Added slapd ordering for uidNumber and gidNumber (ITS#6852)
Fixed slapd segfault when adding values out of order (ITS#6858)
Fixed slapd-bdb with slapadd/index quick option (ITS#6853)
Fixed libldap/lberl/util if/else usage (ITS#6832)
Fixed Windows odbc32 detection (ITS#6125)
OpenLDAP 2.4.24 Release (2011/02/10)
Added MozNSS support (ITS#6714,ITS#6742,ITS#6790,ITS#6791)
Added MozNSS support (ITS#6802,ITS#6811,ITS#6816,ITS#5696)
Added libldap cert x500UniqueIdentifier handling (ITS#6741)
Added libldap_r,libldap formal concurrency API (ITS#6625,ITS#5421)
Added slapcat continue mode for problematic DBs (ITS#6482)
Added slapd-meta paged results control forwarding (ITS#6664)
Added slapo-sssvlv multiple sorts per connection (ITS#6686)
Added contrib/autogroup LDAP URI with attribute filter (ITS#6536)
Added contrib/kinit for kerberos tickets
Added contrib/noopsrch for entry counting (ITS#6598)
Fixed slapd sortvals of attributes with 1 value (ITS#6715)
Fixed slapd syncrepl refresh to use complete cookie (ITS#6807)
Fixed slapd-bdb entry cache delete failure (ITS#6577)
Fixed slapd-bdb entry cache leak on multi-core systems (ITS#6660)
Fixed slapd-meta anon retry with failed auth method (ITS#6643)
Fixed slapd-monitor hasSubordinates generation (ITS#6712)
Fixed slapd-sock missing newline in Compare operation (ITS#6809)
Fixed slapo-dynlist Compare operation (ITS#6752)
Fixed slapo-memberof with an empty groupOfNames (ITS#6670)
Fixed slapo-ppolicy don't update opattrs on consumers (ITS#6608)
Fixed slapo-ppolicy to allow userPassword deletion (ITS#6620)
Fixed slapo-refint when last group member is deleted (ITS#6663)
Fixed slapo-rwm crasher (ITS#6632,ITS#6727)
Fixed slapo-sssvlv to not advertise when unused (ITS#6647)
Fixed slapo-syncprov to send error if consumer is newer (ITS#6606)
Fixed slapo-syncprov filter race condition (ITS#6708)
Fixed slapo-syncprov to refresh if context is dirty (ITS#6710)
Fixed slapo-syncprov CSN updates to all replicas (ITS#6718)
Fixed contrib/autogroup install location (ITS#6684)
Fixed contrib/autogroup crash with ppolicy (ITS#6684)
Fixed contrib/autogroup with non-DN URIs (ITS#6684)
Fixed contrib/autogroup with memberOf overlay (ITS#6684)
Fixed contrib/cloak when returning multiple entries (ITS#6762)
Fixed contrib/nssov to only close socket on shutdown (ITS#6676)
Fixed libldap unnecessary ifdef's (ITS#6603)
ldap.conf(5) GnuTLS cipher spec info (ITS#6525)
slapd.conf(5) GnlTLS cipher spec info (ITS#6525)
slapd.conf(5) multi-listener support (ITS#6780)
slapd-config(5) GnuTLS cipher spec info (ITS#6525)
slapd-config(5) multi-listener support (ITS#6780)
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