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  • HAMANO Tsukasa's avatar
    ITS#9463 cumulative fix for back-wt · 2aaaf983
    HAMANO Tsukasa authored and Quanah Gibson-Mount's avatar Quanah Gibson-Mount committed
    - LDAP MODRDN handling
    - support paged response
    - add wt_extended
    - add config emit
    - wt_key_read() return WT_NOTFOUND if not found key.
    - add ext_candidates()
    - fix idlcache session name
    - fix warning
    - don't reuse idlcache cursor
    - set correct pid when modrdn with newsuperior
    - fix condition bug
    - fix send_search_entry() error handling
    - fix for referral handling
    - fix for readonly mode
    - fix sizelimit response
    - support modrdn
    - improve modify handling
    - clear ancestor idlcache
    - fix for multi-DIT
    - IMPORTANT CHANGES: Compatibility is broken with previous database table, please restore database from LDIF.
    - checking for scope=children
    - sort dn2idl result
    - fix cursor leak
    - support db_open with readonly mode
    - add wt_tool_entry_delete
    - initialize comp variable
    - support referrals
    - implement wt_tool_dn2id_get() and wt_tool_entry_modify() for slapadd -w
    - skip redundant scan, and more debug message
    - fix OID conflict with back-passwd
    - no need to close session, It m...