index 0075060e709f79413bb850bb0ad360109104b645..a03105ee1777ba6b2450969bea65143cb6f8cd07 100644
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-			A N N O U N C E M E N T
+	A N N O U N C E M E N T
-			       LDAP 3.3
+	OpenLDAP 1.0
-    The University of Michigan is pleased to announce release 3.3 of
-    UM-LDAP, an implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access
-    Protocol. LDAP is a draft Internet standard directory service
-    protocol that runs over TCP/IP. It can be used to provide a
-    stand-alone directory service, or to provide lightweight access to
-    the X.500 directory.  LDAP is defined by RFC 1777 and RFC 1778.
+	Net Boolean Incorporated is pleased to announce the availability
+	of OpenLDAP release 1.0, a suite of the Lightweight Weight
+	Directory Protocol servers, clients, utilities, and development tools.
+	OpenLDAP is derived from University of Michigan LDAP release 3.3.
     This release includes the following components:
@@ -33,26 +33,21 @@
 	- saucer - a simple command-line oriented client program
+	Changes from U. Mich release 3.3
-    Changes since release 3.2 of LDAP include
-	- slurpd has been rewritten as a single process threaded daemon
-	- ldaptools (ldapsearch, etc) now support the LDIF format
-	- support for LDAP URLs added to libldap
-	- improved support for LDAP referrals in libldap
-	- preliminary test scripts included
-	- support for additional platforms
-	- various bug fixes and build fixes
+	- TCP Wrappers support added to slapd,
+	- Berkely DB2 compatibility added to slapd,
+	- ACL enhancements including Access by Group and POSIX regex(3) support,
+	- platforms updates, and
+	- numerous bug fixes and build changes.
     See the CHANGES file in the distribution for more details.
-    This software is freely available to anyone for any lawful purpose,
-    subject to the U-M copyright notice and disclaimer.  The software is
-    available for anonymous ftp from the following location:
-	ftp://terminator.rs.itd.umich.edu/ldap/ldap-3.3.tar.Z
+	This software is available under the Net Booloean Public License.
+	For download information is available at:
+		http://www.boolean.net/technlogy/ldap.html
@@ -60,24 +55,18 @@ SUPPORT
     warranty, but there is a bug reporting mail address which is
     responded to on a best-effort basis:
-	ldap-support@umich.edu
+	ldap-dev@boolean.net
     In addition, there is a discussion list for issues relating to this
     implementation of ldap:
-	ldap@umich.edu			-- discussion list
-	ldap-request@umich.edu		-- to join the list
-    Comments or questions about the LDAP protocol in general should be
-    sent to the IETF ASID discussion group:
-	ietf-asid@umich.edu		-- discussion list
-	ietf-asid-request@umich.edu	-- to join the list
+	ldap-dev@boolean.net			-- discussion list
+	ldap-dev-request@boolean.net	-- to join the list
     An LDAP home page containing lots of interesting information and
     online documentation is available at this URL:
-        http://www.umich.edu/~rsug/ldap/
+        http://www.boolean.net/technlogy/ldap.html
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 924b505e3ee942991fb99cc168d60d0943df3f33..c222d4788c483f5c999605f6e72884c20a001b42 100644
@@ -1,545 +1,3 @@
-Changes since 3.3b1
-Various Make-template files	- update by doing 'make depend'
+Changes are tracked via CVS.
-include/disptmpl.h		- add LDAP_DISP_OPT_HTMLBODYONLY option
-libraries/liblber/io.c		- under MacOS, limit tcpwrite() calls to a
-				  maximum of 64K bytes; ber_flush() int/long fix
-libraries/libldap/friendly.c	- don't use errno on MacOS or DOS
-libraries/libldap/regex.c	- fix re_exec() to that ".*" matches ""
-libraries/libldap/result.c	- eliminate memory leak in wait4msg()
-libraries/libldap/request.c	- eliminate double-free impurity
-libraries/libldap/tmplout.c	- add LDAP_DISP_OPT_HTMLBODYONLY option
-libraries/libldap/ufn.c		- purify: avoid bad frees; plug memory leaks
-libraries/libldif/line64.c	- str_parse_line() now 0-terminates base64 vals.
-libraries/macintosh/*		- tcpwrite()/OpenTransport bug fixes
-				- better error checking for MacTCP driver opens
-				- don't use old routine names any more
-libraries/msdos/winsock/*	- various bugs fixes & improvements
-servers/slapd/modify.c		- fix bug causing unnormalized attr names
-servers/slapd/monitor.c		- return new "version" attribute
-servers/slapd/regex.c		- fix re_exec() to that ".*" matches ""
-servers/slapd/tools/ldbmcat.c	- make -n option work (don't open file "-n" )
-servers/slapd/tools/ldif2id2entry.c	- include ids in stored entries
-servers/slapd/schema.c		- log some information useful in tracking
-				  down schema-check problems
-servers/slapd/dn.c		- dn_upcase() was not returning anything (doh!)
-servers/slapd/backend.c		- pass unbind request to all backends
-servers/slapd/unbind.c		- pass unbind request to all backends
-servers/slapd/Version.c		- remove leading spaces from Versionstr[]
-servers/slapd/back-ldbm/unbind.c - make arguments consistent
-servers/slapd/back-ldbm/bind.c	- fix bug which allowed anyone to bind as
-				  anyone else using kerberos, if there was
-				  at least one krbName in an entry
-servers/slurpd/replog.c		- do all replog copying with buffered i/o
-servers/slurpd/fm.c		- fix inconsistency in arguments
-servers/slurpd/main.c		- fix inconsistency in arguments
-clients/tools/ldapdelete.c	- add -K flag - only does LDAP_AUTH_KRBV41
-clients/tools/ldapmodify.c	- add -K flag - only does LDAP_AUTH_KRBV41
-clients/tools/ldapmodrdn.c	- add -K flag - only does LDAP_AUTH_KRBV41
-clients/tools/ldapsearch.c	- add -K flag - only does LDAP_AUTH_KRBV41
-doc/man/man1/ldapdelete.1	- add -K flag - only does LDAP_AUTH_KRBV41
-doc/man/man1/ldapmodify.1	- add -K flag - only does LDAP_AUTH_KRBV41
-doc/man/man1/ldapmodrdn.1	- add -K flag - only does LDAP_AUTH_KRBV41
-doc/man/man1/ldapsearch.1	- add -K flag - only does LDAP_AUTH_KRBV41
-doc/man/man3/ldap_entry2text.3	- document LDAP_DISP_OPT_HTMLBODYONLY option
-doc/man/man8/slapd.8		- add BUGS section and document modrdn bug
-Changes since 3.2
-Makefile			- added support for IRIX (SGI)
-				- make depend improvements
-tests/				- all new test scripts -- make test
-include/lber.h			- use short include file names #ifdef WINSOCK
-include/ldap.h			- change LDAPCache struct definition to reduce
-				  cache overhead
-				- use short include file names #ifdef WINSOCK
-				- LDAP URL support
-				- add lr_conn to LDAPRequest (needed by abandon)
-				- add LDAP_OPT_RESTART for select() restart
-				- revised Debug() macro #ifdef WINSOCK
-include/ldbm.h			- under NDBM, use O_RDWR instead of O_CREAT
-include/proto-lber.h		- changes for WIN32
-include/proto-ldap.h		- changes for WIN32
-				- added LDAP URL routines
-include/disptmpl.h		- changes for WIN32
-include/ldif.h			- includes for new libldif library
-include/srchpref.h		- changes for WIN32
-libraries/liblber/decode.c	- vararg changes for WIN32
-libraries/liblber/encode.c	- vararg changes for WIN32
-libraries/libldap/abandon.c	- make ldap_abandon() work with referrals
-libraries/libldap/bind.c	- added new ldap_set_rebind_proc() routine
-libraries/libldap/cache.c	- reduce cache overhead
-				- fix small cache size infinite loop bug
-				- clarify debugging messages
-libraries/libldap/charset.c	- new routines: ldap_translate_from_t61,
-				    ldap_translate_to_t61,
-				    ldap_enable_translation
-libraries/libldap/cldap.c	- changes to support referral re-bind w/auth
-libraries/libldap/getfilter.c	- ldap_build_filter:  don't use NULL value
-libraries/libldap/kbind.c	- changes to support referral re-bind w/auth
-libraries/libldap/ldap-int.h	- changes to support referral re-bind w/auth
-				- rename do_select() to do_ldap_select()
-libraries/libldap/open.c	- changes to support referral re-bind w/auth
-				- ld_options = LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS by default 
-libraries/libldap/os-ip.c	- include <sys/time.h> to fix HP/UX gcc builds
-				- rename do_select() to do_ldap_select()
-libraries/libldap/result.c	- wait4msg debugging now shows timeout values
-				- changes to support referral re-bind w/auth
-				- rename do_select() to do_ldap_select()
-				- buf fix in ldap_msgdelete() -- update prev
-				- support LDAP_OPT_RESTART option
-libraries/libldap/request.c	- changes to support referral re-bind w/auth
-				- initialize new lr_conn field (for abandon)
-libraries/libldap/test.c	- changes to support referral re-bind w/auth
-libraries/libldap/tmplout.c	- searchact uses "-dnt" and "-dnb", not "-dn"
-libraries/libldap/url.c		- new routines: ldap_is_ldap_url,
-				    ldap_parse_url, ldap_url_search
-				    ldap_url_search_s, ldap_url_search_st
-libraries/libldif/		- new library that contains line64 routines
-clients/tools/ldapmodify.c	- preferred input format is now slapd.replog
-clients/tools/ldapsearch.c	- added -L option (output in LDIF format)
-				- don't print initial blank line when -f used
-				- support "-f -" for reading filters from stdin
-clients/ud/*.c			- various bug fixes & auth. streamlining
-doc/man/man3/ldap.3		- add several new routines
-doc/man/man3/ldap_bind.3/.links	- add new ldap_set_rebind_proc() routine
-doc/man/man3/ldap_charset.3/.links	- add new routines
-doc/man/man3/ldap_disptmpl.3	- added missing *'s in ldap_init... arg. lists
-doc/man/man3/ldap_result.3	- add details r.e. timeout parameter
-doc/man/man3/ldap_open.3	- document LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS default to on
-doc/man/man3/ldap_url.3/.links	- document new LDAP URL routines
-Make-common.dist and .um	- add LDBMINCLUDE variable
-				- use ISODEPACKAGE and ICRELEASE in place of
-				  ICR1 and XTISODE defines
-				- remove LDAP_DNS stuff
-build/Make-append		- add LDBMINCLUDE variable
-				- use ISODEPACKAGE and ICRELEASE in place of
-				  ICR1 and XTISODE defines
-build/mkdep			- use compiler passed in, not always cc
-				- remove system dependencies when gcc is used
-build/platforms/attsvr4-cc/	- AT&T SVR4 support
-build/platforms/irix-cc/	- SGI IRIX support
-build/platforms/irix-gcc/	- SGI IRIX support
-servers/ldapd/common.h		- add missing extern function declarations
-servers/ldapd/association.c	- use ISODEPACKAGE test instead of ICR1, etc.
-servers/ldapd/certificate.c	- add missing extern declaration
-servers/ldapd/error.c 		- use ISODEPACKAGE test instead of ICR1, etc.
-servers/ldapd/kerberos.c	- use ISODEPACKAGE test instead of ICR1, etc.
-servers/ldapd/request.c		- use ISODEPACKAGE test instead of ICR1, etc.
-servers/ldapd/main.c		- set proctitle to calling host (bug fix)
-				- CLDAP: don't timeout/exit prematurely
-servers/ldapd/proctitle.c	- don't compile file if NO_SETPROCTITLE is on
-servers/ldapd/Make-template	- don't try to make depend if don't have isode
-servers/ldap			- bug fixes, support ICR3
-servers/slapd/tools/ldif.c	- use correct pointer when calling realloc
-servers/slapd/tools/edb2ldif.c	- properly #ifdef code to handle potential
-				  lack of file_attr_dir and turbo disk stuff
-				- add RDN attribute values to entries
-				- don't pre-pend './' to EDB files on cmd. line
-servers/slapd/tools/ldapsyntax.c- use static buffer to speed things up
-servers/slapd/tools/Make-template	- don't try to make depend some tools
-					- if we don't have isode
-servers/slapd			- fix acl handling
-servers/slapd			- fix race condition setting o_dn
-servers/slapd			- bug fixes
-servers/slurpd			- complete re-write
-tests/				- new - test scripts to verify basic
-				  functionality of libraries, slapd, slurpd
-Changes since 3.2b3
-slapd admin guide		- document ldbmtest changes
-				- clarify quick-start instructions
-include/ldapconfig.h.dist	- move likely-to-change things to top
-Make-common.dist		- add phonetic algorithm config lines
-build/Make-append		- add def for phonetic algorithm config lines
-libraries/libldbm/ldbm.c	- fix bug with gdbm cache size handling
-libraries/liblber/encode.c	- cap lengths at 32-bits for Alpha compatibility
-libraries/libldap/disptmpl.c	- recognize both "addact" and "adddnact"
-libraries/libldap/getdn.c	- handle \ escapes in DNs better
-clients/tools/ldapsearch.c	- added -S option to sort results
-				- print results as they are received (if no -S)
-servers/slapd/*			- added function prototypes
-servers/slapd/phonetic.c	- make phonetic alg settable in Make-common
-servers/slapd/tools/ldbmtest.c	- fix bugs, use dbcache routines (like slapd)
-				- add 'b' and 'B' commands
-servers/slapd/tools/edb2ldif.c	- include quipu/config.h & quipu/entry.h
-				- this fixes TURBO_DISK problems
-servers/ldapd/*			- misc. fixes for VMS and OSF/1
-				- added function prototypes
-Changes since 3.2b2
-servers/slapd/*			- lots of changes/fixes/improvements
-servers/slapd/tools/*		- add ldif program
-				- add centipede program
-				- numerous fixes/improvements
-clients/tools/ldapmodify.c	- add -b option (read binary vals from a file)
-				- add trailing \ feature for iattr, etc.
-clients/tools/ldapsearch.c	- add -z sizelimit and -l timelimit options
-				- add -B (allow non-ascii values_ option
-				- change /tmp template used with -t
-include/lber.h			- add LBER_MAX_INCOMING_SIZE option
-libraries/liblber/io.c		- support LBER_MAX_INCOMING_SIZE option
-				- new ber_init() and ber_reset() routines
-libraries/libldap/*		- various improvements to LDAP_REFERRALS code
-				- minor changes for Mac re-port
-libraries/libldap/disptmpl.c	- "addact" is now "adddnact"
-libraries/libldap/cache.c	- we now cache compare results that have error
-libraries/libldap/open.c	- support :port on ldap_open() hosts
-libraries/libldap/charset.c	- new T.61 to ISO-8859 conversion support
-				- thanks to enrique.silvestre@uv.es
-libraries/libldap/kbind.c	- a few changes for MS Windows
-libraries/msdos/winsock/*	- a few changes for Kerberos support
-servers/ldapd/modify.c		- added support for JPEG non-file attrs.
-				- added support for octetstring attrs.
-servers/ldapd/syntax.c		- DN syntax fixes (OID. and replace {ASN} w/#)
-				- don't escape '$' in DeliveryMethod attrs.
-				- added support for JPEG non-file attrs.
-				- added support for octetstring attrs.
-Changes since 3.2b1
-servers/slapd/			- add better database concurrency
-				- remove multiple dn support
-				- add stats logging
-				- fix syslogging
-				- add include config file option
-				- add dbcachesize option
-				- add abandon
-				- add lastmod/creator attrs
-				- add monitoring capability
-				- normalize dns properly
-				- base 64 value encoding support
-				- add schema checking
-				- fix various bugs
-				- add srvtab config option
-servers/slapd/tools		- whole new set of db creation/conversion tools
-clients/finger/main.c		- added -c option & use of FINGER_RDNCOUNT
-clients/gopher/go500.c		- added -c option & use of GO500_RDNCOUNT
-clients/gopher/go500gw.c	- added -c option & use of GO500GW_RDNCOUNT
-				- removed non-functional -s option
-clients/rcpt500/main.c		- added -c option & use of RCPT500_RDNCOUNT
-clients/rcpt500/query.c		- use rdncount instead of hard-coded 2
-include/ldapconfig.h.edit	- added _RDNCOUNT #defines
-libraries/libldap/tmplout.c	- made rdncount of 0 show all DN components
-libraries/libldap/getdn.c	- added ldap_is_dns_dn() routine
-libraries/libldap/*		- many #ifndef NO_REFERRALS changes
-				- new ldap_init() routine
-Changes since 3.1 final
-General/various files		- incorporated changes for Borland C 3.1
-Makefile			- added support for NeXTSTEP
-libraries/liblber/io.c		- add ability to save ldap session to a file
-include/lber.h			- add ability to save ldap session to a file
-				- added -all_load option for ld
-				- define SYSEXITSPATH as for sunos5-gcc
-build/uname.sh			- new replacement uname for NeXTSTEP, etc.
-clients/finger/main.c		- don't use fprintf for entry2text
-clients/gopher/go500.c		- use GO500_HOSTNAME (bug fix)
-				- don't use fprintf for entry2text
-clients/gopher/go500gw.c	- use GO500GW_HOSTNAME (bug fix)
-				- don't use fprintf for entry2text
-clients/mail500/main.c		- improved error logging
-				- fixed "errors-to is a group" bug
-				- don't look in people space for groups
-				- don't bounce loop messages back to sender
-				- misc. fixes
-clients/tools/ldapdelete.c	- add -c option to continue after errors occur
-clients/tools/ldapmodify.c	- add -c option to continue after errors occur
-clients/tools/ldapmodrdn.c	- add -c option to continue after errors occur
-clients/tools/ldapsearch.c	- added -t option to write values to tmp files
-				- added -A option for "attributes only"
-clients/ud/print.c		- make sure ldap_count_values() returns > 0
-				-   before trying to use returned values
-doc/man/man1/ldapdelete.1	- updated to mention new -c option
-doc/man/man1/ldapmodify.1	- updated to mention new -c option
-doc/man/man1/ldapmodrdn.1	- updated to mention new -c option
-doc/man/man1/ldapsearch.1	- updated to mention new -A & -t options
-doc/man/man3/ldap_friendly.3	- fixed typo in ldap_free_friendlymap()
-doc/man/man5/ldapfilter.conf.5	- add missing part of example config file
-include/disptmpl.h		- appended 'L' to long #defined contants
-				- added entry2html family of routines
-include/lber.h			- added sb_options to allow copy to file
-				- added ber_wptr to re-start partial writes
-include/ldap.h			- added debug levels for sldapd
-				- added LDAP_SYSLOG to send debug using syslog
-include/ldapconfig.h.edit	- added GO500GW_HOSTNAME
-include/ldapconfig.h.dist	- added GO500GW_HOSTNAME
-include/portable.h		- select() macro fix for HP/UX /bin/cc
-include/proto-lber.h		- Borland C fixes
-				- added ber_bvdup() prototype
-include/sysexits-compat.h	- new file, in case we ever need it
-libraries/libavl/*		- new library; used in sldapd
-libraries/liblber/decode.c	- new 'o' feature for ber_scanf()
-				- new ber_bvdup() routine
-				- Borland C fixes
-libraries/liblber/encode.c	- Borland C fixes
-libraries/liblber/io.c		- ensure that write size <= 64K under VMS
-				- use ber_wptr to restart partial writes
-				- added LBER_TO_FILE/FILE_ONLY option support
-libraries/libldap/abandon.c	- use correct message id in abandon requests
-libraries/libldap/cache.c	- use time() in a more portable manner
-libraries/libldap/cldap.c	- retry correct number of times (off by one)
-libraries/libldap/error.c	- define empty ldap_perror if NO_USERINTERFACE
-libraries/libldap/getdn.c	- ldap_dn2ufn() now returns dn if no '='
-				- ldap_explode_dn handles DNs without '='
-libraries/libldap/open.c	- "host" can now be a space-separated list
-libraries/libldap/sort.c	- make function declarations more portable
-libraries/libldap/srchpref.c	- fixed memory leak in options parsing
-libraries/libldap/test.c	- added -t & -T options for ber output to file
-				- added 'E' command to explode a DN
-libraries/libldap/tmplout.c	- added entry2html()
-				- added entry2html_search()
-				- added entry2vals()
-				- remove extraneous ber_free when not using tmpl
-				- fix non-ASCII core dump bugs
-libraries/libldap/ldapfriendly	- added EE & RU
-				- remove '\' inside [] in reg exprs.
-				- add web500gw to filter tags
-				- added xax500-auth section
-				- changed xax500 tags
-				- added co to Country template
-				- add missing types & options to comments
-				- add "Last Modified" attrs. to all templates
-				- make "Last Modified" attrs. read-only
-libraries/libldbm/*		- new library; used in sldapd
-libraries/liblthread/*		- new library; used in sldapd
-libraries/msdos/README.WSA	- updated to include Borland C instructions
-libraries/vms/README.VMS	- fixed pathname typo
-servers/ldapd/add.c		- make BER tags unsigned long everywhere
-servers/ldapd/certificate.c	- make parsing consistent with printing code
-servers/ldapd/main.c		- moved openlog() after detach() call
-servers/ldapd/modify.c		- correct tag usage in ber_first/next loop
-				- output all debugging to stderr
-				- pass and use Sockbuf * in modify_result() call
-servers/ldapd/result.c		- change to always use DER encoding
-servers/ldapd/search.c		- change to always use DER encoding
-servers/ldapd/syntax.c		- add support for telexNumber
-servers/sldapd			- all new "standalone LDAP server"
-Changes since 3.1b8
-Make-common			- added note r.e. -DNO_USERINTERFACE
-servers/ldapd/association.c	- don't include filio.h under AIX
-build/platforms/aix-cc and -gcc	- add _BSD to defines
-include/portable.h		- define OPENLOG_OPTIONS
-clients/*/*.c			- use OPENLOG_OPTIONS
-servers/ldapd/main.c		- use OPENLOG_OPTIONS
-servers/ldapd/syntax.c		- add iattr support (from craig watkins)
-Changes since 3.1b7
-Many System V portability fixes....
-A few fixes for VMS....
-Makefile			- support Linux & NetBSD
-Make-common			- add support for NEXOR version of isode
-include/Make-template		- make ldapconfig.h depend on Makefile
-include/ldapconfig.h.edit	- add RCPT500_LISTLIMIT, RCPT500_UFN
-				- add GO500_TIMEOUT, GO500_UFN
-				- add GO500GW_UFN
-				- change *_DEREF to be LDAP_DEREF_FINDING
-include/regex.h			- use NEED_BSDREGEX
-include/portable.h		- SYSV changes & general re-vamping
-include/disptmpl.h		- fix typo in ldap_name2template() prototype
-				- add LDAP_SYN_RFC822ADDR
-libraries/liblber/io.c		- make ber_alloc actually use BER
-libraries/libldap/cldap.c	- preserve old log DN if NULL is passed
-libraries/libldap/regex.c	- use NEED_BSDREGEX
-libraries/libldap/disptmpl.c	- add support for LDAP_SYN_RFC822ADDR
-libraries/libldap/tmplout.c	- add support for LDAP_SYN_RFC822ADDR
-libraries/libldap/getfilter.c	- always #include "regex.h"
-servers/ldapd/main.c		- don't check openlog return code
-servers/ldapd/request.c		- only do syslog if dosyslog is set
-servers/ldapd/syntax.c		- add support for user certificates (from ER)
-servers/ldapd/certificate.c	- add support for user certificates (new file)
-clients/finger/main.c		- add -t disptmplfile option
-				- add -p port option
-				- add ufn support
-clients/gopher/go500.c		- add -t disptmplfile option
-				- add ufn support
-clients/gopher/go500gw.c	- add -t disptmplfile option
-				- add ufn support
-clients/mail500/main.c		- add -t disptmplfile option
-				- add support for mail to -owner
-clients/rcpt500/main.c,query.c	- add support for RCPT500_LISTLIMIT
-				- support -p ldapport option
-				- add ufn support
-clients/tools/ldapsearch.c	- recognize -w option properly
-clients/tools/ldapdelete.c	- recognize -k option properly
-clients/tools/ldapmodrdn.c	- new program
-clients/ud/edit.c		- use execlp() instead of execle()
-clients/ud/main.c		- include sys/ioctl.h under NetBSD
-clients/ud/print.c		- updated time2text() from libldap/tmplout.c
-contrib/saucer			- new contributed client from Eric Rosenquist
-build/platforms			- added netbsd-cc & netbsd-gcc
-				- updated sunos5-cc and sunos5-gcc
-				- added missing CC=gcc in hpux-gcc
-				- added vms
-build/Make-append		- change ISODELIBS
-doc/man/man8/rcpt500.8		- new manual page
-doc/man/man3/ldap.3		- add (3) to routine names in INDEX section
-doc/man/man3/ldap_search.3	- remove reference to ldap_parse(3)
-doc/man/man3/ldap_modrdn.3	- new manual page
-doc/man/man3/ldap_modrdn.3.links- new links file
-doc/man/man3/ldap_disptmpl.3	- re-word ldap_octemplate description
-				- document LDAP_SYN_RFC822ADDR
-doc/man/man5/ldap_searchprefs.5	- fix formatting
-doc/man/man5/ldaptemplatesconf.5- document "mail" syntax type
-doc/man/*			- use ETCDIR everywhere (was %ETCDIR%)
-ldap-3.1b7 CHANGES file - summary of major changes to each component
-since the last release
-source tree	- completely reorganized for your convenience
-		- makes full use of ansi-style prototypes
-		- supports non-ansi compilers through unproto utility
-configuration	- all client configuration has been moved to ldapconfig.h.edit
-		  (no need to edit multiple source code files)
-build procedure	- completely revamped for your convenience
-		- automaticly figures out your platform/compiler
-		- supports multiple objects from a single source tree
-liblbdap	- added support for display templates
-		- added support for search preferences
-		- added ldap_sort routines for sorting entries
-		- rearranged some routines/source files to allow
-		  better incremental linking to reduce code bloat
-		- added support for CLDAP
-liblber		- added O option to ber_scanf: allocate octet string w/length
-		- big tags (greater than 31) now supported
-		- distinguished encoding rules supported (runtime choice
-		  between ber and der)
-in.xfingerd	- now uses display template routines
-		- now uses ldap sorting routines
-		- editable configuration info moved to ldapconfig.h.edit
-go500		- now uses display template routines
-		- now uses ldap sorting routines
-		- editable configuration info moved to ldapconfig.h.edit
-go500gw		- now uses display template routines
-		- now uses ldap sorting routines
-		- editable configuration info moved to ldapconfig.h.edit
-rcpt500		- now uses display template routines
-		- now uses ldap sorting routines
-		- editable configuration info moved to ldapconfig.h.edit
-mail500		- addition of a new "vacation" feature
-		- editable configuration info moved to ldapconfig.h.edit
-ldap tools	- new addition of some shell-based tools
-whois++ g/w	- moved to contrib/ directory
-web500		- new addition, in contrib/ directory
-ldapd		- lots of bug fixes
-		- bring CLDAP code in line with latest Internet Draft
-documentation	- library man pages have been completely re-done, split
-		  into separate manuals, with new pages for each set of
-		  routines.
-		- new man pages for most client programs (more on the way)
-windows ldap	- support for Win32 (unfinished?)
-		- added VERSIONINFO resource to dll
-		- check for > 64K response packet and don't crash
-macintosh ldap	- support Apple's new Universal Header files
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index 958d72e70424983596a9f4ddfe2726319c964817..6753e3c6bfc47cd8794156211551532a1365ddc5 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Making and Installing the U-M LDAP Distribution
+Making and Installing the Net Boolean OpenLDAP Distribution
 ** It is recommended that you read or at least skim through ALL of the
 ** instructions in this file before attempting to build the software.
@@ -7,20 +7,26 @@ If you want to build binaries for more than one platform from a single
 source tree, skip ahead to the "Building LDAP For More Than One Platform"
 section near the end of this file. If you are planning to run slapd,
 you should read the "SLAPD and SLURPD Administrator's Guide", found in
-the doc/guides/ directory within the distribution.
+the doc/guides/ directory at:
+	http://www.boolean.net/technology/ldap.html
 If you simply want to build LDAP for a single machine platform, follow
 these steps:
  1. untar the distribution and cd to the top:
-	% zcat ldap-3.3.tar.Z | tar xf -
-	% cd ldap-3.3
+	% tar xfz ldap-stable.tgz
+	% cd ldap
     If you are reading this file, you probably have already done this!
- 2. edit the files Make-common and include/ldapconfig.h.edit to configure
+ 2. Type:
+	% make Make-common
+	to copy Make-common.dist to Make.common. 
+ 3. edit the files Make-common and include/ldapconfig.h.edit to configure
     the software for your site (the files are well-commented):
 	% vi Make-common
@@ -30,7 +36,9 @@ these steps:
     top of the distribution.
     If you just want to see if things will build, you can leave the
-    configuration alone and change it later.
+    configuration alone and change it later.  You may want to consult
+	the appropriate platform makefile (build/*/Make-platform) for
+	platform-specific defaults.
     If you have the ISODE package built and want to build the
     LDAP-to-X.500 server (ldapd), be sure to uncomment the appropriate
@@ -133,4 +141,4 @@ Follow these steps for each different platform:
-End of LDAP INSTALL file.
+End of OpenLDAP INSTALL file.
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index 0666997a18922c629216acc64cfb082fcd0e144f..e2c6b1b6daf24a037f6e26594b2a98c83de162bf 100644
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Version 1, 22 August 1998
 Copyright 1998, Net Boolean Incorporated, Redwood City, California, USA
 All Rights Reserved.
 	This license is derived from the "Artistic License" as distributed
 	with the Perl Programming Language.  Its terms are different from
diff --git a/Make-common.dist b/Make-common.dist
index c45a0b42724d1afd55e31c700c97381d23ec3568..fa6a5cf69da0bd42795504a331774b76058f9dd5 100644
--- a/Make-common.dist
+++ b/Make-common.dist
@@ -122,28 +122,34 @@ MAKESLAPD= yes
 # remove the defines for backends you don't want to enable 
-# If you have included -DLDAP_LDBM in the SLAPD_BACKENDS line you need
-# to specify which low-level database package to use.  There are
-# four choices: Berkeley db b-tree, Berkeley db hash, GNU dbm, or ndbm.
-# You will also need to edit the include and lib strings appropriately.
+# If you have included -DLDAP_LDBM in the SLAPD_BACKENDS line, 
+# which low-level database package to use must be specified.  You
+# may want to overide the platform settings by disabling the lines
+# below and hardcoding the desired settings.
+# The four choices: Berkeley db b-tree, Berkeley db hash, GNU dbm, or ndbm.
+# You will also need to edit the include and lib strings appropriately.
+# standard unix ndbm
+# Fallback settings, defaults are set in build/*/Make-platform
+# LDBM Hardcode Setting Examples (may require editing)
 # berkeley db btree package
 # berkeley db hash package
 # gnu dbm (gdbm)
-# standard unix ndbm
 #undef these if you have SLEEPYCAT DB2 installed
diff --git a/README b/README
index fb8dd8ab366791e60ce7022fad46c7347166590a..a7de7e0231b303f39d0a110f2b1d9d39188457ca 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
-UM-LDAP 3.3 README file
+Net Boolean OpenLDAP 1.0 README
-    This is the UM-LDAP version 3.3 distribution.  For a description of
-    what this distribution contains, see the ANNOUNCEMENT file in this
-    directory.  For a description of changes from previous releases,
-    see the CHANGES file in this directory.  For a more detailed
-    description of how to make and install the distribution, see the
-    INSTALL file in this directory.  For more information on making and
-    installing slapd, see the "SLAPD and SLURPD Administrator's Guide"
-    in the doc/guides/ directory.
+    This is the OpenLDAP version 1.0 distribution.
+	For a description of what this distribution contains, see the
+	ANNOUNCEMENT file in this directory.  For a description of
+	changes from previous releases, see the CHANGES file in this
+	directory.  For a more detailed description of how to make an
+	install the distribution, see the INSTALL file in this directory.
+	For more information:
+		http://www.boolean.net/technology/ldap.html.
     standard default configuration by typing the following commands
 	% make
+		this will copy Make-common.dist to Make-common.
+		Edit Make-common as desired.
+	% make 
+		this will build the system
 	% su
 	# make install
     You will probably want to do a little configuration to suit your
     site, though.  There are two files you might want to edit:
-	Make-common		   This file contains definitions for
-				   where things will be installed, where
-				   to find various things, etc.  If you
-				   want to build an ldap server, you'll
-				   definitely need to edit this file
+	Make-common
+		contains default definitions for where things will be
+		installed, where to find various things, etc.  These defaults
+		are used in absense of platform-specific defaults.  You may
+		hardcode settings in Make-common if you desire.  You will
+		need to edit this file to enable optional features.
+	build/*/Make-platform
+		contains platform-specific defaults.
-	include/ldapconfig.h.edit  This file contains #defines used
-				   by many parts of the distribution.
-				   You'll at least want to change
+	include/ldapconfig.h.edit
+		This file contains #defines used by many parts of the
+		distribution.  You'll at least want to change DEFAULT_BASE.
     See the INSTALL file in this directory for more information.
@@ -42,18 +51,16 @@ DOCUMENTATION
     There are man pages for most programs in the distribution and
     routines in the various libraries.  See ldap(3) for details.
-    There is a postscript version of an administrator's guide for
-    slapd in doc/guides/slapd.ps.
-    There is an LDAP homepage available that contains the latest
+    There is an OpenLDAP homepage available that contains the latest
     LDAP news, releases announcements, pointers to other LDAP resources,
     etc. You can access it at this URL:
-	http://www.umich.edu/~rsug/ldap/
+	http://www.boolean.net/technology/ldap/
     We would appreciate any feedback you can provide.  If you have
     problems, report them to this address:
-	ldap-support@umich.edu
+	ldap-dev@boolean.net