Added slapd Add-if-not-present (ITS#6561)
Added slapd delta-syncrepl Multi-Master Replication (ITS#6734,ITS#7029,ITS#7031)
Fixed libldap TLS to not check hostname when using 'allow' (ITS#7014)
Fixed libldap MozNSS correctly destroy SSL_PeerCertificate (ITS#6980)
Fixed libldap MozNSS with issuer expiration and verify never (ITS#6998)
Fixed libldap MozNSS memory leak (ITS#7001)
Fixed libldap MozNSS allow/try behavior (ITS#7002)
Fixed slapd syncrepl crash with non-replicated ops (ITS#6892)
Fixed slapd syncrepl timeout when using refreshAndPersist (ITS#6999)
Fixed slapd to correctly validate args for TLSCertificateFile (ITS#7012)
Fixed slapd-hdb duplicate entries in subtree IDL cache (ITS#6983)
Fixed slapo-constraint conversion to back-config (ITS#6986)
Fixed slapo-lastbind so authTimestamp is manageable (ITS#6873)
Fixed slapo-ppolicy pwdAllowUserChange behavior (ITS#7021)
Fixed slapo-sssvlv issue with greaterThanorEqual (ITS#6985)
Fixed slapo-unique URI checking of "host" portion (ITS#7018)
Build Environment
Fixed build for Solaris native compilers (ITS#6992)
admin24 Fix table numbering (ITS#7003)
slapd.conf(5) Fixed TLSCACertificateFile information (ITS#7023)
ldap_sync(3) Document ldap_sync_destroy (ITS#7028)
slapo-unique(5) Fix keyword quoting (ITS#7028)
Fixed libldap MozNSS with CACertDir (ITS#6975)
Fixed libldap MozNSS with PR_SetEnv (ITS#6862)
Fixed libldap descriptor leak (ITS#6929)
Fixed libldap socket leak (ITS#6930)
Fixed tools verbose output (ITS#6977)
Fixed ldapmodify SEGV on invalid LDIF (ITS#6978)
Fixed slapd syncrepl crash with non-replicated ops (ITS#6892)
Fixed slapd-sql length of data type (ITS#6657,ITS#6691)
Added slapo-accesslog filter matching (ITS#6815)
Fixed slapo-accesslog with invalid attrs (ITS#6819)
Added slapo-auditlog connID and peername logging (ITS#6936)
Fixed slapo-memberof with accesslog (ITS#6329,ITS#6766,ITS#6915)
Fixed slapo-pcache with '1.1', '+', and '*' attrs (ITS#6950)
Fixed slapo-pcache buffersize issues (ITS#6951)
Fixed slapo-rwm with attributes with no equality rule (ITS#6943)
Fixed slapo-unique filter with zero-length values (ITS#6901)
Added contrib/acl GSS naming extensions ACL module
Fixed contrib/smbk5pwd with shadowLastChange (ITS#6955)
Build Environment
Fixed builds that do not have GETTIMEOFDAY (ITS#6885)
slapd-backends(5) update recommended database backend (ITS#6904)
slapd-bdb(5) update recommended database backend (ITS#6904)
slapd-hdb(5) update recommended database backend (ITS#6904)
Added slapd ordering for uidNumber and gidNumber (ITS#6852)
Fixed slapd segfault when adding values out of order (ITS#6858)
Fixed slapd-bdb with slapadd/index quick option (ITS#6853)
Fixed libldap/lberl/util if/else usage (ITS#6832)
Fixed Windows odbc32 detection (ITS#6125)
OpenLDAP 2.4.24 Release (2011/02/10)
Added MozNSS support (ITS#6714,ITS#6742,ITS#6790,ITS#6791)
Added MozNSS support (ITS#6802,ITS#6811,ITS#6816,ITS#5696)
Added libldap cert x500UniqueIdentifier handling (ITS#6741)
Added libldap_r,libldap formal concurrency API (ITS#6625,ITS#5421)
Added slapcat continue mode for problematic DBs (ITS#6482)
Added slapd-meta paged results control forwarding (ITS#6664)
Added slapo-sssvlv multiple sorts per connection (ITS#6686)
Added contrib/autogroup LDAP URI with attribute filter (ITS#6536)
Added contrib/kinit for kerberos tickets
Added contrib/noopsrch for entry counting (ITS#6598)
Fixed slapd matching rules for strict ordering (ITS#6722)
Fixed slapd sortvals of attributes with 1 value (ITS#6715)
Fixed slapd syncrepl uninitialized return code (ITS#6719)
Fixed slapd syncrepl refresh to use complete cookie (ITS#6807)
Fixed slapd-bdb entry cache delete failure (ITS#6577)
Fixed slapd-bdb entry cache leak on multi-core systems (ITS#6660)
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