From db0ce74314e5a651c7aae924e9c4fbd78e1c097d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kurt Zeilenga <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2002 02:02:31 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Update release documents in preparation for release

 ANNOUNCEMENT | 141 +++++++------
 CHANGES      | 546 +--------------------------------------------------
 README       |  11 +-
 3 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 613 deletions(-)

index 0075060e70..febb0010f7 100644
@@ -1,90 +1,101 @@
-			A N N O U N C E M E N T
-			       LDAP 3.3
-    The University of Michigan is pleased to announce release 3.3 of
-    UM-LDAP, an implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access
-    Protocol. LDAP is a draft Internet standard directory service
-    protocol that runs over TCP/IP. It can be used to provide a
-    stand-alone directory service, or to provide lightweight access to
-    the X.500 directory.  LDAP is defined by RFC 1777 and RFC 1778.
-    This release includes the following components:
-	- slapd - a stand-alone LDAP directory server
-	- slurpd - a stand-alone LDAP replication server
-	- ldapd - an LDAP-to-X.500 gateway server
-	- centipede - an LDAP centroid generation and maintenance program
-	- libldap - an LDAP client library
-	- liblber - a lightweight BER/DER encoding/decoding library
-	- ldif tools - data conversion tools for use with slapd
-	- in.xfingerd - a finger-to-LDAP gateway server
-	- go500 - a gopher-to-LDAP gateway server for searching
-	- go500gw - a gopher-to-LDAP gateway server for searching and browsing
-	- rcpt500 - an email-to-LDAP query responder
-	- mail500 - an LDAP-capable mailer
-	- fax500 - an LDAP-capable mailer that supports remote printing
-	- LDAP tools - A collection of shell-based LDAP utility programs
+    A N N O U N C E M E N T -- OpenLDAP 2.1
+    The OpenLDAP Project is pleased to announce the availability
+    of OpenLDAP 2.1, a suite of the Lightweight Directory Access
+    Protocol servers, clients, utilities, and development tools.
+    This release contains the following major enhancements:
+        * Transaction oriented backend
+        * Improved Unicode handlng
+        * Improved DN handlng
+        * Improved Referral handlng
+        * SASL authentication/authorization mapping
+        * SASL in-directory storage of authentication secrets
+        * Enhanced administrative limits/access controls
+        * LDAP backend (experimental)
+        * Meta backend (experimental)
+        * Monitor backend (experimental)
+        * Virtual "glue" backend (experimental)
+        * LDAP C++ API
+        * Updated LDAP C and TCL APIs
+        * LDAPv3 extensions, including:
+            - Enhanced Language Tag/Range Support
+            - LDAP 'Who am i?' Extended Operation
+            - LDAP 'no-op' Control
+    This release includes the following major components:
+        * slapd - a stand-alone LDAP directory server
+        * slurpd - a stand-alone LDAP replication server
+        * -lldap - a LDAP client library
+        * -llber - a lightweight BER/DER encoding/decoding library
+        * LDIF tools - data conversion tools for use with slapd
+        * LDAP tools - A collection of command line LDAP utility programs
     In addition, there are some contributed components:
-	- web500 - an HTTP-to-LDAP gateway
-	- whois++d - a WHOIS++-to-LDAP gateway
-	- saucer - a simple command-line oriented client program
+        * LDAPC++ - a LDAP C++ SDK
+        * ldapTCL - a LDAP TCL SDK 
+    This release contains a number of major code changes.  It
+    might be a bit rough around the edges.  Use with appropriate
+    caution.
-    Changes since release 3.2 of LDAP include
-	- slurpd has been rewritten as a single process threaded daemon
-	- ldaptools (ldapsearch, etc) now support the LDIF format
-	- support for LDAP URLs added to libldap
-	- improved support for LDAP referrals in libldap
-	- preliminary test scripts included
-	- support for additional platforms
-	- various bug fixes and build fixes
+    OpenLDAP is developed by a team of volunteers whose use
+    the Internet to coordinate their activities.   The project is
+    managed by the OpenLDAP Foundation.
+    OpenLDAP LDAP implementation is derived from University of
+    Michigan LDAP release 3.3.
-    See the CHANGES file in the distribution for more details.
-    This software is freely available to anyone for any lawful purpose,
-    subject to the U-M copyright notice and disclaimer.  The software is
-    available for anonymous ftp from the following location:
+    This software is available under the OpenLDAP Public License,
+    an unrestrictive, "free," OSS-approved open source license.
+    For download information is available at:
-    The software is provided as is without any express or implied
-    warranty, but there is a bug reporting mail address which is
-    responded to on a best-effort basis:
+    OpenLDAP software is user supported:
+    The OpenLDAP Administrator's Guide, which includes quick
+    start instructions, is available at:
+    The project maintains a FAQ which you may find useful:
+    In addition, there are also a number of discussion lists
+    related OpenLDAP.  A list of mailing lists is available at:
-    In addition, there is a discussion list for issues relating to this
-    implementation of ldap:
-			-- discussion list
-		-- to join the list
+    To report bugs, please use project's Issue Tracking System:
-    Comments or questions about the LDAP protocol in general should be
-    sent to the IETF ASID discussion group:
-		-- discussion list
-	-- to join the list
+    The OpenLDAP home page containing lots of interesting information
+    and online documentation is available at this URL:
-    An LDAP home page containing lots of interesting information and
-    online documentation is available at this URL:
-    This release has been ported to many UNIX platforms, including
-    SunOS 4.1.x, Solaris 2.x, Ultrix 4.3, HP-UX 9.05, AIX 3.2.5,
-    SCO, FreeBSD, NetBSD, LINUX, IRIX, Digital Unix (OSF/1), and
-    NeXTSTEP 3.2.  This release has also been ported to VMS.
+    This release has been ported to many UNIX (and UNIX-like) platforms
+    including FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD and most commercial UNIX
+    systems.  The release has also been ported (in part or in whole) to
+    other platforms including Apple's MacOS and Microsoft's Windows 2000.
-    The client libraries and some clients have also been ported to
-    MacOS 7.x, MSDOS (some TCP stacks), and MS Windows 3.1/95/NT.
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 924b505e3e..cd948639df 100644
@@ -1,545 +1,5 @@
-Changes since 3.3b1
+OpenLDAP 2.1 Change Log
-Various Make-template files	- update by doing 'make depend'
+OpenLDAP 2.1.2 Release
+	Initial release for "general" use.
-include/disptmpl.h		- add LDAP_DISP_OPT_HTMLBODYONLY option
-libraries/liblber/io.c		- under MacOS, limit tcpwrite() calls to a
-				  maximum of 64K bytes; ber_flush() int/long fix
-libraries/libldap/friendly.c	- don't use errno on MacOS or DOS
-libraries/libldap/regex.c	- fix re_exec() to that ".*" matches ""
-libraries/libldap/result.c	- eliminate memory leak in wait4msg()
-libraries/libldap/request.c	- eliminate double-free impurity
-libraries/libldap/tmplout.c	- add LDAP_DISP_OPT_HTMLBODYONLY option
-libraries/libldap/ufn.c		- purify: avoid bad frees; plug memory leaks
-libraries/libldif/line64.c	- str_parse_line() now 0-terminates base64 vals.
-libraries/macintosh/*		- tcpwrite()/OpenTransport bug fixes
-				- better error checking for MacTCP driver opens
-				- don't use old routine names any more
-libraries/msdos/winsock/*	- various bugs fixes & improvements
-servers/slapd/modify.c		- fix bug causing unnormalized attr names
-servers/slapd/monitor.c		- return new "version" attribute
-servers/slapd/regex.c		- fix re_exec() to that ".*" matches ""
-servers/slapd/tools/ldbmcat.c	- make -n option work (don't open file "-n" )
-servers/slapd/tools/ldif2id2entry.c	- include ids in stored entries
-servers/slapd/schema.c		- log some information useful in tracking
-				  down schema-check problems
-servers/slapd/dn.c		- dn_upcase() was not returning anything (doh!)
-servers/slapd/backend.c		- pass unbind request to all backends
-servers/slapd/unbind.c		- pass unbind request to all backends
-servers/slapd/Version.c		- remove leading spaces from Versionstr[]
-servers/slapd/back-ldbm/unbind.c - make arguments consistent
-servers/slapd/back-ldbm/bind.c	- fix bug which allowed anyone to bind as
-				  anyone else using kerberos, if there was
-				  at least one krbName in an entry
-servers/slurpd/replog.c		- do all replog copying with buffered i/o
-servers/slurpd/fm.c		- fix inconsistency in arguments
-servers/slurpd/main.c		- fix inconsistency in arguments
-clients/tools/ldapdelete.c	- add -K flag - only does LDAP_AUTH_KRBV41
-clients/tools/ldapmodify.c	- add -K flag - only does LDAP_AUTH_KRBV41
-clients/tools/ldapmodrdn.c	- add -K flag - only does LDAP_AUTH_KRBV41
-clients/tools/ldapsearch.c	- add -K flag - only does LDAP_AUTH_KRBV41
-doc/man/man1/ldapdelete.1	- add -K flag - only does LDAP_AUTH_KRBV41
-doc/man/man1/ldapmodify.1	- add -K flag - only does LDAP_AUTH_KRBV41
-doc/man/man1/ldapmodrdn.1	- add -K flag - only does LDAP_AUTH_KRBV41
-doc/man/man1/ldapsearch.1	- add -K flag - only does LDAP_AUTH_KRBV41
-doc/man/man3/ldap_entry2text.3	- document LDAP_DISP_OPT_HTMLBODYONLY option
-doc/man/man8/slapd.8		- add BUGS section and document modrdn bug
-Changes since 3.2
-Makefile			- added support for IRIX (SGI)
-				- make depend improvements
-tests/				- all new test scripts -- make test
-include/lber.h			- use short include file names #ifdef WINSOCK
-include/ldap.h			- change LDAPCache struct definition to reduce
-				  cache overhead
-				- use short include file names #ifdef WINSOCK
-				- LDAP URL support
-				- add lr_conn to LDAPRequest (needed by abandon)
-				- add LDAP_OPT_RESTART for select() restart
-				- revised Debug() macro #ifdef WINSOCK
-include/ldbm.h			- under NDBM, use O_RDWR instead of O_CREAT
-include/proto-lber.h		- changes for WIN32
-include/proto-ldap.h		- changes for WIN32
-				- added LDAP URL routines
-include/disptmpl.h		- changes for WIN32
-include/ldif.h			- includes for new libldif library
-include/srchpref.h		- changes for WIN32
-libraries/liblber/decode.c	- vararg changes for WIN32
-libraries/liblber/encode.c	- vararg changes for WIN32
-libraries/libldap/abandon.c	- make ldap_abandon() work with referrals
-libraries/libldap/bind.c	- added new ldap_set_rebind_proc() routine
-libraries/libldap/cache.c	- reduce cache overhead
-				- fix small cache size infinite loop bug
-				- clarify debugging messages
-libraries/libldap/charset.c	- new routines: ldap_translate_from_t61,
-				    ldap_translate_to_t61,
-				    ldap_enable_translation
-libraries/libldap/cldap.c	- changes to support referral re-bind w/auth
-libraries/libldap/getfilter.c	- ldap_build_filter:  don't use NULL value
-libraries/libldap/kbind.c	- changes to support referral re-bind w/auth
-libraries/libldap/ldap-int.h	- changes to support referral re-bind w/auth
-				- rename do_select() to do_ldap_select()
-libraries/libldap/open.c	- changes to support referral re-bind w/auth
-				- ld_options = LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS by default 
-libraries/libldap/os-ip.c	- include <sys/time.h> to fix HP/UX gcc builds
-				- rename do_select() to do_ldap_select()
-libraries/libldap/result.c	- wait4msg debugging now shows timeout values
-				- changes to support referral re-bind w/auth
-				- rename do_select() to do_ldap_select()
-				- buf fix in ldap_msgdelete() -- update prev
-				- support LDAP_OPT_RESTART option
-libraries/libldap/request.c	- changes to support referral re-bind w/auth
-				- initialize new lr_conn field (for abandon)
-libraries/libldap/test.c	- changes to support referral re-bind w/auth
-libraries/libldap/tmplout.c	- searchact uses "-dnt" and "-dnb", not "-dn"
-libraries/libldap/url.c		- new routines: ldap_is_ldap_url,
-				    ldap_parse_url, ldap_url_search
-				    ldap_url_search_s, ldap_url_search_st
-libraries/libldif/		- new library that contains line64 routines
-clients/tools/ldapmodify.c	- preferred input format is now slapd.replog
-clients/tools/ldapsearch.c	- added -L option (output in LDIF format)
-				- don't print initial blank line when -f used
-				- support "-f -" for reading filters from stdin
-clients/ud/*.c			- various bug fixes & auth. streamlining
-doc/man/man3/ldap.3		- add several new routines
-doc/man/man3/ldap_bind.3/.links	- add new ldap_set_rebind_proc() routine
-doc/man/man3/ldap_charset.3/.links	- add new routines
-doc/man/man3/ldap_disptmpl.3	- added missing *'s in ldap_init... arg. lists
-doc/man/man3/ldap_result.3	- add details r.e. timeout parameter
-doc/man/man3/ldap_open.3	- document LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS default to on
-doc/man/man3/ldap_url.3/.links	- document new LDAP URL routines
-Make-common.dist and .um	- add LDBMINCLUDE variable
-				- use ISODEPACKAGE and ICRELEASE in place of
-				  ICR1 and XTISODE defines
-				- remove LDAP_DNS stuff
-build/Make-append		- add LDBMINCLUDE variable
-				- use ISODEPACKAGE and ICRELEASE in place of
-				  ICR1 and XTISODE defines
-build/mkdep			- use compiler passed in, not always cc
-				- remove system dependencies when gcc is used
-build/platforms/attsvr4-cc/	- AT&T SVR4 support
-build/platforms/irix-cc/	- SGI IRIX support
-build/platforms/irix-gcc/	- SGI IRIX support
-servers/ldapd/common.h		- add missing extern function declarations
-servers/ldapd/association.c	- use ISODEPACKAGE test instead of ICR1, etc.
-servers/ldapd/certificate.c	- add missing extern declaration
-servers/ldapd/error.c 		- use ISODEPACKAGE test instead of ICR1, etc.
-servers/ldapd/kerberos.c	- use ISODEPACKAGE test instead of ICR1, etc.
-servers/ldapd/request.c		- use ISODEPACKAGE test instead of ICR1, etc.
-servers/ldapd/main.c		- set proctitle to calling host (bug fix)
-				- CLDAP: don't timeout/exit prematurely
-servers/ldapd/proctitle.c	- don't compile file if NO_SETPROCTITLE is on
-servers/ldapd/Make-template	- don't try to make depend if don't have isode
-servers/ldap			- bug fixes, support ICR3
-servers/slapd/tools/ldif.c	- use correct pointer when calling realloc
-servers/slapd/tools/edb2ldif.c	- properly #ifdef code to handle potential
-				  lack of file_attr_dir and turbo disk stuff
-				- add RDN attribute values to entries
-				- don't pre-pend './' to EDB files on cmd. line
-servers/slapd/tools/ldapsyntax.c- use static buffer to speed things up
-servers/slapd/tools/Make-template	- don't try to make depend some tools
-					- if we don't have isode
-servers/slapd			- fix acl handling
-servers/slapd			- fix race condition setting o_dn
-servers/slapd			- bug fixes
-servers/slurpd			- complete re-write
-tests/				- new - test scripts to verify basic
-				  functionality of libraries, slapd, slurpd
-Changes since 3.2b3
-slapd admin guide		- document ldbmtest changes
-				- clarify quick-start instructions
-include/ldapconfig.h.dist	- move likely-to-change things to top
-Make-common.dist		- add phonetic algorithm config lines
-build/Make-append		- add def for phonetic algorithm config lines
-libraries/libldbm/ldbm.c	- fix bug with gdbm cache size handling
-libraries/liblber/encode.c	- cap lengths at 32-bits for Alpha compatibility
-libraries/libldap/disptmpl.c	- recognize both "addact" and "adddnact"
-libraries/libldap/getdn.c	- handle \ escapes in DNs better
-clients/tools/ldapsearch.c	- added -S option to sort results
-				- print results as they are received (if no -S)
-servers/slapd/*			- added function prototypes
-servers/slapd/phonetic.c	- make phonetic alg settable in Make-common
-servers/slapd/tools/ldbmtest.c	- fix bugs, use dbcache routines (like slapd)
-				- add 'b' and 'B' commands
-servers/slapd/tools/edb2ldif.c	- include quipu/config.h & quipu/entry.h
-				- this fixes TURBO_DISK problems
-servers/ldapd/*			- misc. fixes for VMS and OSF/1
-				- added function prototypes
-Changes since 3.2b2
-servers/slapd/*			- lots of changes/fixes/improvements
-servers/slapd/tools/*		- add ldif program
-				- add centipede program
-				- numerous fixes/improvements
-clients/tools/ldapmodify.c	- add -b option (read binary vals from a file)
-				- add trailing \ feature for iattr, etc.
-clients/tools/ldapsearch.c	- add -z sizelimit and -l timelimit options
-				- add -B (allow non-ascii values_ option
-				- change /tmp template used with -t
-include/lber.h			- add LBER_MAX_INCOMING_SIZE option
-libraries/liblber/io.c		- support LBER_MAX_INCOMING_SIZE option
-				- new ber_init() and ber_reset() routines
-libraries/libldap/*		- various improvements to LDAP_REFERRALS code
-				- minor changes for Mac re-port
-libraries/libldap/disptmpl.c	- "addact" is now "adddnact"
-libraries/libldap/cache.c	- we now cache compare results that have error
-libraries/libldap/open.c	- support :port on ldap_open() hosts
-libraries/libldap/charset.c	- new T.61 to ISO-8859 conversion support
-				- thanks to
-libraries/libldap/kbind.c	- a few changes for MS Windows
-libraries/msdos/winsock/*	- a few changes for Kerberos support
-servers/ldapd/modify.c		- added support for JPEG non-file attrs.
-				- added support for octetstring attrs.
-servers/ldapd/syntax.c		- DN syntax fixes (OID. and replace {ASN} w/#)
-				- don't escape '$' in DeliveryMethod attrs.
-				- added support for JPEG non-file attrs.
-				- added support for octetstring attrs.
-Changes since 3.2b1
-servers/slapd/			- add better database concurrency
-				- remove multiple dn support
-				- add stats logging
-				- fix syslogging
-				- add include config file option
-				- add dbcachesize option
-				- add abandon
-				- add lastmod/creator attrs
-				- add monitoring capability
-				- normalize dns properly
-				- base 64 value encoding support
-				- add schema checking
-				- fix various bugs
-				- add srvtab config option
-servers/slapd/tools		- whole new set of db creation/conversion tools
-clients/finger/main.c		- added -c option & use of FINGER_RDNCOUNT
-clients/gopher/go500.c		- added -c option & use of GO500_RDNCOUNT
-clients/gopher/go500gw.c	- added -c option & use of GO500GW_RDNCOUNT
-				- removed non-functional -s option
-clients/rcpt500/main.c		- added -c option & use of RCPT500_RDNCOUNT
-clients/rcpt500/query.c		- use rdncount instead of hard-coded 2
-include/ldapconfig.h.edit	- added _RDNCOUNT #defines
-libraries/libldap/tmplout.c	- made rdncount of 0 show all DN components
-libraries/libldap/getdn.c	- added ldap_is_dns_dn() routine
-libraries/libldap/*		- many #ifndef NO_REFERRALS changes
-				- new ldap_init() routine
-Changes since 3.1 final
-General/various files		- incorporated changes for Borland C 3.1
-Makefile			- added support for NeXTSTEP
-libraries/liblber/io.c		- add ability to save ldap session to a file
-include/lber.h			- add ability to save ldap session to a file
-				- added -all_load option for ld
-				- define SYSEXITSPATH as for sunos5-gcc
-build/			- new replacement uname for NeXTSTEP, etc.
-clients/finger/main.c		- don't use fprintf for entry2text
-clients/gopher/go500.c		- use GO500_HOSTNAME (bug fix)
-				- don't use fprintf for entry2text
-clients/gopher/go500gw.c	- use GO500GW_HOSTNAME (bug fix)
-				- don't use fprintf for entry2text
-clients/mail500/main.c		- improved error logging
-				- fixed "errors-to is a group" bug
-				- don't look in people space for groups
-				- don't bounce loop messages back to sender
-				- misc. fixes
-clients/tools/ldapdelete.c	- add -c option to continue after errors occur
-clients/tools/ldapmodify.c	- add -c option to continue after errors occur
-clients/tools/ldapmodrdn.c	- add -c option to continue after errors occur
-clients/tools/ldapsearch.c	- added -t option to write values to tmp files
-				- added -A option for "attributes only"
-clients/ud/print.c		- make sure ldap_count_values() returns > 0
-				-   before trying to use returned values
-doc/man/man1/ldapdelete.1	- updated to mention new -c option
-doc/man/man1/ldapmodify.1	- updated to mention new -c option
-doc/man/man1/ldapmodrdn.1	- updated to mention new -c option
-doc/man/man1/ldapsearch.1	- updated to mention new -A & -t options
-doc/man/man3/ldap_friendly.3	- fixed typo in ldap_free_friendlymap()
-doc/man/man5/ldapfilter.conf.5	- add missing part of example config file
-include/disptmpl.h		- appended 'L' to long #defined contants
-				- added entry2html family of routines
-include/lber.h			- added sb_options to allow copy to file
-				- added ber_wptr to re-start partial writes
-include/ldap.h			- added debug levels for sldapd
-				- added LDAP_SYSLOG to send debug using syslog
-include/ldapconfig.h.edit	- added GO500GW_HOSTNAME
-include/ldapconfig.h.dist	- added GO500GW_HOSTNAME
-include/portable.h		- select() macro fix for HP/UX /bin/cc
-include/proto-lber.h		- Borland C fixes
-				- added ber_bvdup() prototype
-include/sysexits-compat.h	- new file, in case we ever need it
-libraries/libavl/*		- new library; used in sldapd
-libraries/liblber/decode.c	- new 'o' feature for ber_scanf()
-				- new ber_bvdup() routine
-				- Borland C fixes
-libraries/liblber/encode.c	- Borland C fixes
-libraries/liblber/io.c		- ensure that write size <= 64K under VMS
-				- use ber_wptr to restart partial writes
-				- added LBER_TO_FILE/FILE_ONLY option support
-libraries/libldap/abandon.c	- use correct message id in abandon requests
-libraries/libldap/cache.c	- use time() in a more portable manner
-libraries/libldap/cldap.c	- retry correct number of times (off by one)
-libraries/libldap/error.c	- define empty ldap_perror if NO_USERINTERFACE
-libraries/libldap/getdn.c	- ldap_dn2ufn() now returns dn if no '='
-				- ldap_explode_dn handles DNs without '='
-libraries/libldap/open.c	- "host" can now be a space-separated list
-libraries/libldap/sort.c	- make function declarations more portable
-libraries/libldap/srchpref.c	- fixed memory leak in options parsing
-libraries/libldap/test.c	- added -t & -T options for ber output to file
-				- added 'E' command to explode a DN
-libraries/libldap/tmplout.c	- added entry2html()
-				- added entry2html_search()
-				- added entry2vals()
-				- remove extraneous ber_free when not using tmpl
-				- fix non-ASCII core dump bugs
-libraries/libldap/ldapfriendly	- added EE & RU
-				- remove '\' inside [] in reg exprs.
-				- add web500gw to filter tags
-				- added xax500-auth section
-				- changed xax500 tags
-				- added co to Country template
-				- add missing types & options to comments
-				- add "Last Modified" attrs. to all templates
-				- make "Last Modified" attrs. read-only
-libraries/libldbm/*		- new library; used in sldapd
-libraries/liblthread/*		- new library; used in sldapd
-libraries/msdos/README.WSA	- updated to include Borland C instructions
-libraries/vms/README.VMS	- fixed pathname typo
-servers/ldapd/add.c		- make BER tags unsigned long everywhere
-servers/ldapd/certificate.c	- make parsing consistent with printing code
-servers/ldapd/main.c		- moved openlog() after detach() call
-servers/ldapd/modify.c		- correct tag usage in ber_first/next loop
-				- output all debugging to stderr
-				- pass and use Sockbuf * in modify_result() call
-servers/ldapd/result.c		- change to always use DER encoding
-servers/ldapd/search.c		- change to always use DER encoding
-servers/ldapd/syntax.c		- add support for telexNumber
-servers/sldapd			- all new "standalone LDAP server"
-Changes since 3.1b8
-Make-common			- added note r.e. -DNO_USERINTERFACE
-servers/ldapd/association.c	- don't include filio.h under AIX
-build/platforms/aix-cc and -gcc	- add _BSD to defines
-include/portable.h		- define OPENLOG_OPTIONS
-clients/*/*.c			- use OPENLOG_OPTIONS
-servers/ldapd/main.c		- use OPENLOG_OPTIONS
-servers/ldapd/syntax.c		- add iattr support (from craig watkins)
-Changes since 3.1b7
-Many System V portability fixes....
-A few fixes for VMS....
-Makefile			- support Linux & NetBSD
-Make-common			- add support for NEXOR version of isode
-include/Make-template		- make ldapconfig.h depend on Makefile
-include/ldapconfig.h.edit	- add RCPT500_LISTLIMIT, RCPT500_UFN
-				- add GO500_TIMEOUT, GO500_UFN
-				- add GO500GW_UFN
-				- change *_DEREF to be LDAP_DEREF_FINDING
-include/regex.h			- use NEED_BSDREGEX
-include/portable.h		- SYSV changes & general re-vamping
-include/disptmpl.h		- fix typo in ldap_name2template() prototype
-				- add LDAP_SYN_RFC822ADDR
-libraries/liblber/io.c		- make ber_alloc actually use BER
-libraries/libldap/cldap.c	- preserve old log DN if NULL is passed
-libraries/libldap/regex.c	- use NEED_BSDREGEX
-libraries/libldap/disptmpl.c	- add support for LDAP_SYN_RFC822ADDR
-libraries/libldap/tmplout.c	- add support for LDAP_SYN_RFC822ADDR
-libraries/libldap/getfilter.c	- always #include "regex.h"
-servers/ldapd/main.c		- don't check openlog return code
-servers/ldapd/request.c		- only do syslog if dosyslog is set
-servers/ldapd/syntax.c		- add support for user certificates (from ER)
-servers/ldapd/certificate.c	- add support for user certificates (new file)
-clients/finger/main.c		- add -t disptmplfile option
-				- add -p port option
-				- add ufn support
-clients/gopher/go500.c		- add -t disptmplfile option
-				- add ufn support
-clients/gopher/go500gw.c	- add -t disptmplfile option
-				- add ufn support
-clients/mail500/main.c		- add -t disptmplfile option
-				- add support for mail to -owner
-clients/rcpt500/main.c,query.c	- add support for RCPT500_LISTLIMIT
-				- support -p ldapport option
-				- add ufn support
-clients/tools/ldapsearch.c	- recognize -w option properly
-clients/tools/ldapdelete.c	- recognize -k option properly
-clients/tools/ldapmodrdn.c	- new program
-clients/ud/edit.c		- use execlp() instead of execle()
-clients/ud/main.c		- include sys/ioctl.h under NetBSD
-clients/ud/print.c		- updated time2text() from libldap/tmplout.c
-contrib/saucer			- new contributed client from Eric Rosenquist
-build/platforms			- added netbsd-cc & netbsd-gcc
-				- updated sunos5-cc and sunos5-gcc
-				- added missing CC=gcc in hpux-gcc
-				- added vms
-build/Make-append		- change ISODELIBS
-doc/man/man8/rcpt500.8		- new manual page
-doc/man/man3/ldap.3		- add (3) to routine names in INDEX section
-doc/man/man3/ldap_search.3	- remove reference to ldap_parse(3)
-doc/man/man3/ldap_modrdn.3	- new manual page
-doc/man/man3/ldap_modrdn.3.links- new links file
-doc/man/man3/ldap_disptmpl.3	- re-word ldap_octemplate description
-				- document LDAP_SYN_RFC822ADDR
-doc/man/man5/ldap_searchprefs.5	- fix formatting
-doc/man/man5/ldaptemplatesconf.5- document "mail" syntax type
-doc/man/*			- use ETCDIR everywhere (was %ETCDIR%)
-ldap-3.1b7 CHANGES file - summary of major changes to each component
-since the last release
-source tree	- completely reorganized for your convenience
-		- makes full use of ansi-style prototypes
-		- supports non-ansi compilers through unproto utility
-configuration	- all client configuration has been moved to ldapconfig.h.edit
-		  (no need to edit multiple source code files)
-build procedure	- completely revamped for your convenience
-		- automaticly figures out your platform/compiler
-		- supports multiple objects from a single source tree
-liblbdap	- added support for display templates
-		- added support for search preferences
-		- added ldap_sort routines for sorting entries
-		- rearranged some routines/source files to allow
-		  better incremental linking to reduce code bloat
-		- added support for CLDAP
-liblber		- added O option to ber_scanf: allocate octet string w/length
-		- big tags (greater than 31) now supported
-		- distinguished encoding rules supported (runtime choice
-		  between ber and der)
-in.xfingerd	- now uses display template routines
-		- now uses ldap sorting routines
-		- editable configuration info moved to ldapconfig.h.edit
-go500		- now uses display template routines
-		- now uses ldap sorting routines
-		- editable configuration info moved to ldapconfig.h.edit
-go500gw		- now uses display template routines
-		- now uses ldap sorting routines
-		- editable configuration info moved to ldapconfig.h.edit
-rcpt500		- now uses display template routines
-		- now uses ldap sorting routines
-		- editable configuration info moved to ldapconfig.h.edit
-mail500		- addition of a new "vacation" feature
-		- editable configuration info moved to ldapconfig.h.edit
-ldap tools	- new addition of some shell-based tools
-whois++ g/w	- moved to contrib/ directory
-web500		- new addition, in contrib/ directory
-ldapd		- lots of bug fixes
-		- bring CLDAP code in line with latest Internet Draft
-documentation	- library man pages have been completely re-done, split
-		  into separate manuals, with new pages for each set of
-		  routines.
-		- new man pages for most client programs (more on the way)
-windows ldap	- support for Win32 (unfinished?)
-		- added VERSIONINFO resource to dll
-		- check for > 64K response packet and don't crash
-macintosh ldap	- support Apple's new Universal Header files
diff --git a/README b/README
index 7757b21620..48c650672b 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-	For a description of what this distribution contains, see the
-	ANNOUNCEMENT file in this directory.
-	This is a 2.1 beta release.
-	It is NOT intended for general use.
+    For a description of what this distribution contains, see the
+    ANNOUNCEMENT file in this directory.  For a description of
+    changes from previous releases, see the CHANGES file in this
+    directory.
+    This is 2.1 release.  2.1 releases includes significant changes
+    from prior releases.
 	Build OpenLDAP requires a number of software packages to be