diff --git a/doc/guide/admin/slapdconfig.sdf b/doc/guide/admin/slapdconfig.sdf
index 92c0bedd8bb99151afa31c8b3a94be0b5b0d2c50..08fc9a58d126e50f650830a9e0cdd426f490babb 100644
--- a/doc/guide/admin/slapdconfig.sdf
+++ b/doc/guide/admin/slapdconfig.sdf
@@ -586,99 +586,6 @@ containing the database and associated indices live.
 >	directory /usr/local/var/openldap-data
-H3: LDBM Database Directives
-Directives in this category only apply to a {{TERM:LDBM}} database.
-That is, they must follow a "database ldbm" line and come before
-any subsequent "backend" or "database" line.  For a complete reference
-of LDBM configuration directives, see {{slapd-ldbm}}(5).
-H4: cachesize <integer>
-This directive specifies the size in entries of the in-memory
-cache maintained by the LDBM backend database instance.
->	cachesize 1000
-H4: dbcachesize <integer>
-This directive specifies the size in bytes of the in-memory cache
-associated with each open index file. If not supported by the
-underlying database method, this directive is ignored without
-comment. Increasing this number uses more memory but can
-cause a dramatic performance increase, especially during
-modifies or when building indices.
->	dbcachesize 100000
-H4: dbnolocking
-This option, if present, disables database locking.
-Enabling this option may improve performance at the expense
-of data security.
-H4: dbnosync
-This option causes on-disk database contents to not be immediately
-synchronized with in memory changes upon change.  Enabling this option
-may improve performance at the expense of data integrity.
-H4: directory <directory>
-This directive specifies the directory where the LDBM files
-containing the database and associated indices live.
->	directory /usr/local/var/openldap-data
-H4: index {<attrlist> | default} [pres,eq,approx,sub,none]
-This directive specifies the indices to maintain for the given
-attribute. If only an {{EX:<attrlist>}} is given, the default
-indices are maintained.
->	index default pres,eq
->	index uid
->	index cn,sn pres,eq,sub
->	index objectClass eq
-The first line sets the default set of indices to maintain to
-present and equality.  The second line causes the default (pres,eq)
-set of indices to be maintained for the {{EX:uid}} attribute type.
-The third line causes present, equality, and substring indices to
-be maintained for {{EX:cn}} and {{EX:sn}} attribute types.  The
-fourth line causes an equality index for the {{EX:objectClass}}
-attribute type.
-By default, no indices are maintained.  It is generally advised
-that minimally an equality index upon objectClass be maintained.
->	index objectClass eq
-H4: mode <integer>
-This directive specifies the file protection mode that newly
-created database index files should have.
->	mode 0600
 H2: Access Control
 Access to slapd entries and attributes is controlled by the