From f77635066bc1bb3aaa10b9cdd14fd52bf50b67da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pierangelo Masarati <>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 22:43:05 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] fix sets memory handling (ITS#4873); add /- operator

 CHANGES              |   2 +
 servers/slapd/sets.c | 343 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 2 files changed, 294 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 3dcc4a4f5f..6dbd333871 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 OpenLDAP 2.4 Change Log
 OpenLDAP 2.4.6 Engineering
+	Fixed slapd ACL sets memory handling (ITS#4873)
+	Added slapd ACL sets DN ancestors operator (ITS#4860)
 	Fixed slapd-ldap SASL idassert w/o autchId
 	Fixed slapo-rwm modlist handling (ITS#5124)
diff --git a/servers/slapd/sets.c b/servers/slapd/sets.c
index 22ec84f055..3393e83bf3 100644
--- a/servers/slapd/sets.c
+++ b/servers/slapd/sets.c
@@ -24,20 +24,22 @@
 static BerVarray set_chase( SLAP_SET_GATHER gatherer,
 	SetCookie *cookie, BerVarray set, AttributeDescription *desc, int closure );
+/* Count the array members */
 static long
 slap_set_size( BerVarray set )
-	long	i;
+	long	i = 0;
-	i = 0;
 	if ( set != NULL ) {
 		while ( !BER_BVISNULL( &set[ i ] ) ) {
 	return i;
+/* Return 0 if there is at least one array member, non-zero otherwise */
 static int
 slap_set_isempty( BerVarray set )
@@ -52,6 +54,14 @@ slap_set_isempty( BerVarray set )
 	return 1;
+/* Dispose of the contents of the array and the array itself according
+ * to the flags value.  If SLAP_SET_REFVAL, don't dispose of values;
+ * if SLAP_SET_REFARR, don't dispose of the array itself.  In case of
+ * binary operators, there are LEFT flags and RIGHT flags, referring to
+ * the first and the second operator arguments, respectively.  In this
+ * case, flags must be transformed using macros SLAP_SET_LREF2REF() and
+ * SLAP_SET_RREF2REF() before calling this function.
+ */
 static void
 slap_set_dispose( SetCookie *cp, BerVarray set, unsigned flags )
@@ -65,6 +75,10 @@ slap_set_dispose( SetCookie *cp, BerVarray set, unsigned flags )
+/* Duplicate a set.  If SLAP_SET_REFARR, is not set, the original array
+ * with the original values is returned, otherwise the array is duplicated;
+ * if SLAP_SET_REFVAL is set, also the values are duplicated.
+ */
 static BerVarray
 set_dup( SetCookie *cp, BerVarray set, unsigned flags )
@@ -103,6 +117,19 @@ set_dup( SetCookie *cp, BerVarray set, unsigned flags )
 	return newset;
+/* Join two sets according to operator op and flags op_flags.
+ * op can be:
+ *	'|' (or):	the union between the two sets is returned,
+ *		 	eliminating diplicates
+ *	'&' (and):	the intersection between the two sets
+ *			is returned
+ *	'+' (add):	the inner product of the two sets is returned,
+ *			namely a set containing the concatenation of
+ *			all combinations of the two sets members,
+ *			except for duplicates.
+ * The two sets are disposed of according to the flags as described
+ * for slap_set_dispose().
+ */
 	SetCookie	*cp,
@@ -111,19 +138,19 @@ slap_set_join(
 	BerVarray	rset )
 	BerVarray	set;
-	long		i, j, last;
+	long		i, j, last, rlast;
 	unsigned	op = ( op_flags & SLAP_SET_OPMASK );
 	set = NULL;
 	switch ( op ) {
 	case '|':	/* union */
-		if ( lset == NULL || BER_BVISNULL( lset ) ) {
+		if ( lset == NULL || BER_BVISNULL( &lset[ 0 ] ) ) {
 			if ( rset == NULL ) {
 				if ( lset == NULL ) {
 					set = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( 1,
 							sizeof( struct berval ),
 							cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
-					BER_BVZERO( set );
+					BER_BVZERO( &set[ 0 ] );
 					return set;
 				return set_dup( cp, lset, SLAP_SET_LREF2REF( op_flags ) );
@@ -131,12 +158,14 @@ slap_set_join(
 			slap_set_dispose( cp, lset, SLAP_SET_LREF2REF( op_flags ) );
 			return set_dup( cp, rset, SLAP_SET_RREF2REF( op_flags ) );
-		if ( rset == NULL || BER_BVISNULL( rset ) ) {
+		if ( rset == NULL || BER_BVISNULL( &rset[ 0 ] ) ) {
 			slap_set_dispose( cp, rset, SLAP_SET_RREF2REF( op_flags ) );
 			return set_dup( cp, lset, SLAP_SET_LREF2REF( op_flags ) );
-		i = slap_set_size( lset ) + slap_set_size( rset ) + 1;
+		/* worst scenario: no duplicates */
+		rlast = slap_set_size( rset );
+		i = slap_set_size( lset ) + rlast + 1;
 		set = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( i, sizeof( struct berval ), cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
 		if ( set != NULL ) {
 			/* set_chase() depends on this routine to
@@ -153,6 +182,9 @@ slap_set_join(
+			/* pointers to values have been used in set - don't free twice */
+			op_flags |= SLAP_SET_LREFVAL;
 			last = i;
 			for ( i = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &rset[ i ] ); i++ ) {
@@ -163,11 +195,12 @@ slap_set_join(
 						if ( !( op_flags & SLAP_SET_RREFVAL ) ) {
 							cp->set_op->o_tmpfree( rset[ i ].bv_val, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
-							BER_BVZERO( &rset[ i ] );
+							rset[ i ] = rset[ --rlast ];
+							BER_BVZERO( &rset[ rlast ] );
 						exists = 1;
-						break;		
-					}	
+						break;
+					}
 				if ( !exists ) {
@@ -180,37 +213,58 @@ slap_set_join(
+			/* pointers to values have been used in set - don't free twice */
+			op_flags |= SLAP_SET_RREFVAL;
 			BER_BVZERO( &set[ last ] );
 	case '&':	/* intersection */
-		if ( lset == NULL || BER_BVISNULL( lset )
-				|| rset == NULL || BER_BVISNULL( rset ) )
+		if ( lset == NULL || BER_BVISNULL( &lset[ 0 ] )
+			|| rset == NULL || BER_BVISNULL( &rset[ 0 ] ) )
 			set = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( 1, sizeof( struct berval ),
 					cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
-			BER_BVZERO( set );
+			BER_BVZERO( &set[ 0 ] );
+			break;
 		} else {
-			set = set_dup( cp, lset, SLAP_SET_LREF2REF( op_flags ) );
+			long llen, rlen;
+			BerVarray sset;
+			llen = slap_set_size( lset );
+			rlen = slap_set_size( rset );
+			/* dup the shortest */
+			if ( llen < rlen ) {
+				set = set_dup( cp, lset, SLAP_SET_LREF2REF( op_flags ) );
+				lset = NULL;
+				sset = rset;
+			} else {
+				set = set_dup( cp, rset, SLAP_SET_RREF2REF( op_flags ) );
+				rset = NULL;
+				sset = lset;
+			}
 			if ( set == NULL ) {
-			lset = NULL;
-			last = slap_set_size( set ) - 1;
+			last = slap_set_size( set );
 			for ( i = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &set[ i ] ); i++ ) {
-				for ( j = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &rset[ j ] ); j++ ) {
-					if ( bvmatch( &set[ i ], &rset[ j ] ) ) {
+				for ( j = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &sset[ j ] ); j++ ) {
+					if ( bvmatch( &set[ i ], &sset[ j ] ) ) {
-				if ( BER_BVISNULL( &rset[ j ] ) ) {
+				if ( BER_BVISNULL( &sset[ j ] ) ) {
 					cp->set_op->o_tmpfree( set[ i ].bv_val, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
-					set[ i ] = set[ last ];
+					set[ i ] = set[ --last ];
 					BER_BVZERO( &set[ last ] );
-					last--;
@@ -221,6 +275,27 @@ slap_set_join(
 		i = slap_set_size( rset );
 		j = slap_set_size( lset );
+		/* handle empty set cases */
+		if ( i == 0 ) {
+			if ( j == 0 ) {
+				set = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( i * j + 1, sizeof( struct berval ),
+						cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+				if ( set == NULL ) {
+					break;
+				}
+				BER_BVZERO( &set[ 0 ] );
+				break;
+			} else {
+				set = set_dup( cp, lset, SLAP_SET_LREF2REF( op_flags ) );
+				break;
+			}
+		} else if ( j == 0 ) {
+			set = set_dup( cp, rset, SLAP_SET_RREF2REF( op_flags ) );
+			break;
+		}
 		set = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( i * j + 1, sizeof( struct berval ),
 				cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
 		if ( set == NULL ) {
@@ -232,17 +307,36 @@ slap_set_join(
 				struct berval	bv;
 				long		k;
-				bv.bv_len = lset[ i ].bv_len + rset[ j ].bv_len;
-				bv.bv_val = cp->set_op->o_tmpalloc( bv.bv_len + 1,
-						cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
-				if ( bv.bv_val == NULL ) {
-					slap_set_dispose( cp, set, 0 );
-					set = NULL;
-					goto done;
+				/* don't concatenate with the empty string */
+				if ( BER_BVISEMPTY( &lset[ i ] ) ) {
+					ber_dupbv_x( &bv, &rset[ j ], cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+					if ( bv.bv_val == NULL ) {
+						ber_bvarray_free_x( set, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+						set = NULL;
+						goto done;
+					}
+				} else if ( BER_BVISEMPTY( &rset[ j ] ) ) {
+					ber_dupbv_x( &bv, &lset[ i ], cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+					if ( bv.bv_val == NULL ) {
+						ber_bvarray_free_x( set, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+						set = NULL;
+						goto done;
+					}
+				} else {
+					bv.bv_len = lset[ i ].bv_len + rset[ j ].bv_len;
+					bv.bv_val = cp->set_op->o_tmpalloc( bv.bv_len + 1,
+							cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+					if ( bv.bv_val == NULL ) {
+						ber_bvarray_free_x( set, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+						set = NULL;
+						goto done;
+					}
+					AC_MEMCPY( bv.bv_val, lset[ i ].bv_val, lset[ i ].bv_len );
+					AC_MEMCPY( &bv.bv_val[ lset[ i ].bv_len ], rset[ j ].bv_val, rset[ j ].bv_len );
+					bv.bv_val[ bv.bv_len ] = '\0';
-				AC_MEMCPY( bv.bv_val, lset[ i ].bv_val, lset[ i ].bv_len );
-				AC_MEMCPY( &bv.bv_val[ lset[ i ].bv_len ], rset[ j ].bv_val, rset[ j ].bv_len );
-				bv.bv_val[ bv.bv_len ] = '\0';
 				for ( k = 0; k < last; k++ ) {
 					if ( bvmatch( &set[ k ], &bv ) ) {
@@ -264,17 +358,8 @@ slap_set_join(
-	if ( !( op_flags & SLAP_SET_LREFARR ) && lset != NULL ) {
-		if ( !( op_flags & SLAP_SET_LREFVAL ))
-			cp->set_op->o_tmpfree( lset->bv_val, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
-		cp->set_op->o_tmpfree( lset, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
-	}
-	if ( !( op_flags & SLAP_SET_RREFARR ) && rset != NULL ) {
-		if ( !( op_flags & SLAP_SET_RREFVAL ))
-			cp->set_op->o_tmpfree( rset->bv_val, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
-		cp->set_op->o_tmpfree( rset, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
-	}
+	if ( lset ) slap_set_dispose( cp, lset, SLAP_SET_LREF2REF( op_flags ) );
+	if ( rset ) slap_set_dispose( cp, rset, SLAP_SET_RREF2REF( op_flags ) );
 	return set;
@@ -289,7 +374,9 @@ set_chase( SLAP_SET_GATHER gatherer,
 	if ( set == NULL ) {
 		set = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( 1, sizeof( struct berval ),
 				cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
-		BER_BVZERO( set );
+		if ( set != NULL ) {
+			BER_BVZERO( &set[ 0 ] );
+		}
 		return set;
@@ -299,7 +386,7 @@ set_chase( SLAP_SET_GATHER gatherer,
 	nset = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( 1, sizeof( struct berval ), cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
 	if ( nset == NULL ) {
-		slap_set_dispose( cp, set, 0 );
+		ber_bvarray_free_x( set, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
 		return NULL;
 	for ( i = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &set[ i ] ); i++ ) {
@@ -308,7 +395,7 @@ set_chase( SLAP_SET_GATHER gatherer,
 			nset = slap_set_join( cp, nset, '|', vals );
-	slap_set_dispose( cp, set, 0 );
+	ber_bvarray_free_x( set, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
 	if ( closure ) {
 		for ( i = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &nset[ i ] ); i++ ) {
@@ -325,6 +412,127 @@ set_chase( SLAP_SET_GATHER gatherer,
 	return nset;
+static BerVarray
+set_parents( SetCookie *cp, BerVarray set )
+	int		i, j, last;
+	struct berval	bv, pbv;
+	BerVarray	nset, vals;
+	if ( set == NULL ) {
+		set = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( 1, sizeof( struct berval ),
+				cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+		if ( set != NULL ) {
+			BER_BVZERO( &set[ 0 ] );
+		}
+		return set;
+	}
+	if ( BER_BVISNULL( &set[ 0 ] ) ) {
+		return set;
+	}
+	nset = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( 1, sizeof( struct berval ), cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+	if ( nset == NULL ) {
+		ber_bvarray_free_x( set, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	BER_BVZERO( &nset[ 0 ] );
+	for ( i = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &set[ i ] ); i++ ) {
+		int	level = 1;
+		pbv = bv = set[ i ];
+		for ( ; !BER_BVISEMPTY( &pbv ); dnParent( &bv, &pbv ) ) {
+			level++;
+			bv = pbv;
+		}
+		vals = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( level + 1, sizeof( struct berval ), cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+		if ( vals == NULL ) {
+			ber_bvarray_free_x( set, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+			ber_bvarray_free_x( nset, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		BER_BVZERO( &vals[ 0 ] );
+		last = 0;
+		bv = set[ i ];
+		for ( j = 0 ; j < level ; j++ ) {
+			ber_dupbv_x( &vals[ last ], &bv, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+			last++;
+			dnParent( &bv, &bv );
+		}
+		BER_BVZERO( &vals[ last ] );
+		nset = slap_set_join( cp, nset, '|', vals );
+	}
+	ber_bvarray_free_x( set, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+	return nset;
+static BerVarray
+set_parent( SetCookie *cp, BerVarray set, int level )
+	int		i, j, last;
+	struct berval	bv;
+	BerVarray	nset;
+	if ( set == NULL ) {
+		set = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( 1, sizeof( struct berval ),
+				cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+		if ( set != NULL ) {
+			BER_BVZERO( &set[ 0 ] );
+		}
+		return set;
+	}
+	if ( BER_BVISNULL( &set[ 0 ] ) ) {
+		return set;
+	}
+	nset = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( slap_set_size( set ) + 1, sizeof( struct berval ), cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+	if ( nset == NULL ) {
+		ber_bvarray_free_x( set, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	BER_BVZERO( &nset[ 0 ] );
+	last = 0;
+	for ( i = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &set[ i ] ); i++ ) {
+		bv = set[ i ];
+		for ( j = 0 ; j < level ; j++ ) {
+			dnParent( &bv, &bv );
+		}
+		for ( j = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &nset[ j ] ); j++ ) {
+			if ( bvmatch( &bv, &nset[ j ] ) )
+			{
+				break;		
+			}	
+		}
+		if ( BER_BVISNULL( &nset[ j ] ) ) {
+			ber_dupbv_x( &nset[ last ], &bv, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+			last++;
+		}
+	}
+	BER_BVZERO( &nset[ last ] );
+	ber_bvarray_free_x( set, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
+	return nset;
 slap_set_filter( SLAP_SET_GATHER gatherer,
 	SetCookie *cp, struct berval *fbv,
@@ -448,11 +656,44 @@ slap_set_filter( SLAP_SET_GATHER gatherer,
 		case '-':
-			c = *filter++;
-			if ( c != '>' ) {
-				SF_ERROR( syntax );
+			if ( ( SF_TOP() == (void *)'/' )
+				&& ( *filter == '*' || ASCII_DIGIT( *filter ) ) )
+			{
+				SF_POP();
+				if ( *filter == '*' ) {
+					set = set_parents( cp, SF_POP() );
+					filter++;
+				} else {
+					char *next = NULL;
+					long parent = strtol( filter, &next, 10 );
+					if ( next == filter ) {
+						SF_ERROR( syntax );
+					}
+					set = SF_POP();
+					if ( parent != 0 ) {
+						set = set_parent( cp, set, parent );
+					}
+					filter = next;
+				}
+				if ( set == NULL ) {
+					SF_ERROR( memory );
+				}
+				SF_PUSH( set );
+				set = NULL;
+				break;
+			} else {
+				c = *filter++;
+				if ( c != '>' ) {
+					SF_ERROR( syntax );
+				}
+				/* fall through to next case */
-			/* fall through to next case */
 		case '/':
 			if ( IS_OP( SF_TOP() ) ) {
@@ -573,11 +814,11 @@ slap_set_filter( SLAP_SET_GATHER gatherer,
 	if ( IS_SET( set ) ) {
-		slap_set_dispose( cp, set, 0 );
+		ber_bvarray_free_x( set, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
 	while ( ( set = SF_POP() ) ) {
 		if ( IS_SET( set ) ) {
-			slap_set_dispose( cp, set, 0 );
+			ber_bvarray_free_x( set, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx );
 	return rc;