; for ( s = str; *s; s++ ) { if ( strchr( brkstr, *s ) != NULL ) { j++; } } *out = ch_realloc( *out, ( i + j + 1 ) * sizeof( char * ) ); new = *out + i; for ( s = ldap_pvt_strtok( str, brkstr, &lasts ); s != NULL; s = ldap_pvt_strtok( NULL, brkstr, &lasts ) ) { *new = ch_strdup( s ); new++; } *new = NULL; free( str ); return( *out ); }