- Mar 13, 1999
Ben Collins authored
- Mar 09, 1999
Hallvard Furuseth authored
Hallvard Furuseth authored
Hallvard Furuseth authored
Hallvard Furuseth authored
Hallvard Furuseth authored
- Mar 06, 1999
Hallvard Furuseth authored
- Mar 04, 1999
Juan Gomez authored
ldapmodrdn so that it can take the newparent parameter. (Check -s option)
- Mar 01, 1999
Kurt Zeilenga authored
- Feb 22, 1999
Hallvard Furuseth authored
These functions require their arguments to be in the range of `unsigned char'.
- Feb 20, 1999
Hallvard Furuseth authored
- Feb 11, 1999
Kurt Zeilenga authored
Fix library/include paths for building "Release". Create getpass() from ud's mygetpass().
- Feb 08, 1999
Kurt Zeilenga authored
ldap commands.
- Jan 31, 1999
Kurt Zeilenga authored
openned (by ldap_open()). This allows ldap_init() to function properly!
- Jan 20, 1999
Kurt Zeilenga authored
Kurt Zeilenga authored
BerElement argument per latest IETF ldapext draft c api spec. That is, caller is solely responsible for freeing the BerElement allocated and returned by ldap_first_attribute. Update man pages accordingly. Update applications accordingly.
Kurt Zeilenga authored
- Jan 19, 1999
Kurt Zeilenga authored
Update slap_op to maintain dn and ndn (derived from conn->c_dn). Update ldbm_back_bind to return actual bound dn (including rootdn) for use in slapd_conn. Other backends use client dn. Modify other codes to use ndn (normalized uppercase dn) most everywhere. Aliasing, Suffixing and modrdn could use more work. Applied suffixing to compare and modrdn.
- Jan 14, 1999
Kurt Zeilenga authored
end of link. Basic order is: $LDFLAGS internal-libs external-libs $LIBS $LTHREAD_LIBS LTHREAD_LIBS is last as -lpthread (or equiv) must be last on many systems. LIBS is next to last as some user might have put -lpthread (or equiv) in $LIBS.
- Jan 10, 1999
Kurt Zeilenga authored
make depend, make tests, and make install all work when build directory is not the $srcdir. Also modified library handling such that -lpthread more likely to be last. WARNING: new orderring requires use of LDFLAGS to set global loader options such as -L/usr/local/lib. If you put this in LIBS, some libraries may not be found a link time. Likely broke Kerberos/LDAPD support. Don't have those in my testbed.
- Dec 29, 1998
Kurt Zeilenga authored
mutex declaration should be moved from slapd/main.c to slapd/init.c so we don't have ripple changes through slapd/tools.
Kurt Zeilenga authored
Kurt Zeilenga authored
- Dec 27, 1998
Dave Storey authored
Hallvard Furuseth authored
Hallvard Furuseth authored
- Dec 22, 1998
Dave Storey authored
Kurt Zeilenga authored
Updated other codes as needed.
- Dec 20, 1998
Kurt Zeilenga authored
- Dec 15, 1998
Dave Storey authored
- Dec 14, 1998
Dave Storey authored
Dave Storey authored
Added Password auto-generation. Added salts for md5 and sha. Rewrote make_salt(). Made ldap-devel conformity changes.
Kurt Zeilenga authored
reindentation, and use of spaces instead of tab. Diffs will be reviewed to identify and commit only functional changes as time permits. Note: this is more my fault than Dave's. I should have provided clearer guidance. Live and learn.
- Dec 12, 1998
Dave Storey authored
Added password auto-generation capability. Added Kerberos code. Updated salt generator to be much more random().
Dave Storey authored
Dave Storey authored
Dave Storey authored
Dave Storey authored
- Dec 06, 1998
Kurt Zeilenga authored
Kurt Zeilenga authored