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Commit 884d6832 authored by Kurt Spanier's avatar Kurt Spanier
Browse files

Initial revision

parent 1c52d431
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with 1737 additions and 0 deletions
* *
* *
* Function:..A short description of the last modifications of TWEB *
* *
* *
* *
* Authors:...Dr. Kurt Spanier & Bernhard Winkler, *
* Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung, Bereich Entwicklung *
* neuer Dienste, Universitaet Tuebingen, GERMANY *
* *
* Creation date: Z D D V V *
* September 14 1995 Z D D V V *
* Last modification: Z D D V V *
* January 15 1999 ZZZZ DDD V *
* *
Changes of the web-x.500-gateway TWEB
Version: tweb-2.3 1998/10/05
Changes to code
- dynamic re-sort and re-display based on entries found in the DIT:
SORT definitions given by config files can be changed due to
local information within a DIT area; that provides for dynamic
definitions of sorting groups and/or display of groups with new
labels and/or other sorting order;
DISPLAY definitions can be replaced or added dynamically, in order
to display contents of entries in other than the statically
configured way
Version: tweb-2.2 1998/3/20
Changes in configuration files (please check!)
- INDEX-URL (new): display hrefs below a certain dit showing special parts
of the entry-dn in any sequence
- DIT-CONFIG (new): get from a specified location the information how to
switch to other gateways depending on the given dn.
With NOT-BROWSE you can turn of this functionality for browsing.
- DISP-SEA-RDN (new): with this option you can make search-results to be
displayed only by rdn and not by relative dn to the search-base
- TON-URLS (new): hereby you can reference a given organization/alunit
by TONS (special numbers for organizational hirarchies)
example: T013307 can mean:
computing centre, dept. development of new services
- INDIRECT-ATTRS (new): attribute-value can be fetched by special keys from
other locations and additional be transformed by according
now regular expressions are used. That means you have shorter
config strings.
- ALLOW-MSG (new): by this option you can specify a special file located
in the ETCDIRectorie containing a message to be displayed
in case of an allowed access to TWEB
- TABLES (new): triggered by the presence of a special objectclass
will be displayed a button in the header of the TWEB-page
allowing an eXtended data access such as:
a table with names, telephonenumbers and e-mail addresses
of the current organization
or the access to the electronic telephonebook-data
of the university of tuebingen generated by TWEB
Version: tweb-2.0a 1997/1/7
Changes in configuration files (please check!)
- PULL-DOWN-MENUS (new): use BUTTONS and PULL-DOWN-MENUS instead of links
in order to support: help, language-switch, move-upwards
and read-entry functionalities
- GRANT (new): allow general access to TWEB for specified locations
( same syntax as ALLOW-STRING )
- REFUSE (new): refuse general access to TWEB for specified locations
( same syntax as DENY-STRING )
- INDIRECT-ATTRS (new): Get specified attribute-values from another
- CACHING-TERMS (new): specify caching-behaviour for browsers and www-caches
- CACHE-EXPIRE-DEFAULT (new): set a default caching-time for browsers
and www-caches
- SHOW-DEFOC (new): Show Default Objectclass
- COMREFUSE (new): prevent engine-access
- robots.txt (new): supply robots.txt-file functionality with the same
behaviour as in www-servers
Version: tweb-1.1b 1996/5/7
Changes in configuration files (please check!)
- STRICT-BASEDN (new): Access not below basedn is switched to responsible
gateway ( -> gw-switch)
- ALLOW-PROXY (new): if NO-PROXY is configured access from
given domain is allowed
Version: tweb-1.1a, 1996/4/25
Changes in configuration files (please check!)
- SORT extensions: fourth parameter RELATED DISPLAY-CLASS:
relation to according DISPLAY-entry
(default is 'default')
see DISPLAY changes
fifth parameter SORT-ATTRIBUTE:
attribute used to sort entries
(default is 'sn')
- DISPLAY changes: The DISPLAY objectClass entry is replaced by the string
that is used as fifth attribute with SORT
- NO-PROXY (new): option for access restrictions via PROXY-servers
- TWEBHOST (new): option to support a constant tweb-hostname
- NO-MODIFY (new): option to prevent entries with named objectclasses from
- PGPKEY (new): DISPLAY-TYPE for PGPKeys enabling cut&paste
Changes to code
- conversion from upper to lowercase characters in:
make_oc_to_str(), pick_oc(), init_sort(), init_modify(),
attrs in display() and all internal comparison-strings!!!
- modification with multiline attributes now possible with NETSCAPE
- pictures in X.500 are shown (only with NETSCAPE)
- display is denied in do_read() in case of missing default-Display
- technical entries (gw...) are not shown if using DYNAMIC-GW
- the tokens to filter proxy-access with NO_PROXY are extended to:
" via " & "Proxy gateway"
- the tweb-version and compilation date is now shown with C & K options
- many bugfixes
Version: tweb-1.0b, 1996/2/29
Changes in configuration files (please check!)
- ALLOW/DENY-String moved from tweb.conf.[01] to tweb.rc
- tweb.lang.[01]: string 4 TEXT/HTML --> text/html
- tweb.rc : optional parameter TWEBHOST (see FEATURE-LIST)
Changes to code
- better behaviour in modify operations
BEWARE: modification of inherited attributes still NOT possible (!)
- logging-option (-l) with facultative parameter: LOCAL[0-7] of syslogd
-lx --> LOCAL3 (default)
- simplified metasyntax of GW-switches:
labeledURI= http://<host>:<port>/ <descriptive string> (gw[-<lang>])
- use 'aliasedObjectName' in HREF of aliases
- always print HTML header
- many bugfixes
Version: tweb-1.0a, 1996/2/7
- base distibution
Copyright (c) 1994 - 1999 University of Tuebingen, Germany.
Written by Kurt Spanier and Bernhard Winkler. All rights reserved.
This software is not subject to any license of the University of
Tuebingen, Germany.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose
on any computer system, and to alter it and redistribute it, subject
to the following restrictions:
1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of this
software, no matter how awful, even if they arise from flaws in it.
2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by
explicit claim or by omission. Since few users ever read sources,
credits should appear in the documentation.
3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software. Since few users
ever read sources, credits should appear in the documentation.
4. This notice may not be removed or altered.
This work is derived from the Technical University of Chemnitz web500gw
by Frank Richter. Information concerning is available at
web500gw is itself derived from the University of Michigan go500gw
by Tim Howes. Information concerning is available at
This work also contains materials derived from public sources:
ch_malloc.c, charray.c, dn.c from the University of Michigan LDAPv3.3,
with some minor bug fixes.
regular.c from the University of Toronto regexp by Henry Spencer,
with renaming of functions for not colliding with putative
build-in regexp functions in the underlying LDAP libraries,
as well as minor modifications.
The original software can be obtained from, and
Additional Information can be obtained by sending e-mail to:
Portions Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Chemnitz University of Technology.
All rights reserved.
A LDAP based WWW - X.500 gateway
written by: Frank Richter,
Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany, 1994-1998
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
to the Technical University of Chemnitz. The name of the University
may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
software without specific prior written permission. This software
is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
Portions Copyright (c) 1992-1996 Regents of the University of Michigan.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The name of the University
may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
software without specific prior written permission. This software
is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
Portions Copyright (c) 1986 by University of Toronto.
Written by Henry Spencer. Not derived from licensed software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely,
subject to the following restrictions:
1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of
this software, no matter how awful, even if they arise
from defects in it.
2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either
by explicit claim or by omission.
3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
be misrepresented as being the original software.
This diff is collapsed.
With the information provided by this file you should be able to start
an initial version of TWEB. Please follow the steps below:
1. Copy the distribution Makefile onto Makefile:
> cp Makefile.openldap Makefile
2. Edit the Makefile. You have to change the variables in the first block of
the file to your appropriate settings:
> vi Makefile
3. Now type in make:
> make
This should make a binary called tweb whithout severe problems
4. Running the TWEB www-x500 gateway
4.1. Testing the newly compiled binary
Copy the tweb binary to the sub-directory TWEB_conFiles and
change to that directory:
> cp tweb TWEB_conFiles
> cd TWEB_conFiles
Copy the config files with extension .dist to their respective
> cp tweb.rc.dist tweb.rc
> cp tweb.conf.0.dist tweb.conf.0
> cp tweb.conf.1.dist tweb.conf.1
> cp tweb.lang.0.dist tweb.lang.0
> cp tweb.lang.1.dist tweb.lang.1
Edit tweb.rc to adjust the variables in the
first block to your appropriate settings:
> vi tweb.rc
Run TWEB with language 0 and 1 (i.e., german and english)
> ./tweb -L01
This will run two TWEB server processes, one for german language, the
other for english language, whithout syslog logging;
you can assess them with your WWW browser by giving the URL
4.2. Adapting TWEB to your local requirements
When you reached this point you have a running TWEB with basic
functionality. Have a look to the FEATURE-LIST file for a
description of all features, TWEB does provide. The least, you
might want to change are the several header and footer files
in order to build up your organizational identity with TWEB.
But check also the security features, and the performance (i.e.,
load balancing) features. By setting the respective parameters,
TWEB can provide for a very special appearance with local require-
ments enforced as far as possible. Should you want more reasonable
features, please don't hesitate to contact the development team.
Have fun,
TWEB development team, Tuebingen, September, 9th, 1999
<strong>Datei: LDAP_etc/allow.msg.0<br>
Achtung</strong>: Dies ist eine Meldung, die nur dem authorisierten
Nutzer angezeigt wird !!!
<strong>File: LDAP_etc/allow.msg.1<br>
Attention</strong>: This message will only be shown to the
permitted user.
# ldap filter file
# lines like this that start with # or empty lines are ignored
# syntax:
# <tag>
# <pattern1> <delimiters> <filter1-1> <desc1-1> [<scope>]
# <filter1-2> <desc1-2> [<scope>]
# <pattern2> <delimiters> <filter2-1> <desc2-1> [<scope>] ...
# The "desc" should describe the filter and it should correctly complete
# both of the following phrases:
# One <desc> match was found for...
# Three <desc> matches were found for...
# The scope is optional, and should be one of:
# "base"
# "onelevel"
# "subtree"
# if it is included.
"finger and go500 and go500gw subtree and rp500 and rcpt500"
"=" " " "%v" "arbitrary filter"
"^[0-9][0-9\-]*$" " " "(telephoneNumber=*%v)" "phone number"
"@" " " "(mail=%v)" "email address"
"(mail=%v*)" "start of email address"
"^.[\. _].*" ". _" "(cn=%v1* %v2-)" "first initial"
".*[. _].$" ". _" "(cn=%v1-*)" "last initial"
"[. _]" ". _" "(|(sn=%v1-)(cn=%v1-))" "exact"
"(|(sn~=%v1-)(cn~=%v1-))" "approximate"
".*" ". " "(|(cn=%v1)(sn=%v1)(uid=%v1))" "exact"
"(|(cn~=%v1)(sn~=%v1))" "approximate"
"web500gw subtree"
"=" " " "%v" "arbitrary filter"
"^[0-9][0-9\-]*$" " " "(|(telephoneNumber=*%v)(facsimileTelephoneNumber=*%v))" "phone number"
"@" " " "(mail=%v)" "email address"
"(mail=%v*)" "start of email address"
"^.[\. _].*" ". _" "(cn=%v1* %v2-)" "first initial"
".*[. _].$" ". _" "(cn=%v1-*)" "last initial"
# "[. _]" ". _" "(|(sn=%v1-)(cn=%v1-))" "exact"
# "(|(sn~=%v1-)(cn~=%v1-))" "approximate"##
# ".*" ". " "(|(cn=%v1)(sn=%v1))" "exact"
# "(|(cn~=%v1)(sn~=%v1))" "approximate"#
# Neue Einstellungen 970127 KPG:
"[oO][xX]:.*" ":" "(|(ou=%v2-))" "exact"
"[xX][oO]:.*" ":" "(|(ou=%v2-))" "exact"
"[oO]:.*" ":" "(|(ou=%v2-))" "exact"
"(|(ou~=%v2-))" "approximate"
"[xX]:.*[. _].*" ":" "(|(cn=%v2%v3%v4-))" "exact"
"[xX]:.*" ":" "(|(sn=%v2-))" "exact"
"[. _]" ". _" "(|(cn=%v))" "exact"
"(|(cn~=%v))" "approximate"
".*" ". " "(|(sn=%v))" "exact"
"(|(sn~=%v))" "approximate"
"go500gw onelevel and web500gw onelevel"
"^..$" " " "(|(o=%v)(c=%v)(l=%v)(co=%v))" "exact"
"(|(o~=%v)(c~=%v)(l~=%v)(co~=%v))" "approximate"
" " " " "(|(o=%v)(l=%v)(co=%v))" "exact"
"(|(o~=%v)(l~=%v)(co~=%v))" "approximate"
"\." " " "(associatedDomain=%v)" "exact"
".*" " " "(|(o=%v)(l=%v)(co=%v))" "exact"
"(|(o~=%v)(l~=%v)(co~=%v))" "approximate"
AU Australien
AR Argentinien
AT &Ouml;sterreich
BE Belgien
BR Brasilien
CA Kanada
HR Kroatien
CS Tschechoslowakei
CZ Tschechische Republik
DK D&auml;nemark
FI Finnland
FR Frankreich
DE Deutschland
EE Estland
GB Gro&szlig;britannien
GR Griechenland
HK Hong Kong
HU Ungarn
IS Island
IN Indien
IE Irland
IL Israel
IT Italien
JP Japan
KR Korea
LI Liechtenstein
LU Luxemburg
NL Niederlande
NZ Neuseeland
NO Norwegen
PL Polen
PT Portugal
ES Spanien
SE Schweden
CH Schweiz
RU Russische F&ouml;deration
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
SI Slowenien
SK Slowakei
SG Singapur
AU Australia
AR Argentina
AT Austria
BE Belgium
BR Brazil
CA Canada
HR Croatia
CS Czechoslovakia
CZ Czech Republic
DK Denmark
FI Finland
FR France
DE Germany
EE Estonia
GB Great Britain
GR Greece
HK Hong Kong
HU Hungary
IS Iceland
IN India
IE Ireland
IL Israel
IT Italy
JP Japan
KR Korea
LI Liechtenstein
LU Luxemburg
NL Netherlands
NZ New Zealand
NO Norway
PL Poland
PT Portugal
ES Spain
SE Sweden
CH Switzerland
RU Russian Federation
US United States of America
SI Slovenia
SK Slovakia
SG Singapore
<strong>Datei: LDAP_etc/search-only.foot.0<br>
Achtung:</strong> Dieser Text wird als Footer einer Search-Only-Seite
angezeigt !!!
<strong>File: LDAP_etc/search-only.foot.1<br>
Attention:</strong> This footer will be display'ed at the end
of a search-only page.
<strong>Datei: LDAP_etc/search-only.head.0<br>
Achtung:</strong> Dieser Text wird am Beginn einer Search-Only-Seite
angezeigt !!!
<strong>File: LDAP_etc/search-only.head.1<br>
Attention:</strong> This header will be display'ed at the beginning
of a search-only page.
<strong>Datei: LDAP_etc/tweb-base.foot.0<br>
Achtung:</strong> Diese Seite wird als Footer auf der BASEDN-Seite
angezeigt !!!
<strong>File: LDAP_etc/tweb-base.foot.1<br>
Attention:</strong> This text will be display'ed at the end of
the BASEDN page.
<strong>Datei: LDAP_etc/tweb-base.head.0<br>
Achtung:</strong> Dieser Header wird am Beginn der BASEDN-Seite
angezeigt !!!
<strong>File: LDAP_etc/tweb-base.head.1<br>
Attention:</strong> This header will be display'ed at the beginning
of the BASEDN page.
<strong>Datei: LDAP_etc/tweb.footer.0<br>
Achtung:</strong> Dieser Footer wird am Ende einer normalen
Seite unterhalb BASEDN angezeigt !!!
<strong>File: LDAP_etc/tweb.footer.1<br>
Attention:</strong> This footer will be display'ed at the end of a page
below BASEDN.
<strong>Datei: LDAP_etc/tweb.header.0<br>
Achtung:</strong> Dieser Header wird am Beginn einer Seite unterhalb
von BASEDN angezeigt !!!
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