Making and Installing the OpenLDAP Distribution ** It is recommended that you read or at least skim through ALL of the ** instructions in this file before attempting to build the software. If you want to build binaries for more than one platform from a single source tree, skip ahead to the "Building LDAP For More Than One Platform" section near the end of this file. If you simply want to build LDAP for a single machine platform, follow these steps: 1. untar the distribution and cd to the top: % tar xfz ldap-stable.tgz % cd ldap If you are reading this file, you probably have already done this! 2. Type: % make Make-common to copy Make-common.dist to Make.common. 3. edit the files Make-common and include/ldapconfig.h.edit to configure the software for your site (the files are well-commented): % vi Make-common % vi include/ldapconfig.h.edit Note that you should NOT need to edit the Makefile located at the top of the distribution. If you just want to see if things will build, you can leave the configuration alone and change it later. You may want to consult the appropriate platform makefile (build/*/Make-platform) for platform-specific defaults. If you have the ISODE package built and want to build the LDAP-to-X.500 server (ldapd), be sure to uncomment the appropriate lines near the end of the Make-common file. By default only the stand-alone server, LDAP libraries and client software are built. 3. make the software: % make If all goes well, then make will figure out what platform you are on, pick a compiler to use, construct Makefiles, and build everything. If you see a message like "unknown platform..." LDAP has probably not been set up to build on your machine. See the file build/PORTS for hints on what to do in that case. Note that if your make does not use the Bourne (sh) shell by default when executing internal scripts (reportedly the case on SGI machines at least), you will need to run the make explicitly from within a Bourne shell. If you a syntax error such as "Missing ]" when you do the make under your usual shell, try this: % sh $ make If you don't like the some of the platform-specific options chosen by the automatic build process (such as the compiler to use, etc), you can intervene and edit them before anything is actually compiled by explicitly doing a "make platform" step, editing the .make-platform file (actually a link to the file to be edited), and then doing a regular make: % make platform % vi .make-platform % make If you want to choose the build platform yourself from among those that the distribution supports, cd to the appropriate directory underneath build/platforms and make from there. For example, if you are on a machine running SunOS 4.1.4 and you want to force the use of the cc compiler, you would do this: % cd build/platforms/sunos4-cc % make If you want to run some simple tests after the build is complete, you can do this: % make test 4. install the binaries and man pages. You may need to be superuser to do this (depending on where you are installing things): % su # make install That's it! See the man pages for the individual clients for information on configuring and using them. Eventually you will probably want to edit the configuration files used by the various clients (installed in the LDAP etc directory). The files are: ldapfilter.conf - search filter configuration ldapfriendly - mapping of X.500 names to human-friendly names ldapsearchprefs.conf - search object definitions ldaptemplates.conf - display template definitions There are section 5 man pages for all of these files. Building LDAP For More Than One Platform It is now possible to build LDAP for more than one platform from the same source tree. This is accomplished by some rules in the Makefiles that create a shadow (linked) directory tree where the binaries are placed. Follow these steps for each different platform: 1. move to the directory that matches the platform and compiler you want to build for and type make. The directories are all located underneath the build/platforms directory. If your platform is not there, you may need to do a port - see the build/PORTS file for more information. For a Sun running SunOS 4.1.4, you might do this: % cd build/platforms/sunos4-cc % make links This will create a linked source area. 2. move to the new directory and make as for a single platform. Follow steps 1-4 above to accomplish this. For example: % cd obj-sunos4-cc % make That's all there is to it. You can also create the linked source area(s) by just typing "make links" at the top of the distribution, in which case the Makefile will try to automatically determine the platform and compiler. End of OpenLDAP INSTALL file.