diff --git a/doc/drafts/draft-masarati-ldap-deref.xml b/doc/drafts/draft-masarati-ldap-deref.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index aab2f032f556aed4ce3bbb82cd1ef7d7ab4ac388..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/doc/drafts/draft-masarati-ldap-deref.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629.dtd" [
-    <!ENTITY rfc2119 PUBLIC '' 
-      'http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml'>
-    <!ENTITY rfc4510 PUBLIC '' 
-      'http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4510.xml'>
-    <!ENTITY rfc4511 PUBLIC '' 
-      'http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4511.xml'>
-    <!ENTITY rfc4512 PUBLIC '' 
-      'http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4512.xml'>
-    <!ENTITY rfc4517 PUBLIC '' 
-      'http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4517.xml'>
-<!-- $OpenLDAP$ -->
-<rfc category="std" ipr="full3978" docName="draft-masarati-ldap-deref.txt">
-<?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='rfc2629.xslt' ?>
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-<?rfc strict="yes" ?>
-    <front>
-        <title abbrev='LDAP Deref'>LDAP Dereference Control</title>
-        <author initials='P.' surname="Masarati" fullname='Pierangelo Masarati'>
-            <organization abbrev='Politecnico di Milano'>
-                Politecnico di Milano
-            </organization>
-            <address>
-                <postal>
-                    <street>Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale</street>
-                    <street>via La Masa 34</street>
-                    <city>Milano</city>
-                    <code>20156</code>
-                    <country>IT</country>
-                </postal>
-                <phone>+39 02 2399 8309</phone>
-                <facsimile>+39 02 2399 8334</facsimile>
-                <email>ando@OpenLDAP.org</email>
-                <uri>http://www.aero.polimi.it/masarati/</uri>
-            </address>
-        </author>
-        <author initials="H.Y." surname="Chu" fullname="Howard Y. Chu">
-            <organization abbrev="Symas Corp.">
-                Symas Corporation
-            </organization>
-            <address>
-	    	<postal>
-		    <street>18740 Oxnard St., Suite 313A</street>
-		    <city>Tarzana</city>
-		    <region>California</region>
-		    <code>91356</code>
-		    <country>USA</country>
-		</postal>
-		<phone>+1 818 757-7087</phone>
-                <email>hyc@symas.com</email>
-		<uri>http://www.symas.com/</uri>
-            </address>
-        </author>
-        <!--date/-->
-        <date month='October' year='2008' />
-        <abstract>
-            <t>
-This document describes the Dereference Control for LDAP.
-This control is intended to provide a concise means to collect
-extra information related to cross-links present in entries
-returned as part of search responses.
-            </t>
-        </abstract>
-    </front>
-    <middle>
-        <section title="Background and Intended Use">
-            <t>
-Cross-links between entries are often used to describe relationships
-between entries.
-To exploit the uniqueness of entries naming, these links are usually
-represented by the distinguished name (DN) of the linked entries.
-            </t>
-            <t>
-In many cases, DUAs need to collect information about linked entries.
-This requires to explicitly dereference each linked entry in order to
-collect the desired attributes, resulting in the need to perform a
-specific sequence of search operations, using the links as search base,
-with a SearchRequest.scope of baseObject <xref target="RFC4511" />.
-            </t>
-            <t>
-This document describes a LDAP Control <xref target="RFC4511" />
-that allows a DUA to request the DSA to return specific attributes
-of linked entries along with the link, under the assumption that
-this operation can be performed by the DSA in a more efficient manner
-than the DUA would itself by performing the complete sequence
-of required search operations.
-            </t>
-            <t>
-The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL",
-and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as
-described in <xref target="RFC2119" />.
-            </t>
-        </section>
-        <section title="The LDAP Dereference Control">
-            <section title="Control Semantics">
-                <t>
-This control allows specifying a dereference attribute and a set
-of attributes to be dereferenced, as illustrated
-in <xref target="control_request" />.
-The dereference attribute's syntax MUST be
-(DN) <xref target="RFC4517" />.
-Each value of the dereference attribute in a SearchResultEntry SHOULD
-result in dereferencing the corresponding entry, collecting the values
-of the attributes to be dereferenced, and returning them as part
-of the control value in the SearchResultEntry response, in the format
-detailed in <xref target="control_response" />.
-                </t>
-                <t>
-The control value may contain dereference attribute values without any
-dereferenced attribute values, as detailed in
-<xref target="control_response" />.
-The control semantics does not specify whether this is a consequence
-of a dangling link or of the application of access restrictions
-on the values of the attributes to be dereferenced.
-                </t>
-                <t>
-Attribute description hierarchy <xref target="RFC4512" /> SHALL NOT
-be exploited when collecting the values of the attributes
-to be dereferenced.
-On the contrary, all of the attribute descriptions in an attribute
-hierarchy SHOULD be treated as distinct and unrelated descriptions.
-                </t>
-                <t>
-This control is only appropriate for the search operation
-<xref target="RFC4511" />.
-                </t>
-                <t>
-The semantics of the criticality field are specified in
-<xref target="RFC4511" />.
-In detail, the criticality of the control determines whether the control
-will or will not be used, and if it will not be used, whether the operation
-will continue without returning the control in the response, or fail,
-returning unavailableCriticalExtension.
-If the control is appropriate for an operation and, for any reason,
-it cannot be applied in its entirety to a single SearchResultEntry response,
-it MUST NOT be applied to that specific SearchResultEntry response,
-without affecting its application to any subsequent SearchResultEntry
-                </t>
-                <t>
-Servers implementing this technical specification SHOULD publish
-the object identifier deref-oid (IANA assigned;
-see <xref target="iana_considerations" />) as a value
-of the 'supportedControl' attribute <xref target="RFC4512" />
-in their root DSE.
-                </t>
-                <t>
-This control is totally unrelated to alias dereferencing
-<xref target="RFC4511" />.
-                </t>
-            </section>
-            <section anchor="control_request" title="Control Request">
-                <figure>
-                    <preamble>
-The control type is deref-oid (IANA assigned;
-see <xref target="iana_considerations" />).
-The specification of the Dereference Control request is:
-                    </preamble>
-                    <artwork>
-      controlValue ::= SEQUENCE OF derefSpec DerefSpec
-      DerefSpec ::= SEQUENCE {
-          derefAttr       attributeDescription,    ; with DN syntax
-          attributes      AttributeList }
-      AttributeList ::= SEQUENCE OF attr AttributeDescription
-                    </artwork>
-                    <postamble>
-Each derefSpec.derefAttr MUST be unique within controlValue.
-                    </postamble>
-                </figure>
-            </section>
-            <section anchor="control_response" title="Control Response">
-                <figure>
-                    <preamble>
-The control type is deref-oid (IANA assigned;
-see <xref target="iana_considerations" />).
-The specification of the Dereference Control response is:
-                    </preamble>
-                    <artwork>
-      controlValue ::= SEQUENCE OF derefRes DerefRes
-      DerefRes ::= SEQUENCE {
-          derefAttr       AttributeDescription,
-          derefVal        LDAPDN,
-          attrVals        [0] PartialAttributeList OPTIONAL }
-      PartialAttributeList ::= SEQUENCE OF
-                     partialAttribute PartialAttribute
-                    </artwork>
-                </figure>
-                <figure>
-                    <preamble>
-PartialAttribute is defined in <xref target="RFC4511" />;
-the definition is reported here for clarity:
-                    </preamble>
-                    <artwork>
-      PartialAttribute ::= SEQUENCE {
-          type       AttributeDescription,
-          vals       SET OF value AttributeValue }
-                    </artwork>
-                    <postamble>
-If partialAttribute.vals is empty, the corresponding partialAttribute
-is omitted.
-If all partialAttribute.vals in attrVals are empty, that derefRes.attrVals
-is omitted.
-                    </postamble>
-                </figure>
-            </section>
-        </section>
-	<section title="Examples">
-            <figure>
-                <preamble>
-Given these entries:
-                </preamble>
-                <artwork>
-    dn: cn=Howard Chu,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org
-    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
-    cn: Howard Chu
-    sn: Chu
-    uid: hyc
-    dn: cn=Pierangelo Masarati,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org
-    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
-    cn: Pierangelo Masarati
-    sn: Masarati
-    uid: ando
-    dn: cn=Test Group,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=org
-    objectClass: groupOfNames
-    cn: Test Group
-    member: cn=Howard Chu,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org
-    member: cn=Pierangelo Masarati,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org
-                 </artwork>
-            </figure>
-            <figure>
-                <preamble>
-A search could be performed with a Dereference request control value
-specified as
-                </preamble>
-                <artwork>
-    { member, uid }
-                </artwork>
-            </figure>
-            <figure>
-                <preamble>
-and the "cn=Test Group" entry would be returned with the response control
-                </preamble>
-                <artwork>
-    { { member, cn=Howard Chu,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org,
-        { { uid, [hyc] } } },
-      { member, cn=Pierangelo Masarati,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org,
-        { { uid, [ando] } } } }
-                </artwork>
-            </figure>
-	</section>
-        <section title="Implementation Notes">
-        <t>
-This LDAP extension is currently implemented in OpenLDAP software
-using the temporary OID under OpenLDAP's
-experimental OID arc.
-        </t>
-        </section>
-        <section title="Security Considerations">
-        <t>
-The control result MUST NOT disclose information the client's identity
-could not have accessed by performing the related search operations.
-The presence of a derefRes.derefVal in the response control, with
-no derefRes.attrVals, does not imply neither the existence of nor any
-access privilege to the corresponding entry.
-It is merely a consequence of the read access the client's identity has
-on the corresponding value of the derefRes.derefAttr that would be returned
-as part of the attributes of a SearchResultEntry response
-<xref target="RFC4511" />.
-        </t>
-        <t>
-Security considerations described in documents listed in
-<xref target="RFC4510" /> apply.
-        </t>
-        </section>
-        <section anchor="iana_considerations" title="IANA Considerations">
-            <section title="Object Identifier Registration">
-                <figure>
-                    <preamble>
-It is requested that IANA register upon Standards Action an LDAP
-Object Identifier for use in this technical specification.
-                    </preamble>
-                    <artwork>
-      Subject: Request for LDAP OID Registration
-      Person &amp; email address to contact for further information:
-          Pierangelo Masarati &lt;ando@OpenLDAP.org&gt;
-      Specification: (I-D)
-      Author/Change Controller: IESG
-      Comments:
-          Identifies the LDAP Dereference Control request
-          and response
-                    </artwork>
-                </figure>
-            </section>
-        </section>
-        <section title="Acknowledgments">
-        <t>
-        </t>
-        </section>
-    </middle>
-    <back>
-        <references title='Normative References'>
-        &rfc2119;
-        &rfc4510;
-        &rfc4511;
-        &rfc4512;
-        &rfc4517;
-    </references>
-    </back>
diff --git a/doc/drafts/draft-masarati-ldap-whatfailed.xml b/doc/drafts/draft-masarati-ldap-whatfailed.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d8ce5e47004bdc6bc244a2f140c9c6c20a76518..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/doc/drafts/draft-masarati-ldap-whatfailed.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629.dtd" [
-    <!ENTITY rfc2119 PUBLIC '' 
-      'http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml'>
-    <!ENTITY rfc4510 PUBLIC '' 
-      'http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4510.xml'>
-    <!ENTITY rfc4511 PUBLIC '' 
-      'http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4511.xml'>
-    <!ENTITY rfc4512 PUBLIC '' 
-      'http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4512.xml'>
-    <!ENTITY rfc4526 PUBLIC '' 
-      'http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4526.xml'>
-    <!ENTITY rfc4529 PUBLIC '' 
-      'http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4529.xml'>
-<!-- $OpenLDAP$ -->
-<rfc category="std" ipr="full3978" docName="draft-masarati-ldap-whatfailed.txt">
-<?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='rfc2629.xslt' ?>
-<?rfc toc="yes" ?>
-<?rfc symrefs="yes" ?>
-<?rfc sortrefs="yes"?>
-<?rfc iprnotified="no" ?>
-<?rfc strict="yes" ?>
-    <front>
-        <title abbrev='LDAP WHATFAILED'>LDAP "What Failed?" Control</title>
-        <author initials='P.' surname="Masarati" fullname='Pierangelo Masarati'>
-            <organization abbrev='Politecnico di Milano'>
-                Politecnico di Milano
-            </organization>
-            <address>
-                <postal>
-                    <street>Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale</street>
-                    <street>via La Masa 34</street>
-                    <city>Milano</city>
-                    <code>20156</code>
-                    <country>IT</country>
-                </postal>
-                <phone>+39 02 2399 8309</phone>
-                <facsimile>+39 02 2399 8334</facsimile>
-                <email>ando@OpenLDAP.org</email>
-                <uri>http://www.aero.polimi.it/masarati/</uri>
-            </address>
-        </author>
-        <!--date/-->
-        <date month='October' year='2008' />
-        <abstract>
-            <t>
-This document describes the LDAP "What Failed?" control.
-This control allows DUAs to request, in response to a failed operation
-request, the object identifier of those extensions that caused
-the operation to fail.
-            </t>
-        </abstract>
-    </front>
-    <middle>
-        <section title="Background and Intended Use">
-            <t>
-The LDAP Protocol <xref target="RFC4510" /> is extensible.
-Extensions include controls, extended requests and extensions related
-to other aspects of the protocol, for example those described in
-<xref target="RFC4526" />, <xref target="RFC4529" /> and more.
-            </t>
-            <t>
-Operations may fail for different reasons.
-The resultCode may help in determining the reason of a failure.
-The (optional) diagnosticsMessage fields of a LDAPResponse
-could also be of help.
-However, according to <xref target="RFC4511" />,
-implementations MUST NOT rely on the returned values,
-which are simply intended to be presented as are to human users.
-            </t>
-            <t>
-In case of failure related to the inability to process a control
-marked as critical in a request, the specific resultCode
-unavailableCriticalExtension is returned.
-In case of failure related to an unrecognized extendedReq, the generic
-resultCode protocolError is returned.
-Failures related to handling other extensions may result 
-in other generic resultCode values.
-            </t>
-            <t>
-As a consequence, DUAs may be unable to exactly determine
-what extension, if any, caused a failure.
-The "What Failed?" control represents a means for the DSA to inform
-DUAs about what specific extensions, if any, caused an error notified
-by the DSA.
-            </t>
-            <t>
-The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL",
-and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as
-described in <xref target="RFC2119" />.
-            </t>
-        </section>
-        <section title='LDAP "What Failed?" Control'>
-            <section title="Control Semantics">
-                <t>
-The presence of the "What Failed?" LDAP control in a LDAP request
-indicates that the DUA, in case of error, wishes to receive detailed
-information about what extension, if any, caused the error.
-                </t>
-                <t>
-The criticality of the control in the request SHOULD be FALSE.
-According to the semantics of the criticality field as indicated
-in <xref target="RFC4511" />, this ensures that in case the control
-is not recognized by the DSA, it does not cause itself an error.
-                </t>
-                <t>
-The presence of this control in a request does not guarantee that the DSA
-will return detailed information about what extensions caused an error.
-Considering the requirement on the criticality of the control,
-the DSA MAY simply choose to ignore the control.
-The DSA MAY hide information about failure in handling an extension
-to prevent disclosure of other information.
-The DSA MAY choose to notify an error as soon as it is detected,
-instead of proceed checking its ability to handle any other extension
-present in a request.
-                </t>
-                <t>
-Implementations may choose to check the validity of extensions,
-including controls, as soon as they are parsed.
-As a consequence, a critical control might result in an error
-before thw "What Failed?" control request is parsed.
-Implementations SHOULD check anyway the presence of this control,
-unless they detect that the remaining part of the request
-is malformed.
-Clients SHOULD NOT rely on any specific ordering of controls handling
-when requesting the "What Failed?" control.
-                </t>
-                <t>
-Servers implementing this technical specification SHOULD publish
-the object identifier whatFailed-oid (IANA assigned;
-see <xref target="iana_considerations" />) as a value
-of the 'supportedControl' attribute <xref target="RFC4512" />
-in their root DSE.
-                </t>
-            </section>
-            <section title="Control Request">
-                <t>
-The controlType is whatFailed-oid (IANA assigned;
-see <xref target="iana_considerations" />);
-the controlValue MUST be absent;
-the criticality SHOULD be FALSE.
-                </t>
-            </section>
-            <section title="Control Response">
-                <figure>
-                    <preamble>
-The controlType is whatFailed-oid (IANA assigned;
-see <xref target="iana_considerations" />);
-the controlValue is:
-                    </preamble>
-                    <artwork>
-    controlValue ::= SET OF oid LDAPOID
-                    </artwork>
-                    <postamble>
-If the set of extension OID is empty, the control is omitted
-from the response.
-The criticality MUST be FALSE.
-                    </postamble>
-                </figure>
-            </section>
-        </section>
-        <section title="Implementation Notes">
-            <t>
-The "What Failed?" LDAP Control is implemented in OpenLDAP software
-using the temporary OID under OpenLDAP's
-experimental OID arc.
-            </t>
-        </section>
-        <section title="Security Considerations">
-            <t>
-Implementations MUST take measures to prevent the disclosure
-of sensible information whenever this may result from disclosing
-what extension caused an error.
-This can consist in excluding the OID of specific extensions from
-the controlValue in the response, or in entirely omitting the control
-in the response.
-            </t>
-        </section>
-        <section anchor="iana_considerations" title="IANA Considerations">
-            <section title="Object Identifier Registration">
-                <figure>
-                    <preamble>
-It is requested that IANA register upon Standards Action an LDAP
-Object Identifier for use in this technical specification.
-                    </preamble>
-                    <artwork>
-      Subject: Request for LDAP OID Registration
-      Person &amp; email address to contact for further information:
-          Pierangelo Masarati &lt;ando@OpenLDAP.org&gt;
-      Specification: (I-D)
-      Author/Change Controller: IESG
-      Comments:
-          Identifies the LDAP "What Failed?" Control request
-          and response
-                    </artwork>
-                </figure>
-            </section>
-        </section>
-        <section title="Acknowledgments">
-        </section>
-    </middle>
-    <back>
-        <references title='Normative References'>
-            &rfc2119;
-            &rfc4510;
-            &rfc4511;
-            &rfc4512;
-        </references>
-        <references title='Informative References'>
-            &rfc4526;
-            &rfc4529;
-        </references>
-    </back>