Fixed libldap descriptor leak (ITS#6929)
Fixed libldap socket leak (ITS#6930)
Fixed slapd syncrepl crash with non-replicated ops (ITS#6892)
Fixed slapd-sql length of data type (ITS#6657,ITS#6691)
Added slapo-accesslog filter matching (ITS#6815)
Fixed slapo-accesslog with invalid attrs (ITS#6819)
Added slapo-auditlog connID and peername logging (ITS#6936)
Fixed slapo-memberof with accesslog (ITS#6329,ITS#6766,ITS#6915)
Fixed slapo-pcache with '1.1', '+', and '*' attrs (ITS#6950)
Fixed slapo-pcache buffersize issues (ITS#6951)
Fixed slapo-rwm with attributes with no equality rule (ITS#6943)
Fixed slapo-unique filter with zero-length values (ITS#6901)
Added contrib/acl GSS naming extensions ACL module
Fixed contrib/smbk5pwd with shadowLastChange (ITS#6955)
Build Environment
Fixed builds that do not have GETTIMEOFDAY (ITS#6885)
slapd-backends(5) update recommended database backend (ITS#6904)
slapd-bdb(5) update recommended database backend (ITS#6904)
slapd-hdb(5) update recommended database backend (ITS#6904)
Added slapd ordering for uidNumber and gidNumber (ITS#6852)
Fixed slapd segfault when adding values out of order (ITS#6858)
Fixed slapd-bdb with slapadd/index quick option (ITS#6853)
Fixed libldap/lberl/util if/else usage (ITS#6832)
Fixed Windows odbc32 detection (ITS#6125)
OpenLDAP 2.4.24 Release (2011/02/10)
Added MozNSS support (ITS#6714,ITS#6742,ITS#6790,ITS#6791)
Added MozNSS support (ITS#6802,ITS#6811,ITS#6816,ITS#5696)
Added libldap cert x500UniqueIdentifier handling (ITS#6741)
Added libldap_r,libldap formal concurrency API (ITS#6625,ITS#5421)
Added slapcat continue mode for problematic DBs (ITS#6482)
Added slapd-meta paged results control forwarding (ITS#6664)
Added slapo-sssvlv multiple sorts per connection (ITS#6686)
Added contrib/autogroup LDAP URI with attribute filter (ITS#6536)
Added contrib/kinit for kerberos tickets
Added contrib/noopsrch for entry counting (ITS#6598)
Fixed slapd matching rules for strict ordering (ITS#6722)
Fixed slapd sortvals of attributes with 1 value (ITS#6715)
Fixed slapd syncrepl uninitialized return code (ITS#6719)
Fixed slapd syncrepl refresh to use complete cookie (ITS#6807)
Fixed slapd-bdb entry cache delete failure (ITS#6577)
Fixed slapd-bdb entry cache leak on multi-core systems (ITS#6660)
Fixed slapd-meta anon retry with failed auth method (ITS#6643)
Fixed slapd-monitor hasSubordinates generation (ITS#6712)
Fixed slapd-sock missing newline in Compare operation (ITS#6809)
Fixed slapo-dynlist Compare operation (ITS#6752)
Fixed slapo-memberof with an empty groupOfNames (ITS#6670)
Fixed slapo-ppolicy don't update opattrs on consumers (ITS#6608)
Fixed slapo-ppolicy to allow userPassword deletion (ITS#6620)
Fixed slapo-refint when last group member is deleted (ITS#6663)
Fixed slapo-rwm crasher (ITS#6632,ITS#6727)
Fixed slapo-sssvlv to not advertise when unused (ITS#6647)
Fixed slapo-syncprov to send error if consumer is newer (ITS#6606)
Fixed slapo-syncprov filter race condition (ITS#6708)
Fixed slapo-syncprov to refresh if context is dirty (ITS#6710)
Fixed slapo-syncprov CSN updates to all replicas (ITS#6718)
Fixed slapo-syncprov mincsn check with MMR (ITS#6717)
Fixed contrib/autogroup install location (ITS#6684)
Fixed contrib/autogroup crash with ppolicy (ITS#6684)
Fixed contrib/autogroup with non-DN URIs (ITS#6684)
Fixed contrib/autogroup with memberOf overlay (ITS#6684)
Fixed contrib/cloak when returning multiple entries (ITS#6762)
Fixed contrib/nssov to only close socket on shutdown (ITS#6676)
Fixed libldap unnecessary ifdef's (ITS#6603)
ldap.conf(5) GnuTLS cipher spec info (ITS#6525)
slapd.conf(5) GnlTLS cipher spec info (ITS#6525)
slapd.conf(5) multi-listener support (ITS#6780)
slapd-config(5) GnuTLS cipher spec info (ITS#6525)
slapd-config(5) multi-listener support (ITS#6780)
Fixed slapd-bdb to use memcpy instead for strcpy (ITS#6474)
Fixed slapo-rwm to use Debug (ITS#6566)
Fixed slapo-sssvlv to use Debug (ITS#6566)
Fixed slapo-syncprov lost deletes in refresh phase (ITS#6555)
Build Environment
Fixed test043 attribute sorting (ITS#6553)
slapd-config(5) note default rootdn (ITS#6546)
Added slapd SLAP_SCHEMA_EXPOSE flag for hidden schema elements (ITS#6435)
Quanah Gibson-Mount
Added slapo-pbind
Fixed slapd to ignore controls with unrecognized flags (ITS#6480)
Fixed slapd entry ownership (ITS#5340)
Fixed slapd syncrepl for attributes with no matching rule (ITS#6458)
Fixed slapd syncrepl for unknown attrs and delta-sync (ITS#6473)
Fixed slapo-accesslog to not replicate internal purges (ITS#6519)
Fixed slapd-bdb contextCSN updates from updatedn (ITS#6469)
Fixed slapo-collect entry ownership (ITS#5340,ITS#6423)
Fixed slapo-dynlist entry ownership (ITS#5340,ITS#6423)
Fixed slapo-rwm olcRwmMap handling (ITS#6436)
Fixed slapo-valsort entry ownership (ITS#5340,ITS#6423)
Quanah Gibson-Mount
Fixed contrib/nssov to use nss-pam-ldapd (ITS#6488)
Build Environment
Added back-ldif, back-null test support (ITS#5810)
admin24 avoid explicit moduleload statements (ITS#6486)
slapd.access(5) val.regex explanation (ITS#5804)
Fixed slapd global settings to work without restart (ITS#6428)
Fixed slapo-dynlist behavior with simple filters (ITS#6421)
Fixed slapd-ldif access outside database directory (ITS#6414)
Fixed meta regression test (ITS#6418)
slapd-meta(5) Note deprecated functions (ITS#6424)
Fixed liblber embedded NUL values in BerValues (ITS#6353)
Fixed liblber to return failure on certain failures (ITS#6344)
Fixed libldap sasl buffer sizing (ITS#6327,ITS#6334)
Added slapd syncrepl contextCSN storing in subentry (ITS#6373)
Fixed slapd with embedded \0 in bervals (ITS#6378,ITS#6379)
Fixed slapd RID range to be decimal only (ITS#6394)
Fixed slapd tls_accept to retry in certain cases (ITS#6304)
Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb cache corruption (ITS#6341)
Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb entry cache (ITS#6360)
Fixed slapo-accesslog ensure CSNs are normalized (ITS#6400)
Fixed slapo-syncprov psearch with stale cookie (ITS#6397)
slapd.conf(5) note hex server IDs (ITS#6297)
slapd-config(5) note hex server IDs (ITS#6297)
Fixed slapadd to warn about missing attrs for replicas (ITS#6281)
Fixed slapd-ldap with strong binds with relay/translucent (ITS#6296)
Build Environment
Fixed --enable-deref support (ITS#6311)
Fixed contrib/autogroup default libtool path (ITS#6284)
Fixed libldap native getpass usage (ITS#4643)
Fixed libldap tls_check_hostname for OpenSSL and MozNSS (ITS#6239)
Fixed slapd allow mirrormode to be set to FALSE (ITS#5946)
Fixed slapd certificate list parsing (ITS#6241)
Fixed slapd dncachesize behavior to unlimited by default (ITS#6222)
Fixed slapd incorrectly applying writetimeout when not set (ITS#6220)
Fixed slapd with duplicate empty lines for olcDbConfig (ITS#6240)
Fixed slapd syncrepl decrement on possible NULL value (ITS#6256)
Fixed slapd uninitialized SlapReply components (ITS#6101)
Fixed slapd-monitor stats with glued subordinates (ITS#6243)
Fixed slapd-relay response/cleanup callback mismatch (ITS#6154)
Fixed slapo-pcache multiple enhancements (ITS#6152,ITS#5178)
Fixed slapo-ppolicy updating operational attributes (ITS#6265)
Fixed liblutil for _GNU_SOURCE (ITS#5464,ITS#5666)
Fixed slapd abandon/cancel handling for some ops (ITS#6157)
Fixed slapd connection_destroy assert (ITS#6089)
Fixed slapd moduleload with static backends and modules (ITS#6016)
Fixed slapd normalization of updated schema attributes (ITS#5540)
Fixed slapd pagedresults stacked control with overlays (ITS#6056)
Fixed slapd password-hash incorrect limit on arg length (ITS#6139)
Fixed slapd sending cancelled operations results (ITS#6103)
Fixed slapd some abandon and cancel race conditions (ITS#6104)
Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb adjust dncachesize if too low (ITS#6176)
Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb multiple olcIndex for same attr (ITS#6196)
Fixed slapd-hdb freeing of already freed entries (ITS#6074)
Fixed slapd-hdb entryinfo cleanup (ITS#6088)
Fixed slapd-hdb dncache lockups (ITS#6095)
Fixed slapd-ldap deadlock with non-responsive TLS URIs (ITS#6167)
Fixed slapd-relay to return failure on failure (ITS#5328)
Fixed slapd-sql with BACKSQL_ARBITRARY_KEY defined (ITS#6100)
Fixed slapo-collect missing equality match rule (ITS#6075)
Fixed slapo-ppolicy to honor pwdLockout (ITS#6168)
Fixed slapo-ppolicy to return check modules error message (ITS#6082)
Fixed slapo-refint refint_repair handling (ITS#6056)
Added slapo-rwm rwm-drop-unrequested-attrs config option (ITS#6057)
Fixed slapo-rwm dn passing (ITS#6070)
Fixed slapo-rwm entry free (ITS#6058)
Fixed contrib/smbk5pwd use of private functions (ITS#5535)
Build Environment
Added test056-monitor (ITS#5540)
Added test057-memberof-refint (ITS#5395)
Fixed winsock detection for windows (ITS#6102, ITS#6078)
Removed GSSAPI configure option (ITS#6091,ITS#6092,ITS#6093,ITS#5369)
admin24 slapd.conf to cn=config conversion process (ITS#6060)
man page consistency fixes (ITS#6023)
ldapcompare(1) note -e option (ITS#6107)
ldapdelete(1) note -e option (ITS#6107)
ldapmodify(1) note -e option (ITS#6107)
ldapmodrdn(1) note -e option (ITS#6107)
ldapurl(1) note -e option (ITS#6107)
ldapwhoami(1) note -e option (ITS#6107)
ldap.conf(5) improve sizelimit/timelimit limits (ITS#6127)
slapd.conf(5) pidfile/argsfile description fix (ITS#5975)
slapd-config(5) pidfile/argsfile description fix (ITS#5975)
slapo-unique(5) explicitly note rootdn requirement (ITS#6108)
Fixed libldap GnuTLS with x509v1 CA certs (ITS#5992)
Fixed libldap GnuTLS with CA chains (ITS#5991)
Fixed libldap peer cert double free (ITS#5849)
Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb with slapcat with empty dn (ITS#6006)
Fixed slapd-ldap incorrect referral handling (ITS#6003,ITS#5916)
Fixed slapd-ldap/meta with broken AD results (ITS#5977)
Fixed slapd-ldap/meta with invalid attrs again (ITS#5959)
Fixed slapo-accesslog interaction with ppolicy (ITS#5979)
Fixed slapo-syncprov sending cookies without CSN (ITS#6024)
Build Environment
Cleaned up alloc/free functions for Windows (ITS#6005)
admin24 clarified MMR URI requirements (ITS#5942,ITS#5987)
Fixed libldap alias dereferencing in C API again (ITS#5916)
Fixed slapd behavior with superior objectClasses again (ITS#5517)
Fixed slapd RFC4512 behavior with same attr in RDN (ITS#5968)
Fixed slapd syncrepl order to match on add/delete (ITS#5954)
Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb behavior with unallocatable shm (ITS#5956)
Fixed slapd-ldap/meta with entries with invalid attrs (ITS#5959)
Build Environment
Fixed tester library linking for windows (ITS#5740)
Added libldap option to disable SASL host canonicalization (ITS#5812)
Added libldap TLS_PROTOCOL_MIN (ITS#5655)
Added libldap GnuTLS support for TLS_CIPHER_SUITE (ITS#5887)
Added libldap GnuTLS setting random file (ITS#5462)
Fixed libldap interaction with GnuTLS CN IP-based matches (ITS#5789)
Fixed libldap_r slapd lockup when paused during shutdown (ITS#5841)
Added slapd TLS_PROTOCOL_MIN (ITS#5655)
Added slapd slapi_pw_find (ITS#2615,ITS#4359)
Fixed slapd behavior with superior objectClasses (ITS#5517)
Fixed slapd connection assert (ITS#5835)
Fixed slapd epoll handling (ITS#5886)
Fixed slapd manageDSAit with glue entries (ITS#5921)
Fixed slapd relax behavior with structuralObjectClass (ITS#5792)
Fixed slapd syncrepl MMR when adding new server (ITS#5850)
Fixed slapd syncrepl replication with glued DB (ITS#5866)
Fixed slapd syncrepl replication with moddn (ITS#5901)
Fixed slapd syncrepl replication with referrals (ITS#5881)
Fixed slapd syncrepl replication with config tree (ITS#5935)
Fixed slapd-ldap idassert-bind validity checking (ITS#5863)
Fixed slapd-ldap/meta RFC4525 increment support (ITS#5912)
Fixed slapd-ldap/meta with intermediate response (ITS#5931)
Fixed slapd-ldif numerous bugs (ITS#5408)
Fixed slapd-ldif rename on same DN (ITS#5319)
Fixed slapd-ldif deadlock (ITS#5329)
Fixed slapo-dynlist handling of flags (ITS#5898)
Fixed slapo-memberof multiple instantiation (ITS#5903)
Updated test017,test018,test019 to cover more cases (ITS#5883)
Removed patch for BerkeleyDB 4.7.25 (Official patch available)
Fixed gss detection on Solaris (ITS#5846)
Fixed uuid_create/uuid_unparse_lower detection (ITS#5905)
admin24 added limits chapter (ITS#5818)
admin24 access-control clarify global ACLS (ITS#5851,ITS#5852)
slapd-bdb/hdb expansion on dncachesize behavior (ITS#5721)
slap*(8) man pages should mention slapd-config (ITS#5828)
slapadd/cat/index(8) note -n 0 for slapd-config (ITS#5891)
Added SEE ALSO slapd-config(5) to relevant man pages (ITS#5914)
Fixed libldap interaction with GnuTLS CN IP-based matches (ITS#5789)
Fixed slapd acl checks on ADD (ITS#4556,ITS#5723)
Fixed slapd acl application to newly created backends (ITS#5572)
Fixed slapd #if/#elif issues in thread includes (ITS#5824)
Added slapd keyword add_content_acl for add checks (ITS#4556,ITS#5723)
Fixed slapd overlay/database open with real structure (ITS#5724)
Fixed slapd parsing of read entry control (ITS#5741)
Added slapd private databases in global overlays (ITS#5735,ITS#5736)
Fixed slapd rdn generation when it isn't specified (ITS#5819)
Fixed slapd statslog printing of released entry (ITS#5775)
Added slapd support for certificateListExactMatch (ITS#5700)
Fixed slapd syncrepl MOD of attrs with no EQ rule (ITS#5781)
Added slapd-bdb/hdb dbpagesize keyword
Added slapd-bdb/hdb checksum keyword
Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb lookup of entryDN with equality (ITS#5791)
Fixed slapd-ldap snprintf buffer overflow test (ITS#4467)
Fixed slapo-chain/translucent back-config support (ITS#5736)
Fixed slapo-chain segv with search references (ITS#5742)
Fixed slapo-collect compile with C89 (ITS#5747)
Added slapo-constraint support for LDAP URI constraints (ITS#5704)
Added slapo-constraint support for constraining rename (ITS#5703)
Added slapo-constraint support for relax control (ITS#5705)
Added slapo-translucent try local bind when remote fails (ITS#5656)
Added slapo-translucent support for PasswordModify exop (ITS#5656)
Fixed contrib nssov crash on empty groups (ITS#5800)
Fixed contrib nssov crash with nssov-map (ITS#5801)
Added contrib smbk5pwd honor principal expiration (ITS#5766)
Build Environment
Added ldapurl command
Added slapd GSSAPI refactoring (ITS#5369)
admin24 added olcLimits to example (ITS#5746)
slapd.conf,config(5) subordinate/olcSubordinate keyword (ITS#5788)
slapd.conf(5) fixed disable keyword for limits (ITS#5821)
OpenLDAP 2.4.12 Release (2008/10/12)
Fixed liblutil microsecond overflows on Windows (ITS#5668)
Fixed slapd config backend with index greater than sibs (ITS#5684)
Fixed slapd connection events enabled twice (ITS#5725)
Fixed slapd runqueue checking (ITS#5726)
Fixed slapd syncrepl runqueue interval (ITS#5719)
Fixed slapd-bdb entry return if attr not present (ITS#5650)
Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb release search entries earlier (ITS#5728,ITS#5730)
Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb subtree search with empty suffix (ITS#5729)
Fixed slapd-ldap,slapd-meta invalid filter behavior (ITS#5614)
Fixed slapo-accesslog entryCSN generation on purge (ITS#5694)
Fixed slapo-dynlist expansion with mapped attributes (ITS#5717)
Fixed slapo-pcache caching with invalid schema (ITS#5680)
Fixed slapo-ppolicy control return on password modify exop (ITS#5711)
Fixed slapo-translucent filter usage on merged entries (ITS#5679)
Build Environment
Fixed ODBC library detection (ITS#5602)
Removed pre-BerkeleyDB 4.4 support
Added BerkeleyDB 4.7 support (ITS#5523)
Included patch for BerkeleyDB 4.7.25 (build/db.4.7.25.patch)
Added slapd-ldap(5), slapd-meta(5) noundeffilter (ITS#5614)
Fixed slapd-ldap(5), slapd-meta(5), slapo-pcache(5) schema requirements (ITS#5680)
Added slapo-pcache(5) proxycheckcacheability option (ITS#5680)
Fixed slapd check for structural_class failures (ITS#5540)
Fixed slapd equality rules for olcRootDN/olcSchemaDN (ITS#5540)
Fixed slapd syncrepl updates with multiple masters (ITS#5597)
Fixed slapd syncrepl superior objectClass delete/add (ITS#5600)
Fixed slapd syncrepl/slapo-syncprov contextCSN updates as internal ops (ITS#5596)
Added slapd-ldap/slapd-meta option to filter out search references (ITS#5593)
Fixed slapo-pcache handling of negative search caches (ITS#5546)
Fixed slapo-syncprov full reload (ITS#5564)
Fixed slapo-syncprov missing olcSpReloadHint attr(ITS#5591)
Build Environment
Fixed test048 to skip if threads is not available (ITS#5529)
Added slapo-pcache(5) sizelimit caching (ITS#5559)
Fixed libldap file descriptor leak with SELinux (ITS#5507)
Fixed libldap ld_defconn cleanup if it was freed (ITS#5518, ITS#5525)
Fixed slapd initialization of sr_msgid, rs->sr_tag (ITS#5461)
Fixed slapd missing termination of integerFilter keys (ITS#5503)
Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb MAXPATHLEN (ITS#5531)
Fixed slapd-ldap entry_get() op-dependent behavior (ITS#5513)
Quanah Gibson-Mount
Fixed slapo-refint to allow setting modifiers name (ITS#5505)
Fixed slapo-syncprov contextCSN passing on syncprov consumers (ITS#5488)
Fixed slapo-syncprov csn update with delta-syncrepl (ITS#5493)
Fixed slapo-syncprov op2.o_extra reset (ITS#5501, #5506)
Fixed slapo-syncprov sending ops without queued CSNs (ITS#5465)
Fixed slapo-syncprov max csn search on startup (ITS#5537)
Add search privileges documentation (ITS#5512)
Fixed libldap error message for missing close paren (ITS#5458)
Fixed libldap_r tpool pause checks (ITS#5364, #5407)
Fixed slapd abstract objectClass inheritance check (ITS#5474)
Fixed slapd add operations requiring naming attrs (ITS#5412)
Fixed slapd delta-syncrepl resync (ITS#5378)
Fixed slapd sets attribute description parsing (ITS#5402)
Fixed slapd syncrepl hang on back-config (ITS#5407)
Fixed slapd syncrepl compare_csns crash (ITS#5413)
Fixed slapd syncrepl contextCSN update clash (ITS#5426)
Fixed slapd syncrepl/glue failure (ITS#5430)
Fixed slapd syncrepl crash on empty CSN (ITS#5432)
Fixed slapd syncrepl refreshAndPersist (ITS#5454)
Fixed slapd-bdb entryinfo state if db_lock fails (ITS#5455)
Fixed slapd-ldif file name handling & multi-suffix/dir catch (ITS#5408)
Fixed slapo-accesslog null callback stack crash (ITS#5490)
Added slapo-dynlist mapping to dynamic attrs generation (ITS#5466)
Fixed slapo-refint global referential integrity (ITS#5428)
Fixed slapo-syncprov psearch on closed connection (ITS#5401)
Fixed slapo-syncprov psearch task delay (ITS#5405)
Fixed slapo-syncprov psearch filter identity (ITS#5418, #5486)
Fixed slapo-syncprov/glue contextCSN update (ITS#5433)
Fixed slapo-syncprov/glue search ops (ITS#5434)
Fixed slapo-syncprov null cookie (ITS#5437,#5444)
Fixed slapo-syncprov double-free (ITS#5445)
Fixed slapo-syncprov free syncop correctly (ITS#5484)
Fixed slapo-syncprov glue deadlock (ITS#5451)
Build Environment
Fixed leave function naming for OSF1 (ITS#5411)
Fixed slapd.access(5) authz-regexp documented behavior (ITS#5400)
Fixed ldapdelete with sizelimit (ITS#5294)
Fixed ldapdelete with subentries control (ITS#5293)