/* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* * Copyright 1998-2000 The OpenLDAP Foundation, All Rights Reserved. * COPYING RESTRICTIONS APPLY, see COPYRIGHT file */ #include "portable.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <ac/stdlib.h> #include <ac/ctype.h> #include <ac/signal.h> #include <ac/socket.h> #include <ac/string.h> #include <ac/time.h> #include <ac/unistd.h> #include <ldap.h> #include "lutil_ldap.h" #include "ldap_defaults.h" static int verbose = 0; static void usage(const char *s) { fprintf(stderr, "Change password of an LDAP user\n\n" "usage: %s [options] [user]\n" " user: the autentication identity, commonly a DN\n" "Password change options:\n" " -a secret old password\n" " -A prompt for old password\n" " -s secret new password\n" " -S prompt for new password\n" "Common options:\n" " -d level set LDAP debugging level to `level'\n" " -D binddn bind DN\n" " -f file read operations from `file'\n" " -h host LDAP server(s)\n" " -H URI LDAP Uniform Resource Indentifier(s)\n" " -I use SASL Interactive mode\n" " -n show what would be done but don't actually search\n" " -O props SASL security properties\n" " -p port port on LDAP server\n" " -Q use SASL Quiet mode\n" " -R realm SASL realm\n" " -U authcid SASL authentication identity\n" " -v run in verbose mode (diagnostics to standard output)\n" " -w passwd bind passwd (for simple authentication)\n" " -W prompt for bind passwd\n" " -x Simple authentication\n" " -X authzid SASL authorization identity (\"dn:<dn>\" or \"u:<user>\")\n" " -Y mech SASL mechanism\n" " -Z Start TLS request (-ZZ to require successful response)\n" , s ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int rc; char *prog = NULL; char *ldaphost = NULL; char *ldapuri = NULL; char *user = NULL; char *binddn = NULL; struct berval passwd = { 0, NULL }; char *newpw = NULL; char *oldpw = NULL; int want_bindpw = 0; int want_newpw = 0; int want_oldpw = 0; int not = 0; int i; int ldapport = 0; int debug = 0; int version = -1; int authmethod = -1; int manageDSAit = 0; #ifdef HAVE_CYRUS_SASL unsigned sasl_flags = LDAP_SASL_AUTOMATIC; char *sasl_realm = NULL; char *sasl_authc_id = NULL; char *sasl_authz_id = NULL; char *sasl_mech = NULL; char *sasl_secprops = NULL; #endif int use_tls = 0; int referrals = 0; LDAP *ld = NULL; struct berval *bv = NULL; int id, code; LDAPMessage *res; char *matcheddn = NULL, *text = NULL, **refs = NULL; char *retoid = NULL; struct berval *retdata = NULL; prog = (prog = strrchr(argv[0], *LDAP_DIRSEP)) == NULL ? argv[0] : prog + 1; while( (i = getopt( argc, argv, "Aa:Ss:" "Cd:D:h:H:InO:p:QR:U:vw:WxX:Y:Z" )) != EOF ) { switch (i) { /* Password Options */ case 'A': /* prompt for old password */ want_oldpw++; break; case 'a': /* old password (secret) */ oldpw = strdup (optarg); { char* p; for( p = optarg; *p != '\0'; p++ ) { *p = '\0'; } } break; case 'S': /* prompt for user password */ want_newpw++; break; case 's': /* new password (secret) */ newpw = strdup (optarg); { char* p; for( p = optarg; *p != '\0'; p++ ) { *p = '\0'; } } break; /* Common Options (including options we don't use) */ case 'C': referrals++; break; case 'd': debug |= atoi( optarg ); break; case 'D': /* bind DN */ if( binddn != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -D previously specified\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } binddn = strdup( optarg ); break; case 'h': /* ldap host */ if( ldapuri != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -h incompatible with -H\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( ldaphost != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -h previously specified\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } ldaphost = strdup( optarg ); break; case 'H': /* ldap URI */ if( ldaphost != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -H incompatible with -h\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( ldapport ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -H incompatible with -p\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( ldapuri != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -H previously specified\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } ldapuri = strdup( optarg ); break; case 'I': #ifdef HAVE_CYRUS_SASL if( version == LDAP_VERSION2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -I incompatible with version %d\n", prog, version ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( authmethod != -1 && authmethod != LDAP_AUTH_SASL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: incompatible previous " "authentication choice\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } authmethod = LDAP_AUTH_SASL; version = LDAP_VERSION3; sasl_flags = LDAP_SASL_INTERACTIVE; break; #else fprintf( stderr, "%s: was not compiled with SASL support\n", prog ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); #endif case 'k': /* kerberos bind */ #ifdef LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_KBIND if( version > LDAP_VERSION2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -k incompatible with LDAPv%d\n", prog, version ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( authmethod != -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -k incompatible with previous " "authentication choice\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } authmethod = LDAP_AUTH_KRBV4; #else fprintf( stderr, "%s: not compiled with Kerberos support\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; #endif break; case 'K': /* kerberos bind, part one only */ #ifdef LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_KBIND if( version > LDAP_VERSION2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -k incompatible with LDAPv%d\n", prog, version ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( authmethod != -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: incompatible with previous " "authentication choice\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } authmethod = LDAP_AUTH_KRBV41; #else fprintf( stderr, "%s: not compiled with Kerberos support\n", prog ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); #endif break; case 'M': /* enable Manage DSA IT */ if( version == LDAP_VERSION2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -M incompatible with LDAPv%d\n", prog, version ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } manageDSAit++; version = LDAP_VERSION3; break; case 'n': /* print deletes, don't actually do them */ ++not; break; case 'O': #ifdef HAVE_CYRUS_SASL if( sasl_secprops != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -O previously specified\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( version == LDAP_VERSION2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -O incompatible with LDAPv%d\n", prog, version ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( authmethod != -1 && authmethod != LDAP_AUTH_SASL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: incompatible previous " "authentication choice\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } authmethod = LDAP_AUTH_SASL; version = LDAP_VERSION3; sasl_secprops = strdup( optarg ); #else fprintf( stderr, "%s: not compiled with SASL support\n", prog ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); #endif break; case 'p': if( ldapport ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -p previously specified\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } ldapport = atoi( optarg ); break; case 'P': switch( atoi(optarg) ) { case 2: if( version == LDAP_VERSION3 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -P 2 incompatible with version %d\n", prog, version ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } version = LDAP_VERSION2; break; case 3: if( version == LDAP_VERSION2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -P 2 incompatible with version %d\n", prog, version ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } version = LDAP_VERSION3; break; default: fprintf( stderr, "%s: protocol version should be 2 or 3\n", prog ); usage( prog ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } break; case 'Q': #ifdef HAVE_CYRUS_SASL if( version == LDAP_VERSION2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -Q incompatible with version %d\n", prog, version ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( authmethod != -1 && authmethod != LDAP_AUTH_SASL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: incompatible previous " "authentication choice\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } authmethod = LDAP_AUTH_SASL; version = LDAP_VERSION3; sasl_flags = LDAP_SASL_QUIET; break; #else fprintf( stderr, "%s: not compiled with SASL support\n", prog ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); #endif case 'R': #ifdef HAVE_CYRUS_SASL if( sasl_realm != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -R previously specified\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( version == LDAP_VERSION2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -R incompatible with version %d\n", prog, version ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( authmethod != -1 && authmethod != LDAP_AUTH_SASL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: incompatible previous " "authentication choice\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } authmethod = LDAP_AUTH_SASL; version = LDAP_VERSION3; sasl_realm = strdup( optarg ); #else fprintf( stderr, "%s: not compiled with SASL support\n", prog ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); #endif break; case 'U': #ifdef HAVE_CYRUS_SASL if( sasl_authc_id != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -U previously specified\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( version == LDAP_VERSION2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -U incompatible with version %d\n", prog, version ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( authmethod != -1 && authmethod != LDAP_AUTH_SASL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: incompatible previous " "authentication choice\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } authmethod = LDAP_AUTH_SASL; version = LDAP_VERSION3; sasl_authc_id = strdup( optarg ); #else fprintf( stderr, "%s: not compiled with SASL support\n", prog ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); #endif break; case 'v': /* verbose mode */ verbose++; break; case 'w': /* password */ passwd.bv_val = strdup( optarg ); { char* p; for( p = optarg; *p != '\0'; p++ ) { *p = '\0'; } } passwd.bv_len = strlen( passwd.bv_val ); break; case 'W': want_bindpw++; break; case 'Y': #ifdef HAVE_CYRUS_SASL if( sasl_mech != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -Y previously specified\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( version == LDAP_VERSION2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -Y incompatible with version %d\n", prog, version ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( authmethod != -1 && authmethod != LDAP_AUTH_SASL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: incompatible with authentication choice\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } authmethod = LDAP_AUTH_SASL; version = LDAP_VERSION3; sasl_mech = strdup( optarg ); #else fprintf( stderr, "%s: not compiled with SASL support\n", prog ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); #endif break; case 'x': if( authmethod != -1 && authmethod != LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: incompatible with previous " "authentication choice\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } authmethod = LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE; break; case 'X': #ifdef HAVE_CYRUS_SASL if( sasl_authz_id != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -X previously specified\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( version == LDAP_VERSION2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -X incompatible with LDAPv%d\n", prog, version ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( authmethod != -1 && authmethod != LDAP_AUTH_SASL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -X incompatible with " "authentication choice\n", prog ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } authmethod = LDAP_AUTH_SASL; version = LDAP_VERSION3; sasl_authz_id = strdup( optarg ); #else fprintf( stderr, "%s: not compiled with SASL support\n", prog ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); #endif break; case 'Z': #ifdef HAVE_TLS if( version == LDAP_VERSION2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: -Z incompatible with version %d\n", prog, version ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } version = LDAP_VERSION3; use_tls++; #else fprintf( stderr, "%s: not compiled with TLS support\n", prog ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); #endif break; default: fprintf( stderr, "%s: unrecognized option -%c\n", prog, optopt ); usage (argv[0]); } } if (authmethod == -1) { #ifdef HAVE_CYRUS_SASL authmethod = LDAP_AUTH_SASL; #else authmethod = LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE; #endif } if( argc - optind > 1 ) { usage( argv[0] ); } else if ( argc - optind == 1 ) { user = strdup( argv[optind] ); } else { user = NULL; } if( want_oldpw && oldpw == NULL ) { /* prompt for old password */ char *ckoldpw; oldpw = strdup(getpassphrase("Old password: ")); ckoldpw = getpassphrase("Re-enter old password: "); if( oldpw== NULL || ckoldpw == NULL || strcmp( oldpw, ckoldpw )) { fprintf( stderr, "passwords do not match\n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if( want_newpw && newpw == NULL ) { /* prompt for new password */ char *cknewpw; newpw = strdup(getpassphrase("New password: ")); cknewpw = getpassphrase("Re-enter new password: "); if( newpw== NULL || cknewpw == NULL || strcmp( newpw, cknewpw )) { fprintf( stderr, "passwords do not match\n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (want_bindpw && passwd.bv_val == NULL ) { /* handle bind password */ passwd.bv_val = strdup( getpassphrase("Enter bind password: ")); passwd.bv_len = passwd.bv_val ? strlen( passwd.bv_val ) : 0; } if ( debug ) { if( ber_set_option( NULL, LBER_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL, &debug ) != LBER_OPT_SUCCESS ) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not set LBER_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL %d\n", debug ); } if( ldap_set_option( NULL, LDAP_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL, &debug ) != LDAP_OPT_SUCCESS ) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not set LDAP_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL %d\n", debug ); } } #ifdef SIGPIPE (void) SIGNAL( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN ); #endif /* connect to server */ if( ( ldaphost != NULL || ldapport ) && ( ldapuri == NULL ) ) { if ( verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "ldap_init( %s, %d )\n", ldaphost != NULL ? ldaphost : "<DEFAULT>", ldapport ); } ld = ldap_init( ldaphost, ldapport ); if( ld == NULL ) { perror("ldapsearch: ldap_init"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else { if ( verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "ldap_initialize( %s )\n", ldapuri != NULL ? ldapuri : "<DEFAULT>" ); } rc = ldap_initialize( &ld, ldapuri ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not create LDAP session handle (%d): %s\n", rc, ldap_err2string(rc) ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } /* referrals */ if (ldap_set_option( ld, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, referrals ? LDAP_OPT_ON : LDAP_OPT_OFF ) != LDAP_OPT_SUCCESS ) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not set LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS %s\n", referrals ? "on" : "off" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* LDAPv3 only */ version = LDAP_VERSION3; rc = ldap_set_option( ld, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &version ); if(rc != LDAP_OPT_SUCCESS ) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not set LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION %d\n", version ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( use_tls && ( ldap_start_tls_s( ld, NULL, NULL ) != LDAP_SUCCESS )) { ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_start_tls" ); if ( use_tls > 1 ) { return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } if ( authmethod == LDAP_AUTH_SASL ) { #ifdef HAVE_CYRUS_SASL void *defaults; if( sasl_secprops != NULL ) { rc = ldap_set_option( ld, LDAP_OPT_X_SASL_SECPROPS, (void *) sasl_secprops ); if( rc != LDAP_OPT_SUCCESS ) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not set LDAP_OPT_X_SASL_SECPROPS: %s\n", sasl_secprops ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } defaults = lutil_sasl_defaults( ld, sasl_mech, sasl_realm, sasl_authc_id, passwd.bv_val, sasl_authz_id ); rc = ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s( ld, binddn, sasl_mech, NULL, NULL, sasl_flags, lutil_sasl_interact, defaults ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s" ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } #else fprintf( stderr, "%s: not compiled with SASL support\n", argv[0] ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); #endif } else { if ( ldap_bind_s( ld, binddn, passwd.bv_val, authmethod ) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_bind" ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } if( user != NULL || oldpw != NULL || newpw != NULL ) { /* build change password control */ BerElement *ber = ber_alloc_t( LBER_USE_DER ); if( ber == NULL ) { perror( "ber_alloc_t" ); ldap_unbind( ld ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } ber_printf( ber, "{" /*}*/ ); if( user != NULL ) { ber_printf( ber, "ts", LDAP_TAG_EXOP_X_MODIFY_PASSWD_ID, user ); free(user); } if( oldpw != NULL ) { ber_printf( ber, "ts", LDAP_TAG_EXOP_X_MODIFY_PASSWD_OLD, oldpw ); free(oldpw); } if( newpw != NULL ) { ber_printf( ber, "ts", LDAP_TAG_EXOP_X_MODIFY_PASSWD_NEW, newpw ); free(newpw); } ber_printf( ber, /*{*/ "N}" ); rc = ber_flatten( ber, &bv ); if( rc < 0 ) { perror( "ber_flatten" ); ldap_unbind( ld ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } ber_free( ber, 1 ); } if ( not ) { rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; goto skip; } rc = ldap_extended_operation( ld, LDAP_EXOP_X_MODIFY_PASSWD, bv, NULL, NULL, &id ); ber_bvfree( bv ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_extended_operation" ); ldap_unbind( ld ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } rc = ldap_result( ld, LDAP_RES_ANY, LDAP_MSG_ALL, NULL, &res ); if ( rc < 0 ) { ldap_perror( ld, "ldappasswd: ldap_result" ); return rc; } rc = ldap_parse_result( ld, res, &code, &matcheddn, &text, &refs, NULL, 0 ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_parse_result" ); return rc; } rc = ldap_parse_extended_result( ld, res, &retoid, &retdata, 1 ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_parse_result" ); return rc; } if( retdata != NULL ) { ber_tag_t tag; char *s; BerElement *ber = ber_init( retdata ); if( ber == NULL ) { perror( "ber_init" ); ldap_unbind( ld ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* we should check the tag */ tag = ber_scanf( ber, "{a}", &s); if( tag == LBER_ERROR ) { perror( "ber_scanf" ); } else { printf("New password: %s\n", s); free( s ); } ber_free( ber, 1 ); } if( verbose || code != LDAP_SUCCESS || matcheddn || text || refs ) { printf( "Result: %s (%d)\n", ldap_err2string( code ), code ); if( text && *text ) { printf( "Additional info: %s\n", text ); } if( matcheddn && *matcheddn ) { printf( "Matched DN: %s\n", matcheddn ); } if( refs ) { int i; for( i=0; refs[i]; i++ ) { printf("Referral: %s\n", refs[i] ); } } } ber_memfree( text ); ber_memfree( matcheddn ); ber_memvfree( (void **) refs ); ber_memfree( retoid ); ber_bvfree( retdata ); skip: /* disconnect from server */ ldap_unbind (ld); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }