/* ************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Octet String, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * THIS WORK IS SUBJECT TO U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAWS AND * TREATIES. USE, MODIFICATION, AND REDISTRIBUTION OF THIS WORK IS SUBJECT * TO VERSION 2.0.1 OF THE OPENLDAP PUBLIC LICENSE, A COPY OF WHICH IS * AVAILABLE AT HTTP://WWW.OPENLDAP.ORG/LICENSE.HTML OR IN THE FILE "LICENSE" * IN THE TOP-LEVEL DIRECTORY OF THE DISTRIBUTION. ANY USE OR EXPLOITATION * OF THIS WORK OTHER THAN AS AUTHORIZED IN VERSION 2.0.1 OF THE OPENLDAP * PUBLIC LICENSE, OR OTHER PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT FROM OCTET STRING, INC., * COULD SUBJECT THE PERPETRATOR TO CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LIABILITY. ******************************************************************************/ /* * UnpackResults.java * * Created on March 14, 2002, 10:06 AM */ package com.octetstring.jdbcLdap.jndi; import javax.naming.*; import javax.naming.directory.*; import com.octetstring.jdbcLdap.jndi.JndiLdapConnection; import java.util.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.sql.*; import com.novell.ldap.*; import com.novell.ldap.util.*; /** *Takes a JNDI Naming Enumeration and places it into a ArrayList of *HasMap's for processing *@author Marc Boorshtein, OctetString */ public class UnpackResults { static final String HEX_COMMA="\\2C"; static final String HEX_PLUS="\\2B"; static final String HEX_DBL_QUOTE="\\22"; static final String HEX_BACK_SLASH="\\5C"; static final String HEX_LESS="\\3C"; static final String HEX_MORE="\\3E"; static final String HEX_SEMI_COLON="\\3B"; static final HashMap HEX_TO_STRING; /** DN attribute name */ static final String DN_ATT = "DN"; /** The Connection to the LDAP server */ JndiLdapConnection con; /** List of Field Names */ HashMap names; /** List of rows */ ArrayList rows; LDAPMessageQueue queue; protected boolean dn; protected String fromContext; protected StringBuffer buff; protected LDAPEntry entry; ArrayList fieldNames; ArrayList fieldTypes; private boolean hasMoreEntries; private LDAPSearchResults searchResults; private HashMap revMap; static { HEX_TO_STRING = new HashMap(); HEX_TO_STRING.put(HEX_COMMA,"\\,"); HEX_TO_STRING.put(HEX_PLUS,"\\+"); HEX_TO_STRING.put(HEX_DBL_QUOTE,"\\\""); HEX_TO_STRING.put(HEX_BACK_SLASH,"\\\\"); HEX_TO_STRING.put(HEX_LESS,"\\<"); HEX_TO_STRING.put(HEX_MORE,"\\>"); HEX_TO_STRING.put(HEX_SEMI_COLON,"\\;"); } /** Creates new UnpackResults */ public UnpackResults(JndiLdapConnection con) { this.con = con; names = new HashMap(); rows = new ArrayList(); } /** Returns the field names of the result */ public ArrayList getFieldNames() { /*ArrayList fields = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = names.keySet().iterator(); FieldStore f; int i; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); while (it.hasNext()) { f = (FieldStore) names.get(it.next()); if (f.numVals > 0) { for (i = 0; i < f.numVals; i++) { buf.setLength(0); fields.add( buf.append(f.name).append('_').append(i).toString()); } } else { fields.add(f.name); } } return fields;*/ return this.fieldNames; } /** Returns the types for the query */ public ArrayList getFieldTypes() { /*ArrayList fields = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = names.keySet().iterator(); FieldStore f; int i; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); int count = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { f = (FieldStore) names.get(it.next()); if (f.numVals > 0) { for (i = 0; i < f.numVals; i++) { buf.setLength(0); fields.add(new Integer(f.getType())); count++; } } else { fields.add(new Integer(f.getType())); count++; } } int[] types = new int[count]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { types[i] = ((Integer) fields.get(i)).intValue(); } return types;*/ return this.fieldTypes; } /** Returns the results of the search */ public ArrayList getRows() { return rows; } public void unpackJldap(LDAPSearchResults res,boolean dn,String fromContext,String baseContext,HashMap revMap) throws SQLException { ArrayList tmprows; ArrayList expRows = null; this.queue = null; this.searchResults = res; this.revMap = revMap; NamingEnumeration enumAtts; Enumeration vals; Attribute att; String attrid; String val; //String dn; FieldStore field; StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); String base; names.clear(); rows.clear(); int currNumVals; HashMap row; String[] svals; LDAPEntry entry = null; Iterator it; byte[][] byteVals; buff.setLength(0); if (fromContext != null && fromContext.length() != 0) buff.append(',').append(fromContext); if (baseContext != null && baseContext.length() != 0) buff.append(',').append(baseContext); base = buff.toString(); this.dn = dn; this.fromContext = fromContext; this.buff = buff; this.entry = entry; this.fieldNames = new ArrayList(); this.fieldTypes = new ArrayList(); //this.results = new ResultListener(this,this.currentThread,queue); this.hasMoreEntries = true; if (con.isPreFetch()) { int i=0; while (this.moveNext(i++)); } } public void unpackJldap(LDAPMessageQueue queue,boolean dn,String fromContext,String baseContext,HashMap revMap) throws SQLException { ArrayList tmprows; ArrayList expRows = null; SearchResult res; this.revMap = revMap; this.queue = queue; this.searchResults = null; NamingEnumeration enumAtts; Enumeration vals; Attribute att; String attrid; String val; //String dn; FieldStore field; StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); String base; names.clear(); rows.clear(); int currNumVals; HashMap row; String[] svals; LDAPEntry entry = null; Iterator it; byte[][] byteVals; buff.setLength(0); if (fromContext != null && fromContext.length() != 0) buff.append(',').append(fromContext); if (baseContext != null && baseContext.length() != 0) buff.append(',').append(baseContext); base = buff.toString(); this.dn = dn; this.fromContext = fromContext; this.buff = buff; this.entry = entry; this.fieldNames = new ArrayList(); this.fieldTypes = new ArrayList(); //this.results = new ResultListener(this,this.currentThread,queue); this.hasMoreEntries = true; if (con.isPreFetch()) { int i=0; while (this.moveNext(i++)); } } /** * @param results * @param dn * @param fromContext * @param buff * @param entry * @return * @throws SQLNamingException */ protected LDAPEntry extractEntry(boolean dn, String fromContext, StringBuffer buff, LDAPEntry entry) throws SQLNamingException { ArrayList tmprows; ArrayList expRows = null; String val; FieldStore field; int currNumVals; HashMap row; String[] svals; Iterator it; byte[][] byteVals; //System.out.println("entry : " + entry); LDAPAttributeSet atts = entry.getAttributeSet(); row = new HashMap(); if (con.isExpandRow()) { expRows = new ArrayList(); expRows.add(row); } if (dn) { field = (FieldStore) names.get(DN_ATT); if (field == null) { field = new FieldStore(); field.name = DN_ATT; names.put(field.name, field); this.fieldNames.add(DN_ATT); this.fieldTypes.add(new Integer(field.type)); } buff.setLength(0); //TODO, need to be able to handle unicode strings.... /*try { System.out.println("in unpack dn : " + cleanDn(res.getName())); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }*/ // System.out.println("Unpack: dn="+buff); row.put(DN_ATT, LDAPDN.normalize(entry.getDN())); } //TODO figure out what the hell is going on here //it = atts.getAttributeNames().iterator(); Object[] attribArray = atts.toArray(); for (int j=0,n=attribArray.length;j<n;j++) { //String attribName = (String) it.next(); //System.out.println(atts); //System.out.println("attribname : " + attribName); LDAPAttribute attrib = (LDAPAttribute) attribArray[j]; //atts.getAttribute(attribName); //System.out.println("working with : " + attrib); field = (FieldStore) names.get(this.getFieldName(attrib.getName())); boolean existed = true; if (field == null) { field = new FieldStore(); field.name = this.getFieldName(attrib.getName()); names.put(field.name, field); existed = false; } byte[] bval = attrib.getByteValue(); if (bval == null) { bval = new byte[0]; } if (com.novell.ldap.util.Base64.isValidUTF8(bval, /*isUCS2Only=*/false)) { svals = attrib.getStringValueArray(); if ("".equals( con.schema.getAttributeSchema(attrib.getName()).getSyntaxString())) { for (int i=0;i<svals.length;i++) { svals[i] = svals[i] .replaceAll("\\$", "\n") .replaceAll("\\\\24", "\\$") .replaceAll("(?i)(?<=\\\\)5C", ""); } } } else { byteVals = attrib.getByteValueArray(); svals = new String[byteVals.length]; for (int i=0,m=byteVals.length;i<m;i++) { svals[i] = com.novell.ldap.util.Base64.encode(byteVals[i]); } } if (svals.length <= 1) { if (con.isExpandRow()) { val = (svals.length != 0) ? svals[0] : ""; it = expRows.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { field.determineType(val); row = (HashMap) it.next(); row.put(field.name, val); } if (! existed) { this.fieldNames.add(field.name); this.fieldTypes.add(new Integer(field.type)); } } else { val = svals[0]; field.determineType(val); row.put(field.name, val); if (! existed) { this.fieldNames.add(field.name); this.fieldTypes.add(new Integer(field.type)); } } } else { if (con.getConcatAtts()) { buff.setLength(0); field.numVals = 0; for (int i=0,m=svals.length;i<m;i++) { val = svals[i]; field.determineType(val); buff.append('[').append(val).append(']'); } row.put(field.name, buff.toString()); if (! existed) { this.fieldNames.add(field.name); this.fieldTypes.add(new Integer(field.type)); } } else if (con.isExpandRow()){ tmprows =new ArrayList(); for (int i=0,m=svals.length;i<m;i++) { val = svals[i]; field.determineType(val); it = expRows.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { row = (HashMap) it.next(); row = (HashMap) row.clone(); row.put(field.name,val); tmprows.add(row); } } if (! existed) { this.fieldNames.add(field.name); this.fieldTypes.add(new Integer(field.type)); } expRows = tmprows; } else { currNumVals = 0; int low = field.numVals; for (int i=0,m=svals.length;i<m;i++) { buff.setLength(0); val = svals[i]; field.determineType(val); row.put( buff .append(field.name) .append('_') .append(currNumVals) .toString(), val); currNumVals++; String fieldName = field.name + "_" + Integer.toString(currNumVals - 1); if (currNumVals >= low && ! this.fieldNames.contains(fieldName)) { this.fieldNames.add(fieldName); this.fieldTypes.add(new Integer(field.type)); } } field.numVals = (currNumVals > field.numVals) ? currNumVals : field.numVals; } } } if (con.isExpandRow() ) { rows.addAll(expRows); } else { rows.add(row); } return entry; } /** * @param results * @param fromContext * @param entry * @return * @throws SQLNamingException */ private LDAPEntry getEntry(LDAPSearchResults results, String fromContext, LDAPEntry entry) throws SQLNamingException { try { entry = results.next(); } catch (LDAPReferralException ref) { //for now, we will simply create an entry based on the referral String refName = "cn=Referral[" + ref.getReferrals()[0] + "]"; if (entry == null) { if (con.baseDN != null && con.baseDN.trim().length() >= 0) { refName += "," + fromContext; } } else { String[] parts = LDAPDN.explodeDN(entry.getDN(),false); for (int i=1,m=parts.length;i<m;i++) { refName += "," + parts[i]; } } LDAPAttribute attrib = new LDAPAttribute("ref"); String[] refUrls = ref.getReferrals(); for (int i=0,m=refUrls.length;i<m;i++) { attrib.addValue(refUrls[i]); } LDAPAttributeSet attribs = new LDAPAttributeSet(); attribs.add(attrib); entry = new LDAPEntry(refName,attribs); } catch (LDAPException e) { throw new SQLNamingException(e); } return entry; } public String cleanDn(String dn) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(dn); int begin,end; begin = buf.indexOf("\\"); String val; while (begin != -1) { val = (String) UnpackResults.HEX_TO_STRING.get(buf.substring(begin,begin+3)); if (val != null) { buf.replace(begin,begin+3,val); } begin = begin = buf.indexOf("\\",begin + 1); } return buf.toString(); } /** * Used to iterate through the result set * @param index Index of current row * @return * @throws SQLNamingException */ public boolean moveNext(int index) throws SQLNamingException { if (index >= this.rows.size()) { if (this.hasMoreEntries) { getNextEntry(); return this.hasMoreEntries; } else { return false; } } else { return true; } } /** * @throws SQLNamingException */ protected void getNextEntry() throws SQLNamingException { if (this.queue != null) { getNextQueue(); } else { getNextResults(); } } /** * @throws SQLNamingException */ private void getNextQueue() throws SQLNamingException { LDAPMessage message; try { message = queue.getResponse(); } catch (LDAPException e) { throw new SQLNamingException(e); } if (message instanceof LDAPSearchResult) { entry = ((LDAPSearchResult) message).getEntry(); extractEntry(dn, fromContext, buff,entry); } else if (message instanceof LDAPSearchResultReference) { LDAPSearchResultReference ref = (LDAPSearchResultReference) message; // for now, we will simply create an entry based on the referral String refName = "cn=Referral[" + ref.getReferrals()[0] + "]"; if (entry == null) { if (con.baseDN != null && con.baseDN.trim().length() >= 0) { refName += "," + fromContext; } } else { String[] parts = LDAPDN.explodeDN(entry.getDN(),false); for (int i=1,m=parts.length;i<m;i++) { refName += "," + parts[i]; } } LDAPAttribute attrib = new LDAPAttribute("ref"); String[] refUrls = ref.getReferrals(); for (int i=0,m=refUrls.length;i<m;i++) { attrib.addValue(refUrls[i]); } LDAPAttributeSet attribs = new LDAPAttributeSet(); attribs.add(attrib); entry = new LDAPEntry(refName,attribs); extractEntry(dn,fromContext, buff, entry); } else { //System.out.println("Message : " + message.getClass().getName()); LDAPResponse resp = (LDAPResponse) message; if (resp.getResultCode() == LDAPException.SUCCESS) { this.hasMoreEntries = false; } else { throw new SQLNamingException(new LDAPException(resp.getErrorMessage(),resp.getResultCode(),resp.getErrorMessage(),resp.getMatchedDN())); } } } /** * @throws SQLNamingException */ private void getNextResults() throws SQLNamingException { LDAPMessage message; if (! this.searchResults.hasMore()) { this.hasMoreEntries = false; return; } try { entry = this.searchResults.next(); if (this.con.isSPML()) { String name = entry.getDN(); entry = new LDAPEntry(name + ",ou=Users," + con.getBaseContext(),entry.getAttributeSet()); } extractEntry(dn, fromContext, buff,entry); } catch (LDAPReferralException ref) { //for now, we will simply create an entry based on the referral String refName = "cn=Referral[" + ref.getReferrals()[0] + "]"; if (entry == null) { if (con.baseDN != null && con.baseDN.trim().length() >= 0) { refName += "," + fromContext; } } else { String[] parts = LDAPDN.explodeDN(entry.getDN(),false); for (int i=1,m=parts.length;i<m;i++) { refName += "," + parts[i]; } } LDAPAttribute attrib = new LDAPAttribute("ref"); String[] refUrls = ref.getReferrals(); for (int i=0,m=refUrls.length;i<m;i++) { attrib.addValue(refUrls[i]); } LDAPAttributeSet attribs = new LDAPAttributeSet(); attribs.add(attrib); entry = new LDAPEntry(refName,attribs); extractEntry(dn,fromContext, buff, entry); } catch (LDAPException ldape) { throw new SQLNamingException(ldape); } } private String getFieldName(String name) { if (this.revMap != null) { String nname = (String) this.revMap.get(name); if (nname != null) { return nname; } } return name; } }