- Sep 09, 2002
Kurt Zeilenga authored
Kurt Zeilenga authored
Howard Chu authored
entries having ascending entry IDs. Always start from the beginning of the candidate list. (This should be fine in the general case as well, since the subtree index will also have refined the candidates.)
Howard Chu authored
Howard Chu authored
Kurt Zeilenga authored
Clarify cut-n-past in quickstart.
- Sep 08, 2002
Howard Chu authored
Howard Chu authored
Howard Chu authored
Howard Chu authored
generate dependencies. setenv MKDEP to this file before running configure.
- Sep 07, 2002
Kurt Zeilenga authored
Pierangelo Masarati authored
Howard Chu authored
Howard Chu authored
Should eliminate individual checks for pthread_yield, sched_yield, and pthread_detach, but they're left in for now as a redundant check.
Howard Chu authored
Kurt Zeilenga authored
Based, in part, from ITS#1502 submission from John Morrissey. Copyright 2001, John Morrissey (jwm at horde dot net), All rights reserved. This is free software; you can redistribute and use it under the same terms as OpenLDAP itself.
- Sep 06, 2002
Howard Chu authored
if needed. Same check for snprintf.
Howard Chu authored
Howard Chu authored
Kurt Zeilenga authored
- Sep 05, 2002
Howard Chu authored
#if'd out by default, but it works fine. Kept both for easy comparison.
Howard Chu authored
processing a search entry. Avoids O(n^2) ldap_get_values() behavior.
Howard Chu authored
Kurt Zeilenga authored
least for current callers, may need to pass it the permission level)
- Sep 04, 2002
Kurt Zeilenga authored
Kurt Zeilenga authored
Howard Chu authored
Also fixed dependencies for dynamic backends and tools.
Howard Chu authored
Kurt Zeilenga authored
Howard Chu authored
Just not for local/my cert.
Kurt Zeilenga authored
Jong Hyuk Choi authored
Howard Chu authored
- Sep 03, 2002
Pierangelo Masarati authored
Kurt Zeilenga authored
LDAP's kludged builtin substrings rules.
Kurt Zeilenga authored
Clean up syntax error reporting.
- Sep 02, 2002
Howard Chu authored
internally and we don't want to get in the way.
Kurt Zeilenga authored
Kurt Zeilenga authored
Pierangelo Masarati authored
* The original code performs ( n ) normalizations * and ( n * ( n - 1 ) / 2 ) matches, which hide * the same number of normalizations. The new code * performs the same number of normalizations ( n ) * and ( n * ( n - 1 ) / 2 ) mem compares, far less * expensive than an entire match, if a match is * equivalent to a normalization and a mem compare ... * * This is far more memory expensive than the previous, * but it can heavily improve performances when big * chunks of data are added (typical example is a group * with thousands of DN-syntax members; on my system: * for members of 5-RDN DNs, members orig bvmatch (dirty) new 1000 0m38.456s 0m0.553s 0m0.608s 2000 2m33.341s 0m0.851s 0m1.003s * Moreover, 100 groups with 10000 members each were * added in 37m27.933s (an analogous LDIF file was * loaded into Active Directory in 38m28.682s, BTW). * * Maybe we could switch to the new algorithm when * the number of values overcomes a given threshold? */